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Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Virtual Hack COVID-19

17/04/2020 - 18/04/2020|檔案室

Virtual Hack COVID-19 "A Visual Campaign Challenge" is a 36-hour online challenge to unleash your creativity, produce visual contents, and launch awareness/publicity campaigns against the coronavirus disease.

This hackathon is organized by Lingnan Entrepreneurship Initiative and Department of Visual Studies and targets to generate various innovative campaign solutions to relieve the social panic brought by the COVID-19, and raise some related awareness problems, such as the lack of hygiene knowledge, the spread of fake news about the pandemic, the hoarding of groceries or protective items, etc.

In the Virtual Hack, participants with different talents will form teams to design and create media products (e.g. videos, animations, posters, leaflets, IG/FB stories, Snapchat, TikTok, etc.), and launch the awareness campaigns. Your team will be equipped with media tools through our video editing workshop, as well as valuable feedback from our experienced judges and mentors, to produce impactful publicity materials and campaigns for the community.

Event Details:

Date: 17-18 April 2020

Start Time: 12:00 noon on 17 April

End Time: 11:59 pm on 18 April

Est. No. of Pax.: 60 - 80

ILP: 10 units on AES

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