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姓名 電郵 辦公室
姓名 電郵 辦公室
黃逸朗先生 [email protected] HSHG03
林皓賢博士 [email protected] HSHG03
姓名 職位 電話 電郵 辦公室
許華集先生 導師 2616-7808 [email protected] HSHG07
楊紫茜女士 導師 2616-7808 [email protected] HSHG07
徐晓童女士 導師 2616-7808 [email protected] HSHG07
詹璦璠女士 導師 2616-7808 [email protected] HSHG07
姓名 職位 電話 電郵 辦公室
鄺詠欣女士 行政主任 2616-7881 [email protected] HSHG01
劉翠儀女士 行政主任 2616-7880 [email protected] HSHG01
許日雅女士 助理行政主任 2616-7919 [email protected] HSHG03





Prof. WONG Shuk-han, Mary 黃淑嫻教授

Associate Professor 副教授

Office: HSHG14
Tel: 2616-7886
E-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

Academic Qualifications: HonDip (HKBU); MA (Leicester); MA (East Anglia); PhD (HKU)
Research Interests:


Book 1
Scholarly Books
2014 《女性書寫:文學、電影與生活》,杭州:浙江大學出版社,2014。
2013 Hong Kong Cinema and Literature: Writer, Film and Adaptation 香港影像書寫:作家、電影與改編, Hong Kong University Press and Open University Press 香港大學出版社及公開大學出版社, Jun 2013, 200 Pages.
2013 1950s Hong Kong Literature and Culture Series (1) Leung Ping Kwan and His 1950s: A Collection of Critical Essays on Hong Kong Culture and Literature 1950 年代香港文學與文化叢書 (1) 也斯的五O年代:香港文學與文化論集, Chung Hwa Book Co. 中華書局, May 2013, 247 Pages.
2013 1950s Hong Kong Literature and Culture Series (2): A Collection of Short Stories of Evan Yang 1950 年代香港文學與文化叢書 (2) 真實現謊話:易文的都市小故事, Chung Hwa Book Co. 中華書局, May 2013, 222 Pages.
2012 Hong Kong Literature and Cinema 香港文學與電影, Hong Kong University Press and Open University Press 香港大學出版社及公開大學出版社, Jan 2012, 300 Pages.
2011 電影中的香港故事 (Hong Kong Stories inHong Kong Cinema), 香港教育圖書 (Hong Kong Education Publishing), 2011, 284 Pages.
2010 Liu Yichang and Hong Kong Modernism 劉以鬯與香港現代主義, Open University Press, Jul 2010, 236 Pages.
2008 News Writing 新聞寫作:從心出發 (co-author and co-edited), Hong Kong Education Publishing Co., 2008, 152 Pages.
2008 《新聞寫作:從心出發》(News Writing: Writing from the Heart) (co-author). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Education Publication, 2008, 152 Pages (in Chinese).
2008 《幻影香江》(Hong Kong Cinema of the 1950s and 1960s: Education Booklet for Senior Citizen) (co-author). Hong Kong: RTHK, Office of Service Learning and Centre for Humanities Research of Lingnan University, 2008, 44 Pages (in Chinese)
2005 Hong Kong Film and Literature Filmography香港文學電影片目, Lingnan University Centre for Humanities Research, 2005, 232 Pages.
1997 《女性書寫:電影與文學》(Feminine Writing in Film and Literature), Hong Kong: Youth Literary Bookstore and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 240 Pages (in Chinese).

