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International politics and global socio-political trends 國際政治及全球社會政治趨勢

  • Professor
Department of Government and International Affairs
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Southeast Asian politics 東南亞政治
  • Terrorism and international politics 恐怖主義與國際政治

  • Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: Cantonese and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Refugees issues 難民議題

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
- N/A - 6771-9295
Language: English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Middle East politics 中東政治
  • Pilgrimage Mecca for Islam 伊斯蘭教麥加朝聖
  • Terrorism and international politics 恐怖主義與國際政治

  • Associate Professor
  • Associate Professor & Head
Department of Philosophy
  • Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies)
Office of the Faculty of Arts
  • Director of the Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre
Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre
2616-7465 9015-9372
Language: English and Italian
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Morality of Abortion 墮胎的道德議題

Prof. YAU Hoi Yan 邱愷欣
  • Research Assistant Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
Language: Cantonese, Putonghua, English and Japanese
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Japan Politics 日本政治
  • Taiwan Politics 台灣政治

  • Interim Head, GOV
  • Professor
Department of Government and International Affairs
Language: Putonghua and English
Relevant Expertise and Professional Interest:
  • Exit of the UK from the European Union 英國脫離歐盟
  • Expansion and solidarity of the European Union 歐盟的擴張與團結
  • Terrorism and international politics 恐怖主義與國際政治
  • US politics and elections 美國政府及選舉