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Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

What Environment Do We Want? Environmental Aesthetics and Its Implications

17/11/2011 - 20/11/2011|檔案室

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The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars from around the world to reflect on the question of what, from an aesthetic point of view, is a good environment. Although the question is arguably central to the theoretical field of environmental aesthetics, it also has a clear practical import. After all, one would expect actual decision-making in matters concerning the environment (for example, conservation) to be informed by an answer to the question. Consequently, the conference organizers have decided to invite not just theoreticians, but also people who are actively involved in shaping our environment, such as architects and artists. They have also sought to include scholars who are able to offer an historical perspective on central issues, and scholars investigating how the aesthetic properties of the environment affect people's health and well-being. Finally, a balance is envisaged between a global and a local/regional perspective on the question of what environment is desirable from an aesthetic point of view.