Book 2
Book Chapters
2020 黃淑嫻:〈六六天星、六七暴動與香港文學〉,黃淑嫻編,《香港. 1960 年代》(臺北:文訊出版社,2020 年) 頁 273-298。
2020 黃淑嫻:〈香港電影的中產故事:德寶的創意與保守〉,郭靜寧、黃夏柏編:《創意搖籃:德寶的童話》,(香港:香港電影資料館,2020 年) 頁 110-116。
2020 黃淑嫻:〈國族、殖民與本土──香港六O年代文學與電影中的香港身分〉,李育霖編,《華語語系十講》 (新北市:聯經出版社,2020 年)頁 145-160。
2018 黃淑嫻:《本土的今生與前世》,陳國球編:《重遇文學與香港》(香港:商務印書館,2018 年) 頁 266-269。
2017 Wong Shuk Han, “1972–1973, 2000 : A subtle encounter : Tête-bêche and In the mood for love” David Der-wei Wang Ed. A New Literary History of Modern China (New York: Harvard University Press, 2017) p. 703-707.
2016 黃淑嫻:〈還未走到燦爛時:八十年代初新藝城的嘗試〉,吳君玉、黃夏柏編,《娛樂本色──新藝城奮鬥歲月》(香港:香港電影資料館,2016 年) 頁 92-99。
2016 MaryWong Shuk-han, Trans. Johnny ko“Before the Glory: Cinema City’s Endeavours in the Early 1980s”, The Essence of Entertainment: Cinema City’s Glory Days, May Ng and Wong Ha-pak Ed. (Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 2016) p. 77-85.
2015 黃淑嫻:〈《金枝玉葉》與《一水隔天涯》:1950 及 1960 年代香港人的澳門旅程〉,宋子江、談詠秋編:《嘉模講談錄:兩城對讀》(澳門:澳門民政總署文化康體部,2015) 頁28-36。
2013 "The Urban Short Stories of Evan Yang in the 1950s: Love, Psychology and Form 易文化五O年代都市小說:言情、心理與形式",1950s Hong Kong Literature and Culture Series (2) A Collection of Evan Yang's Short Stories 一九五O年代香港文學與文化叢書 (2) 真實的謊話:易文的都市小故事, Wong Shuk Han 黃淑嫻 (ed.), pp. 1-23, Chung Hwa Book Co. 中華書局 , May 2013.
2012 "Hong Kong New Wave Cinema", Hong Kong Memories in Cinema, Winnie Fu (ed.), pp. 90-111 , Hong Kong Film Archive, Jun 2012.
2012 "從這裡開始......從那裡開始......--香港新浪潮電影", 百年光影覓香江, 傅慧儀 (ed.), pp. 74 -89, 香港電影資料館, Jun 2012.
2012 "Film and literature of Mandarin Ducks and Butterflies: From Shanghai to Hong Kong 香港及上海幾段啼笑因緣:鴛鴦蝴蝶派文學與電影", Hong Kong Literature and Cinema 香港文學與電影, Leung Ping Kwan, Wong Shuk Han, Matthew Cheng and Yuki Shum (ed.), pp. 58-74, Hong Kong University Press and Open University press 香港大學出版社及公開大學出版社, Jan 2012.
2011 "個人的缺陷.個人的抉擇:《天長地久》與 1950 年代香港跨文化改編身份", 我為人人:中聯的時代印記, 藍天雲 (ed.), pp. 124-133, 香港電影資料館, Apr 2011 (in Chinese).
2011 "Personal Weakness, Personal Choise: Eternal Love and Transcultural Adaptation of 1950s Hong Kong Cinema", One for All: The Union Film Spirit, Grace Ng (ed.) , pp. 98-108, Hong Kong Film Archive, Apr 2011 (in English).
2011 "香港旅程:論五○年代香港成長小說的三種方向 (Journey to Hong Kong: Three Models of Bildungsroman of Hong Kong Literature of the 1950s)", 香港文學的傳承與轉化 (Hong Kong Literature: Succession to Traditions and Metamorphosis), 梁秉鈞、陳智德、鄭政恆 (Leung Ping Kwan, Chan Chi Tak and Matthew Cheng) (ed.), pp. 131-150, 匯智出版社 (Infolink Publishing House), Mar 2011 (in Chinese).
2010 "Liu Yichang and the Modern Pychological Novel 表層的深度:劉以鬯的現代心理敘事", Liu Yichang and Hong Kong Modernism 劉以鬯與香港現代主義, Leung Ping Kwan, Tam Kwok Kan, Wong King Fai and Wong Shuk Han (ed.), pp. 94-119, Open University Press, Jul 2010.
2010 "Eileen Chang and Hong Kong Cinema 張愛玲為香港電影帶來了什麼?", Eileen Chang Degree Zero 零度看張, Shen Shuang (ed.), pp. 119-140, The Chinese University Press, 2010.
2009 "Women who Cross Borders: MP & GI's Modernity Programme (跨越地域的女性:電懋的現代方案) (Revised Version)", The Cathay Story (國泰故事) (Revised Edition), Wong Ainling (ed.) , pp. 118-127, Hong Kong Film Archive, 2009 (in Chinese and in English).
2009 "The Voyage to Hong Kong: Bildungsroman in Hong Kong Literature of the 1950s", Diasporic Histories. Archives of Chinese Transnationalism, Deborah Madsen, Andrea Riemenschnitter (ed.), pp. 143-156, Hong Kong University Press, 2009.

