Subsite Background

Contact Us

Contact Us

Dr. Albert KO (Director of LEI and OSL)
Email: [email protected] |  Phone: 2616 8059

Michael KUM (Programme Manager)
Email:  |  Phone: 2616 8061

Fish CHIU (Project Officer)
Email: [email protected]  |  Phone: 2616 8051


Adrian LO (Senior Product Designer)
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 2616 8075

Jacob SUEN (Project Engineer)
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 2616 8067

Jimmy CHU (Project Engineer)
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 2616 8072

Lukas CHEUNG (Project Engineer)
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 2616 8077


*Please feel free to make an appointment with our specialists and engineers or find us at LBY101.

General Contact

Email: [email protected]