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Prof. CHOI Wing Yee Kimburley 蔡穎儀

Associate Professor
Associate Director, Centre for Cultural Research and Development

CHOI Wing Yee Kimburley

Location: Room 123, Ho Sin Hang Building 何善衡樓123室

Phone: (852) 2616 7492

Fax: (852) 2572 5170

Email: [email protected]

Areas of Interest

  • Gender
  • Home Culture
  • Hong Kong
  • Digital Ethnographic Production
  • Biography

    Kim Choi is an interdisciplinary scholar focusing on media representations and everyday life practices. As a scholar conducting research on the continuity and changes of cultural experiences, Choi’s research interests are wide-ranging and lie at the creative intersection of cultural studies, sociology, and media studies. In 2005, she was selected by the Humanities Research Centre at the Australian National University as a visiting fellow for early career research. Since 2012, she has received four GRF’s to support her scholarship. In 2019, Choi’s paper titled “Home and the materialization of divergent subjectivities of older women in Hong Kong” won the Outstanding Paper Award (2018/19) from the Academy of Hong Kong Studies.

    In the last few years, Choi has realized three major research projects on Hong Kong home culture. The first is an ethnographic research project about how Hong Kong parents spend their leisure time with their children. Choi discovered that children’s domestic leisure is largely patterned by domestic setup and practices, and middle-class families’ access to economic and cultural resources can help middle-class children make institutional gains.  A second project examined how families in Hong Kong inhabit domestic spaces and she complied this visual ethnographic research into a project website as well as journal publications. A third enterprise examined the marketing of housing in Hong Kong advertisements in which Choi demonstrated how Hong Kong government policy promotes housing hierarchy discourse and how property conglomerates produce “luxury housing”, and how the representation of housing as living space has given way to the idea of housing as investment and financial speculation.

    Choi’s research has been widely published in academic journals such as Feminist Media Studies, Journal of Consumer Culture, Qualitative ResearchUrban Studies, Cultural Studies Review, Ethnography, Journal of Gender Studies, Childhood, Social Semiotics, as well as in numerous books chapters. Currently Choi is doing two research studies. The first explores the diverse experiences and identities of Hong Kong older women in responding to the modernization of Hong Kong economy and society between 1950s and 2010s. This research project will also produce an arts-based narrative inquiry in the form of re-enactment through interactive video installation and web-based interactive re-storytelling. The second explores how Hong Kong museums narrate Hong Kong history, culture and identity after the Handover in 1997.

  • Education

    PhD in Cultural Studies, Lingnan University
    MPhil in Sociology, The University of Hong Kong
    BA in Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies, The University of Hong Kong

  • Selected Publication

    CHOI, K. W. Y., CHAN, A. K. W., & CHAN, A. H. N. (2024). Turning Older Women’s Life Stories into Hypermedia: Reflections on the Production of Feminist Creative Analytic Practices. The International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. Advance online publication.

    CHOI, K. W. Y., CHAN, A. K. W., & CHAN, A. H. N. (2023). Spatialising domestic practices: Hong Kong women’s life stories of domesticity and their disjunctive modern womanhood. Gender, Place, and Culture.

    LEUNG, S. K. Y., & CHOI, K. W. Y. (2023). Teachers’ perceptions of technical affordances in early visual arts education. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. Advance online publication.

    Choi, Kimburley WY, Zeng Hong. 2022. Her body belongs to her nation?  A feminist reading of recent Chinese and American female spy films. Feminist Media Studies.

    Leung, Suzannie KY, Choi, Kimburley WY, M Yuen. 2021. Creative digital art: Young children’s video making through practice-based learning. In Embedding STEAM in Early Childhood Education and Care, ed. Caroline Cohrssen and Susanne Garvis. Palgrave Macmillan: Switzerland, pp. 41-64.

    Choi, Kimburley WY, Chan Annie HN, Chan Anita KW. 2020. Producing ‘luxury’ housing: Developers’ strategies and housing advertisements in Hong Kong (1961-2011). Urban Studies 57(16): 3252-3280. DOI: 10.1177/0042098019896711

    Leung, Suzannie KY, Choi, Kimburley WY, M Yuen. 2020. Video art as digital play for young children. Journal of Educational Technology50(2): 531-554. DOI: 10.1111/bjet.12877

    Choi, Kimburley WY, Chan Annie HN, Chan Anita KW. 2019. The disappearance of community, work, and everyday life in late capitalism: Private housing advertisements from 1961 to 2011 in global Hong Kong. Journal of Consumer Culture. DOI: 10.1177/1469540519846201

    Hare J, Choi Kimburley WY. 2019.  Attribution and plagiarism in the creative arts. Journal of Information Literacy 13(1): 62-75. DOI: 10.11645/13.1.2640.

