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Chinese politics and diplomacy 中國政治和外交

  • Professor
Department of Government and International Affairs
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Chinese foreign policy 中國外交政策
  • Chinese security policy 中國國防政策
  • Cross-strait relations 兩岸關係
  • Diao Yu Dao dispute 釣魚台爭議
  • Human rights in Mainland China 中國內地的人權
  • Political reform and development in Mainland China 中國內地政治改革及發展
  • Political structure and governance of Mainland China 中國內地政治體制和管治
  • Politics of and elections in Taiwan 台灣的政治與選舉
  • Politics of modern China 現代中國政治
  • South Sea sovereignty dispute 南海主權爭議

Prof. YAU Hoi Yan 邱愷欣
  • Research Assistant Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua, English and Japanese
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Politics of China 中國政治

  • Interim Head, GOV
  • Professor
Department of Government and International Affairs
Language: Putonghua and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Chinese foreign policy 中國外交政策
  • Chinese security policy 中國國防政策
  • Cross-strait relations 兩岸關係
  • Diao Yu Dao dispute 釣魚台爭議
  • Human rights in Mainland China 中國內地的人權
  • Political reform and development in Mainland China 中國內地政治改革及發展
  • Political structure and governance of Mainland China 中國內地政治體制和管治
  • Politics of and elections in Taiwan 台灣的政治與選舉
  • Politics of modern China 現代中國政治
  • South Sea sovereignty dispute 南海主權爭議