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Media Communications Directory

History and heritage of Hong Kong 香港歷史與古蹟

  • Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Language: English and Dutch
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Conservation of historical buildings 歷史建築保育

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
- N/A - 6771-9295
Language: English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Colonial history of Hong Kong 香港殖民歷史
  • Mirgration and ethnic minorities 移民和少數族裔

Prof. YAU Hoi Yan 邱愷欣
  • Research Assistant Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua, English and Japanese
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Colonial history of Hong Kong 香港殖民歷史
  • Hong Kong history before British colonial rule 英國殖民統治前的香港歷史