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协理副校长 (学术素质保证与国际事务)



Prof Sharma

夏尔马教授(多伦多大学哲学博士)是李兆基基金政治学讲座教授,也是政治经济学家,著作包括:《Global Financial Contagion: The Great Recession and the World Economy》(纽约:剑桥大学出版社,2013年);荣获2010 Alpha Sigma Nu Book Award奖项的《China and India in the Age of Globalization》(纽约:剑桥大学出版社,2009年);《Achieving Economic Development in the Era of Globalization》(Routledge出版社,2007年);《The Asian Financial Crisis: Meltdown, Reform and Recovery》(曼彻斯特大学出版社,2003年);获选为「1999年最杰出学术著作」之一的《Democracy and Development in India》(Lynne Rienner Publishers出版社,1999年);另有编辑著作《Asia in the New Millennium: Geopolitics, Security and Foreign Policy 》(加州大学柏克莱分校东亚研究所,2000年)。此外,他亦曾撰写多篇文章,最近(2010年后)发表的文章包括:



"India Rising” meets Globalization: Negotiating the Opportunities and Challenges," India Quarterly, vol. 70, no. 4, October-December, pp. 283-297.


"Shadow Banking: Chinese Style," Economic Affairs, vol. 34, Issue 3, October, pp. 340-52.


“Review of Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”: Bringing in China and India,” Harvard Asia Quarterly, vol. xvi, no. 2, Summer, pp. 45-52.


"The Global Economic Imbalances: The Dangers of Not Rebalancing," New Global Studies, vol. 8, Issue 2, July, pp. 1-24.



"Rising Income Inequality amid Declining Poverty: The Experience of China and India," Journal of International Development and Poverty Alleviation, vol. 5, no. 1, June, pp. 45-73.


"Credit Default Swaps: Risk Hedge or Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction?" Economic Affairs, vol. 33, Issue 3, October.


“The Middle-Income Trap: Some Asian Experiences and Lessons,” Asia Pacific World, vol. 4, no. 2, Autumn.


with Elliot Y. Neaman, "Light at the End of the Tunnel: The Eurozone's Sovereign Debt Problem," World Economics, vol. 14, no. 2, April-June, pp. 103-125.



with Sunny Wong, Miao Grace Wang, "FDI Location and the Relevance of Spatial Linkages: Evidence from Provincial and Industry FDI in China," Review of International Economics (forthcoming).


"The Chinese Economy in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: Challenges to Macroeconomic Rebalancing," International Journal of China Studies, vol. 3, no. 2, August, pp. 115-149.


and Sally Tam, "The Eurozone’s Next Domino: Why Portugal is not Greece" World Economics, vol. 13, no. 2, April-June, pp. 125-153.


"U.S. Debt, Deficit and the falling Greenback: Does it mean an End of the Dollar's Reign and Currency Wars?" SERI Quarterly: Journal of Samsung Economic Research Institute, vol. 4, no. 3, July, pp. 66-78.


"Why Ireland's Luck Ran Out and What it Means for the Euro-Zone" The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs, vol. 46, no. 1, March, pp. 115-126.


"India in 2010: Robust Economics amid Political Stasis," Asian Survey, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 111–124.


"Not an Exceptional Country: Russia and the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09." Mediterranean Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2, Spring, pp. 31-44.


Hartmut Fischer, Elliot Neaman and Shalendra D. Sharma, “Why the Greek Meltdown Became a Euro-Zone Crisis?,” The Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, vol. xii, no. 2, Summer/Fall, pp. 43-56.


"Japan, China, South Korea and India: Why No Immunity from the Subprime Credit Crisis?" Asian  Affairs: An American Review, vol. 37, no. 4, October-December, pp. 211-231.


"China as the World’s Creditor and the United States as the World's Debtor: Implications for Sino-American Relations," China Perspectives, no. 4, pp. 100-116.


"U.S.-India Nuclear Deal: The Saga of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Bill," Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, vol. 5, no. 4, October-December, pp. 471-480.


"The Uncertain fate of Chindia" Current History, vol. 109, Issue 728, September, pp. 252-57. 


"Economic Governance in a Post-Crisis World: Balancing Regulation and Risk," Yale Journal of International Affairs, vol. 5, Issue 1, Winter, pp. 100-112.


"The Arab World amidst the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09," Contemporary Arab Affairs, vol. 3, no 1, January, pp. 38-52.


"India in 2009: Global Financial Crisis and Congress Revival" Asian Survey, vol. 50, no. 1, January/February, pp. 139-156.


夏尔马教授曾荣获三藩市大学的「1996至1997年度全校杰出教学奖」及「2002至2003年度全校杰出研究奖」。2006至2007年间,他在荷兰莱顿大学(Universiteit Leiden)担任客座教授。他亦曾为国际货币基金组织及世界银行担任顾问。