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Prof. ZHOU Yang 周洋

Research Assistant Professor
MCS Programme Deputy Director


Location: Room 103, Ho Sin Hang Building 何善衡樓103室

Phone: (852) 2616 7443

Fax: (852) 2572 5170

Email: [email protected]

Areas of Interest

  • Labour
  • China
  • Class Formation
  • Mediated participation/politics
  • Audience/user
  • Cultural politics
  • Education

    The London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Ph.D. in Media and Communications, 2020

    Renmin University of China, M.A., Communication Studies, 2015 
    Feng Chia University (Taiwan), visiting fellow, Institute of History and Anthropology, 2014
    Nanjing Normal University, B.A., Journalism, 2009

  • Publication

    Journal Article:

    1. ZHOU, Y. (2024). Towards a new progressive labour culture? Industry-oriented channels, bitter and precarious structure of feeling and worker solidarity in China. Media, Culture & Society.
    2. Na Y and Zhou Y. (under revision) Producing Racism Online: Racial Discourse and KOLs in China in the Age of Social Media. China Quarterly (50/50 contribution)
    3. Zhou Y. (2022). Trapped in the platform: migration and precarity in China’s platform-based gig economy. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space.
    4. Zhou Y and Pun N (2022). Affording Worker Solidarity in Motion: Theorizing the intersection between social media and agential practices in the platform economy, New Media and Society.
    5. Tang X and Zhou Y (2019). Social media use and political participation in rural China: A case study. China Journalism and Communication Journal.
    6. Zhou Y(2014). A first look at the role of new media in the construction of collective identity in social movements: On Qidong Incident. Journal of Chongqing Business University.

    Book Chapter:

    1. Zhou and Na (2021). The subsumption of racial discrimination: the representation of Chinese mainstream media of the maltreatment of African nationals in Guangzhou during the Covid-19 Pandemic. in Price and Harbisher (Ed.) (2021) Power, Media and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Framing Public Discourse. Routledge. London
    2. Zhou Y (2016). On Habermas’s theory of the colonization of the lifeworld, in Chen Lidan (Ed.) Classics in Media and Communication Studies. Renmin University of China Press. 2016. Beijing (in Chinese)

    Book Review:

    1. Zhou Y (2021). “Dying for an iPhone”. Book Review of Dying For an iPhone: Apple, Foxconn and the Lives of China’s Workers by Chan, Selden and Pun. (London: Pluto Press, 2020), Global Media and Communication


    1. Standing G (2011). A precariat charter: from denizens to citizens. in Yao and Su (Ed.), 2019. Bringing labour back in: Precarious workers in the global economy. Social Science Literature Press
    2. Bailenson J (2018), Experience on Demand: What virtual reality is, how it works and what it can do, the CITIC Press Group, April, co-translation with Tang Xuan  
  • Conference Presentation and Public Talk

    How gig workers perceive freedom? Flexibility, precarity and agency of gig economy in China, presented at Labour in the digital age in China Workshop, Digital Organisation and Society Research Centre, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2021

    Nongmingong, ICTs and work: Platform-based labour, technological despotism and heightened control, Industry and Labour Division, Chinese Sociological Association Annual Conference, online, 2020

    Between factory and platform: Chinese nongmingong confronting a technologically-mediated working-class labourscape in a time of economic transition, presented at International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Annual Conference, 2020, Tempere, Finland

    Panelist, De-urbanising digital tech/media studies in China. the IAMCR 2020, Tempere, Finland

    Second-Generation Factory Nongmingong, ICTs-Mediated Everyday Life and Inequalities: A Literature Review, 15th Chinese Internet Research Conference, 2017, Texas, US 

    A first look at the role of new media in the construction of collective identity in social movements: On Qidong Incidentpresented at 2014 International Communication Association (ICA) New Media Preconference, 2014, Shanghai, China

    Nongmingong going online, public talk, live-streamed on Weibo, 2019

  • Research Grants

    PI, Whither worker media? Migrant labour, platformized media/cultural production and working-class formation in China. General Research Fund, Jan 2025- Dec2027

    PI, Climbing up the technological social ladder: Peixunban, migrant platform workers and “social upgrading” in China. Shenzhen University-Lingnan University Joint Research Programme, LU Research Committee. July 2024 – June 2025.

    Echoes of the Eternal Rest: Cultures of Death among China’s Overworked Platform Workers, Faculty Research Grant. LU Research Committee. June 2024 – May 2026.

    Co- Investigator, Platform commons as an alternative future? A comparative study of Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan. Lam Woo Research Fund – Project Grant, May 2024 – April 2026.

    Co- Investigator, Cultivating worker communities among themselves: digital technologies, platform workers, and participatory culture in China. General Research Fund. Jan 2024 – Dec 2026.

    Analysis of Public Policies for New Citizens in the Greater Bay Area. Oxfam Hong Kong. Mar 2023 – Jun 2024.

    Digital Content Platforms, Migrant Workers and the Cultural Politics of Working-class Formation in China. Faculty Research Grant. LU Research Committee. Jan 2023 – Jun 2024.

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