Book 3
Journal Articles
2015 黃淑嫻:〈記憶與淡忘:1960 年代香港電影與戰爭經驗〉,《白百大學柳寬順研究》,第 20 期,2015 年 12月,頁 101-108。
2015 黃淑嫻:〈越界築路:侶倫的《蓬門碧玉》及早期香港電影文學的改編〉,《文學與圖像》,第 4 期,2015 年,頁 254 – 262。
2012 "詩與時裝:試論《衣想》的文字與圖像的對話 Poetry and Fashion: The interaction between words and images", 文學與圖像 Word and Image, Vol. 1, pp. 164-170, 南京江蘇教育出版社, Sep 2012.
2008 〈啟悟的時刻:譚家明的成長故事〉("Moment of Enlightenment: Patrick Tam's Stories of Growth"), ed. Law Kar, E-Wave: The TV Films of Patrick Tam. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 2008, p.7-13. (in Chinese with English abstract)
2008 〈創意與忠誠:試論《色,戒》對「忠於原著」的重新界定〉("Redefining Fidelity: A Study of the Adaptation of Lust Caution"), Hong Kong Literary, Vol. 278, February 2008, p.8-12 (in Chinese).
2008 〈創意與忠誠:試論《色,戒》對「忠於原著」的重新界定〉,《香港文學》,第278期,2008年2月號,8-12頁。
2007 〈兩岸三地新電影的低調女性:試論關錦鵬的女性書寫〉("Feminine Writing and the Cinema of Stanley Kwan"), Ed. Esther Cheung, In Critical Proximity: The Visual Memories of Stanley Kwan. Hong Kong: Joint Pubishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd., p.99-111 (in Chinese).
2007 "Patrick Tam e la 'New Woman'" ("Patrick Tam and the 'New Woman'" ), Trans. Giogio Placereani, Ed. Alberto Pezzotta, Patrick Tam: Dal cuore della New Wave (Patrick Tam: From the Heart of the New Wave). Udine: Udine Far East Film, p.36-63. (in Italian)
2006 〈從俄國名著到流行文學:光藝的都市文藝初探〉(From Russian Classics to Hong Kong Pulp Fiction: Kong Ngee's Urban Literary Culture), Ed. Wong Ain-ling, The Glorious Modernity of Kong Ngee. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 2006, p.36-45 (Chinese version), p.40-50 (English version).
2006 "Post-war Cinema of East Asian Cities: A Study of the Hong Kong/Tokyo Trilogy", in Understanding the Japan Empire, Trans. Shirai Sumiyo, Ed. Fujii Shozo, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2006, p. 301-319. (in Japanese)
2006 〈亞洲脈絡中的香港文化〉(Hong Kong Culture in Asian Context) , Ed. Leung Ping Kwan and Amanda Hsu, East Asian Culture & Modern Literature in Chinese. Hong Kong: Mingpao Publication Limited, 2006, p. 295-296. (in Chinese)
2004 〈跨文化、越媒介:詩人導演關文清〉(Border-crossing: Poet-Director Moon Kwan), 《三四○年代香港新詩論集》(An Anthology of Hong Kong Poetry Criticism in the 1930s and 1940s) ed. 陳智德 (Chan Chi Tak), Hong Kong: Lingnan Univeristy Centre for Humanities Research, p. 197-207. (in Chinese)
2004 Hong Kong Female and Politcal Homosociality, Trans. Yamamoto Naoki, Homosociality and Asian Cinema, ed. Yomota Inuhiko and Saito Ayako, Tokyo: Heibonsha (平凡社) 197-214. (in Japanese)
2004 〈愛情、國難、武俠,抑或是都市?-- 香港幾段的啼笑因緣〉(The Many Faces of Fate in Tears and Laughter),《李晨風:評論‧導演筆記》(The Cinema of Lee Sun-fung), ed., 黃愛玲(Wong Ainling), Hong Kong Film Archive, 74-85 (in Chinese and English)
2004 〈Parick Tam's Exploration: Creating a 'New Woman' Image Twenty Years Ago" in Between Home and World: A Reader in Hong Kong Cinema, Ed., Esther M.K. Cheung and Chu Yiu-wai, Hong Kong: Oxford University Press, 421-436. (in English)
2003 〈電影寫入文學:也斯與歐洲電影初探〉(Writing Film into Literature: A Preliminary Study of Leung Ping Kwan's novels and European Cinema), 《香港文壇》(Hong Kong Literary Circles), August Issue, p. 23-28. (in Chinese)
2003 〈從流行文學的改編看邵氏和電懋---杜寧和瓊瑤的例子〉("A Comparative Study of Shaws and MP&GI through Popular Literature Adaptations: A Case Study of Du Ning and Chiung Yao),《邵氏電影初探》(The Shaw Screen: A Preliminary Study). ed., 黃愛玲(Wong Ainling), Hong Kong Film Archive, 173-181. (in Chinese and English)
2002 "Cross-dressing and Gender in mainland Chinese, Taiwan and Hong Kong Cinema", Trans. Osawa Riko, Asia's 21st Century Vol. 3: Identity: Deconstruction and Reconstruction, ed. Yomota Inuhiko, Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten (岩波書店) 219-231. (in Japanese)
2002 〈家を出てゆく娘たち:香港映画の中の女性アイデンティティ〉, Trans. Kashio Kumi, Intriguing Asia, Special Issue on The Changing faces of Gender Identity in China, No. 43, Sept 4, 80-94. (in Japanese)
2001 〈跨越地域的女性: 電懋的現代方案〉("Women who Cross Borders: MP&GI's Project for Modernity") in 《國泰故事》(The Cathay Story), ed. 黃愛玲(Wong Ainling), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 162-175 (in Chinese and English)
2001 "The Adaptation of Lu Xun's short stories in Hong Kong and mainland Chinese Cinema", trans. Shirai Sumiyo,「魯迅與東亞」(Special Issue on Lu Xun and East Asia), ed. Fujii Shozo in Intriguing Asia, March, 105-133 (in Japanese)
2001 〈喜歡看電影的漢學家〉("A Sinologist who loves Cinema: Hong Kong Literature from Japanese Perspective") in《文學香港與李碧華》(Literary Hong Kong and Lillian Lee), ed. 陳國球(Leonard Chan), Taipei: Matian Publishing House, 227-234 (in Chinese).
2001 〈五、六十年代香港電影中的跨國身份初探〉("Hong Kong Cinema (1950s and 1960s) and Transnational Identity") in《國際東方學者會議紀要》(Transactions of the International Conference of Eastern Studies), No. 46, Tokyo: The Toho Gakkai (The Institute of Eastern Culture), 2001, 36-51 (in Chinese).

