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Sense and Sensibility: Tale of Community Animals

12 Jan 2019 (Sat) 

18:00 – 20:00

塔冷通心靈書舍, 油麻地窩打老道二十號金輝大廈一樓6室



主講:陳嘉銘 (跨院校大學講師)、謝曉陽 (大學講師)

主持:梁旭明 (嶺南大學文化研究碩士 (MCS) 課程課程主任)



主辦:嶺南大學文化研究系文化研究碩士 (MCS) 課程

查詢:[email protected]

Speakers: Chan Ka-ming (University Lecturer),  Che Hio-leong (University Lecturer)

Moderator: Leung Yuk-ming Lisa (Programme Director of Master of Cultural Studies (MCS) Programme)

Urban Development changes nature and ecology. Animals living spaces are then forced to hide behind city, and their “accidental appearances” in the city are always said to be a kind of “intrusion” into human living. However, to the contrary, it is human dominating the nature and being the intruders to animals’ life with modern urban development. 

The talk is about how “community animals” survive in the name of the contradiction of human attitude and policy concern. And there are in fact possibilities of having a communal living between human and animals with a revising idea of ecology especially in the dominating logic of urban development.

Organizer: Master of Cultural Studies (MCS) Programme, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University

Enquiry:[email protected]

  • Speakers’ Bio 講師簡介




    大學講師。法國巴黎第八大學哲學系博士。今年與多位關注動物生存的朋友合著《「牠」者再定義: 人與動物關係的轉變》。長期撰寫動物文章,散見於香港《明報》、《信報》及澳門《新生代》。相信跨越不同學科、社會位置及歷史維度,可更能理解動物和人關係之演變。

    Chan Ka-ming’s Bio

    Chan Ka-Ming is a university lecturer in cultural studies, originally teaching and researching in the field of cinema and popular culture. Since 2009, he explores the area of animal and ecology humanities, and he is a columnist for various Hong King media on related topics. In 2015, his proposed course, “Animals, Culture and Society”, was accepted as a formal subject in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and he has taught the course for 5 semesters. His recent publication, “Writing in the End Times – Cultural Record for Animals” (Breakthrough Publishing, 2018), is a collection of discussion in various perspectives of animal right, wildlife and urban development, policy and discursive understanding, cinema and media representation, and the importance of education on anima-human relationship

    Che Hio-leong’s Bio

    Che Hio-leong is a senior instructor at university. Her research interests span both animal studies and archival studies. She is co-author of “Redefine the others Redefine the Relationship between humans and animals” (Joint Publishing, 2018). She is also the columnist of different media such as Yazhou Yazhou, Mingpao, and New GEN.

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