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Department of Economics

王彥臣 (2018年博士畢業生)

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Lingnan University
My academic journey at Lingnan has been difficult, but valuable and meaningful. In these 3 years, I received a comprehensive training designed by my supervisors. The Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme provided me a generous opportunity to take different courses offered by other UGC-funded universities in Hong Kong. The department also supported me to attend important training workshops. For example, I attended the 3-day workshop led by MIT Professor Joshua Angrist at Tokyo in 2018, enhancing my understanding of Applied Econometrics. Apart from training, the good relationship between faculty members and students allowed me to share my research ideas or to ask for feedbacks and comments easily. The department community is small, closed, and familiar. “Diligence is the path up the mountain of knowledge. Hard work is the boat across the endless sea of learning”, and Lingnan is the scratch line before my academic marathon.