

(In English only)

Cultural sustainability emphasizes on a forward-looking perspective on heritage. Beyond enhancing music literacy and encouraging aesthetics appreciation of diverse art genres and styles, we work to re-explore links between arts and the natural and cultural environment, to open up new dialogues with practitioners, and to bring preservation in action with intergenerational cultural transmission practices. We also aim to stress that everyone can be musical regardless of abilities and experiences. The notion of well-being in arts includes therapeutic function of music in socio-psychological aspects. Through nurturing students’ creative thinking, we introduce communicative musicality with intercultural expressions across art forms that build towards a sustainable community for collective well-being.


The Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit offers the Minor in Music and Cultural Sustainability. This Minor programme is open to all students. Students are required to complete five courses (3 credits each, 15 credits in total) to fulfill the requirements of this Minor.


Required Course (3 credits)

CLA9024^ Creative Expression with Music



Elective Courses (9 credits, choose at least 3 credits from each of the categories)

Category A - On cultural sustainability and well-being

CLB9033^ Introduction to Musics of the World and Sustainability

CLB9099b^ Musical Sustainability on the Silk Road 

MPA2002 Musicality and Well-being


Category B - Practice-based courses

MPA3001 Musical Expression in Film and Theatre

MPA3102 Instrumental Ensemble (Year-Based)*

MPA3103 Choral Ensemble (Year-Based)*

MPA4001 Internship in Performing Arts Administration


Other Elective Courses (3 credits)

CLA9020^ Creativity in Music (not offered from 2019-20)

CLA9023^ Creativity in Western Classical Music

CLA9029^ Creative Movement and Dance

CLA9030^ The World of Cultural Dances in Hong Kong

CLB9022^ Music and World Cultures

CLB9034^ Music Across the Generations: Western Popular Music in the Post-World War II Period

CLD9016^ Music and the Science of Sound

HST2001 Modern Revolutions and Musical Performance

MPA2001 Creative Instrumental Ensemble (not offered from 2019-20)

SCI3003 Conservation and Biodiversity

SCI3006 Sustainability


* Courses can be enrolled repeatedly up to 4 times. However only one time, i.e. 3 credits can be counted for the fulfilment of this Minor Programme.

^ According to the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Programmes, at most two cluster courses can be double counted to fulfill both the requirement of the Core Curriculum and the requirement of any Minor programme.