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Media Communications Directory

Art 藝術

  • Honorary Professor
Department of Translation
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Cinema 電影

  • Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Language: English and Dutch
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Art in General 藝術

  • Associate Professor
  • Programme Director, Master of Arts in Translation Studies Programme
Department of Translation
Language: Cantonese and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Cinema 電影
  • Western theatre 西方戲劇

  • Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: Cantonese and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Arts and social inclusion 藝術與社會共融

  • Emeritus Professor
Emeritus Professors
2616-7798 6199-6936
Language: English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Aesthetics 美學
  • Cinema 電影

  • Adjunct Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: English, Hindi, Kannada
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Indian classical music 印度古典音樂

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
- N/A - 6771-9295
Language: English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Memes 文化基因
  • Memes 文化基因 Skateboard Art 滑板藝術 Street Art 街頭藝術
  • Skateboard Art 滑皮藝術
  • Street Art 街頭藝術

  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor & Head
Department of Philosophy
  • Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies)
Office of the Faculty of Arts
  • Director of the Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre
Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre
2616-7465 9015-9372
Language: English and Italian
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Applied visual arts 應用視覺藝術
  • Arts and Ethics 藝術與倫理
  • Cinema 電影

  • Associate Professor
  • Programme Director, Master of Arts in Chinese Programme
Department of Chinese
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Cinema 電影

Prof. YAU Hoi Yan 邱愷欣
  • Research Assistant Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua, English and Japanese
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Arts and social inclusion 藝術與社會共融
  • Cantonese opera (and other Chinese operas) 粵劇 (及其他中國戲劇)
  • Cinema 電影
  • Pop music 流行音樂