Book 4
Major Edited Work
2020 黃淑嫻編,《香港. 1960 年代》(臺北:文訊出版社,2020 年)。
2018 黃淑嫻主編:《1960 年代香港文學與文化叢書:劉以鬯的故事新編》(香港:中華書局,2018 年)。
2006 〈胡金銓片目〉(Filmography of King Hu) in "Special Issue on King Hu Cinema", Ed. Thomas Luk Yun-tong, Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 8:1 (January 2007) 219-226. (in Chinese and English)
2005 《香港文學電影片目》(Hong Kong Film and Literature Filmography) (co-edited), Hong Kong: Lingnan University Centre for Humanities Research, 2005, 232 pages. (in Chinese).
2005 「戰前南方城市與東京的文化交流專號」(Cultural Interaction Between South China Cities and Tokyo in the Pre-War Period special issue) (co-edited), Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, 7.2 (2005) 8-130. (in Chinese and English)
1997 《穿梭光影五十年:香港電影的製片與發行業》(50 Years of Hong Kong Production and Distribution) (Editor-in-Chief), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 105 pages (in Chinese and English).
1997 《寫作班》(Writing Workshops) (Co-editor), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Centre, 240 pages (in English and Chinese).
1997 《香港影片大全: 1913-1941》(Hong Kong Filmography 1913-1941)(Editor-in-Chief), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Film Archive, 680 pages, (in Chinese and English).
1997 《香港文化多面睇》(Multiple Perspectives on Hong Kong Culture)(Editor-in-Chief), Hong Kong: Hong Kong Arts Centre, 126 pages (in Chinese).
1996 《林年同論文集》( Selected Writings of Lin Lien-tung) (Co-editor), Hong Kong: Ci Wen Hua Books Ltd., 334 pages (in Chinese).
1996 《香港文學書目: 1950-1996》(A Bibliography of Hong Kong Literature 1950-1996 )(Editor-in-Chief), Hong Kong: Youth Literary Bookstore and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 320 pages (in Chinese).

