KT Project 嶺南大學知識轉移項目
Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts: Past and Present
 1st Tour 4th July 2020
 2nd Tour Suspended
 3rd Tour Suspended
 Seminar 18th December 2020
Learn more →
This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)
2020 © Lingnan University Centre for Film and Creative Industries. All rights reserved.
KT Project 嶺南大學知識轉移項目
Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts: Past and Present
This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)
2020 © Lingnan University Centre for Film and Creative Industries. All rights reserved.
KT Project 嶺南大學知識轉移項目
Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts: Past and Present 香港早期電影院的遺址尋蹤
This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)
2020 © Lingnan University Centre for Film and Creative Industries. All rights reserved.
KT Project 嶺南大學知識轉移項目
Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts: Past and Present
This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)
2020 © Lingnan University Centre for Film and Creative Industries. All rights reserved.
KT Project Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts: Past and Present

This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)
KT Project Exploring and Trekking Hong Kong Historic Cinema Districts: Past and Present
This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)
2020 © Lingnan University Centre for Film and Creative Industries. All rights reserved.
KT Project
2020 © Lingnan University Centre for Film and Creative Industries. All rights reserved. This project, supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund), presents the findings of our research project “Screen Practices in Colonial Hong Kong” to the public interested in the history of Hong Kong or Hong Kong films, through interactive guided walking tours to Central, the historic cinema district in Hong Kong. Secondary and tertiary school teachers and students are especially welcome. Our research has identified significant historical sites of film exhibition in Hong Kong from 1897 to the early 1920s. Although most theatres in the historic cinema district were demolished, our walking tours led by the noteworthy film guide Mr Wong will connect contemporary Central with the past through historical narratives illustrated by the materials collected by our research team. To further bridge the past and the present, the historical narratives about early cinema are supplemented by contemporary Hong Kong film history, which involves history of the theatres and the development of film exhibition and reception in Hong Kong. Filming locations in the district and the corresponding films will also be introduced during the walk. 本活動是由嶺南大學「創新及效益基金支持項目」(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)資助的知識轉移項目,將研究資助局資助的研究項目「香港殖民時期的電影放映」的成果和公眾分享。活動由著名電影導遊王冠豪先生帶領參加者漫遊香港最早的中環戲院區一帶,沿途講解區內於殖民時期的電影院盛況及其背後的種種有趣故事。活動對象為對香港歷史或香港電影感興趣的公眾,特別歡迎大專、中學生及教師報名參加。 本研究發掘了1897年至1920年代這段期間,電影放映最具代表性的歷史遺跡。儘管當時的電影院都早已不存,但隨團導遊會根據計畫團隊採集的史料來敘述當時的情景,把當下的中環跟過去聯繫在一起。 活動亦會用上當代香港電影史來補充對早期電影的歷史介紹,包括電影院的轉變以及香港電影放映的發展。其中更加碼向參與者介紹中環區著名的電影拍攝場景和相關的電影作品,讓參與者於光影世界與城市發展的關係中流連往返。
*We thank the generous support of our corporate partner, The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage. 特此鳴謝合作機構長春社文化古蹟資源中心對此計劃的支持及協助。
Supported by Lingnan University Innovation and Impact Fund (sponsored by the UGC Knowledge Transfer Fund) 嶺南大學創新及效益基金支持項目(由教資會知識轉移基金贊助)