    Choi, Kimburley WY. 2019. Home and the materialization of the divergent subjectivities of older women in Hong Kong. Journal of Gender Studies 18(4): 427-449DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2018.1429256

    Choi, Kimburley WY. 2018. Engaged critical browsing: Hong Kong home culture presented in hypermedia. Qualitative Research 18(2): 224-242. DOI: 10.1177/1468794117714304

    Choi, Kimburley WY. 2017. Habitus, affordances, and family leisure: Cultural reproduction through children’s leisure activities. Ethnography 18(4): 427-449.

    Choi, Kimburley WY. 2016. On the fast track to a head start: Parental consumption of children’s play and learning activities in Hong Kong. Childhood 23(1): 123-139.

    Choi, Kimburley Wing Yee & Steve Fore. 2015. Animating the translocal: The McDull films as a cultural and visual expression of Hong Kong. In Wiley Blackwell Companions to National Cinema: A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema, ed. Esther MK Cheung, Gina Marchetti and Esther CM Yau. MA, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, pp. 140-167.

    Choi, Kimburley Wing Yee. 2012. Disneyfication and localisation: Cultural globalization process of Hong Kong Disneyland. Urban Studies 49 (2): 383-397.

    Choi, Kimburley Wing Yee. 2010. Constructing a decolonized world city for consumption: Discourses on Hong Kong Disneyland and their implications. Social Semiotics 20 (5): 573-592.

  • Research Grants

    Co-I (2023/24) Lam Woo Research Fund

    HKD497,980. On-going

    Platform commons as an alternative future? A comparative study of Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan

    PI (2021/22) Media Arts Project Grant funded by Arts Development Council (ADC) n. 38787

    HKD275,000. On-going

    Multiplicity in interactive life storytelling: Hong Kong older women’s divergent lives and subjectivities

    Co-I (2020/21) General Research Fund (GRF) funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) n. 13601920

    HKD823,800. On-going

    Buying, keeping and throwing stuff in small homes: A study on the purchase, storage and disposal decisions and practices of Hong Kong families

    PI (2019/20) Exchange grant funded by Hong Kong Arts Development Council n. HKADC/37477

    HKD41,600 (withdrawn due to COVID-19)

    Multiplicity in life storytelling: Hong Kong older women’s divergent lives and subjectivities

    PI (2019/20) General Research Fund (GRF) funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) n. 11602119

    HKD289, 992. On-going

    Museum and nation-building: Hong Kong history, communities, and identities represented in Hong Kong museums (1997-2017)

    PI (2017/18) General Research Fund (GRF) funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) n. 11604317

    HKD409,422. On-going

    Recycling working daughters? Hong Kong older women’s divergent lives and subjectivities

    PI (2016/17) General Research Fund (GRF) funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) n. 11616216

    HKD221,500. Completed

    Advertising Hong Kong’s modern domestic ideal: an analysis of Hong Kong newspaper advertisements on Hong Kong residential properties and domestic products from 1946 to 2008

    PI (2016/17) Course Enhancement Fund funded by University Grants Committee (UGC). Leading institution: Polytechnic University

    HKD15,000. Completed

    Enhancing information literacy in Hong Kong higher education through the development and implementation of shared interactive multimedia courseware LINK

    Co-I (2016/17) General Research Fund (GRF) funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) n. 13629816

    HKD478,484. On-going

    Transnational Transformations? How transient migration shapes intimate and family relations of transnational professionals in Hong Kong

    Co-I (2017/18) Equal Opportunity Commission (EOC) n. EOC/RES/33

    HKD476,330. Completed

    A study on knowledge and victimization experience of sexual harassment in the service industries

    PI (2013/14) Early Career Grant (ECS) funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) n. City U 159613

    HKD399,420. Completed

    Making Home: A visual ethnography of Tai Hang domestic space

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