Book 5
Creative and Literary Writing
2019 黃淑嫻:〈改變你生命的一雙鞋〉,劉紹銘、梁淑雯編:《給孩子的港臺散文》 (香港:香港中文大學出版社,2019 年),頁140-141。
2019 黃淑嫻:〈英國的味道:重讀朱自清〉,劉紹銘、梁淑雯編:《給孩子的港臺散文》 (香港:香港中文大學出版社,2019 年),頁137-139。
2017 黃淑嫻(著)、阮智謙及賴恩慈 (攝影):《亂世破讀》(香港:文化工房,2017年)。
2017 黃淑嫻:〈Uber 才子與佳人〉,《全日供應》(香港:文化工房,2017 年)。
2015 黃淑嫻:《理性的遊藝:從卡夫卡談起》(香港:文化工房,2015 年)。
2015 黃淑嫻 (監製及文學顧問):《他們在島嶼寫作之1918 (也斯紀錄片)》(2015)
2015 黃淑嫻 (監製及文學顧問):《他們在島嶼寫作之1918 (劉以鬯紀錄片)》(2015)
2013 "中環人 Surviving Central", 文化工房 Culture Plus Publishing, Jan 2013.
2006 Pedestrain on the Sandy Street (I)) (short story), Trans. Fujii Shozo, in NHK Radio: Lecture on Chinese Culture, Vol. 6, 2006 June, 108-115. (in Japanese)
2006 Pedestrain on the Sandy Street (II)) (short story), Trans. Fujii Shozo, in NHK Radio: Lecture on Chinese Culture, Vol. 7, 2006 July, 98-105. (in Japanese)
2005 〈面對頑強的成長:我教副學士的日子〉("The Days I was teaching Associate Degree") (essay), Ed., Ho Lok-san. 《二十世紀新一代的成長》(Growing Up in the 21st Century). Hong Kong, Mingpao, p. 31-35.
2005 〈水的滋味〉(短篇小說) (A Taste of Water) (short story) in 《文學世紀》(Literary Century), No. 4, 25-31. (in Chinese)
2005 〈樓梯街宋金倩〉(Song Jinqian at the Ladder Street) (short story), Trans. FUJII Shozo, The Shincho 1200th Special Issue on Asian Literature, in 《新潮》(The Shincho Monthly), January Issue, p. 116-126. (in Japanese)
2003 〈坭街上的行人〉(短篇小說) (Pedestrians on the Sandy Street) (short story) in《香港文學》Hong Kong Literature, Vol. 193, January, 6-13 (in Chinese)
2001 〈宋金倩在樓梯街〉(短篇小說) ("Song Jinqian at the Ladder Street") (short story) in《香港短篇小說選 1998-1999》(Selected Hong Kong Short Stories 1998-1999), ed. 許子東 (Xu Zidong ), Hong Kong: Joing Publishing Co. Ltd., 86-95 (in Chinese).
1996 〈女子家居書寫〉(中篇小說) (Writing Feminine Domestic) (novella) in《明報‧世紀版》(Ming Pao "New Century Page"), October 1-31 (in Chinese).