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English Version

Lingnan University’s Faculty of Business Delegation Visits Guangzhou Universities to Strengthen Academic Collaborations and Exchange

Since its inception, the Faculty of Business at Lingnan University has a mission to integrate the essence of Chinese and Western education system and is committed to achieving excellence in liberal arts education, underpinned by pioneering research initiatives. The faculty actively seeks out viable pathways for growth while endeavoring to broaden its collaborative network with esteemed universities in the Mailand and across the globe.

From April 8 to 10, 2024, Dean Leng led a delegation to visit four renowned universities in Guangzhou, including Sun Yat-sen University, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Jinan University and South China University of Technology, aiming to establish closer ties with universities in the Greater Bay Area and foster synergies on education, talent, and culture within the region.

This visit to Guangzhou was productive. Whether it was meeting with longstanding partners or new ones, the understanding between the institutions was significantly enhanced. Throughout this period, Dean Leng not only shared updates about Lingnan University and the Faculty of Business, but also gained insights into the evolving landscape of higher education in Guangzhou. The attending representatives engaged in intense discussions and shared their perspectives, resulting in a more defined framework and content for future cooperation.

Visit to Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University

On the afternoon of 8 April 2024, Dean Leng and the delegation first came to visit Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University. Professor Lu Xiaodong (Associate Dean of Lingnan College), Professor Liu Jianhua (Director of the Professional Master Education Center), Professor Peng Haoran (Academic Director of Master of Insurance Programme), and Mr Qi Jian (Executive Director of the Professional Master Education Center) attended the meeting.

Professor Liu presented an overview of the current enrollment for taught master’s programmes at the college and showed his aspirations for a collaborative endeavor with our faculty. Both parties had an in-depth exchange of views on the joint development of cultivating high-caliber management professionals. Dean Leng proposed two feasible models for collaborations, which laid a solid foundation for the coordination of future activities.

Visit to School of Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies

On the morning of 9 April 2024, Dean Leng and the delegation visited the School of Business, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and attended a meeting. Mr Xiao Ximing (Secretary of the Party Committee of the School), Professor Yuan Denghua (Associate Dean (Host work)), Professor Ding Hao (Associate Dean); Ms Li Chunyu (Director of the MBA Education Center) and Ms Chen Xiao (Director of the International Accreditation and Exchange Office) participated in the meeting.

To begin, Mr Xiao Ximing delivered a welcoming speech in which he briefly outlined the professional standing, subject rankings, as well as digital and international achievements of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. Later, Dean Leng presented the unique history and culture of Lingnan University to the faculty and students, while actively highlighting the University and the faculty’s robust teaching capabilities and research endeavors.

The development direction of the two faculties were highly consistent, leading to a very smooth conversation. Consequently, representatives from both parties reached a consensus towards the exchange program, and decided to implement a “three-step” strategy to gradually deepen their cooperation, with the goal of jointly establishing a friendly partnership.

Visit to School of Management of Jinan University

On the afternoon of 9 April 2024, Dean Leng met with the representatives of the Jinan University’s School of Management, including: Prof. Li Wenjing (Dean), Prof. Ling Zishan (Associate Dean) and Prof. Qi Jun (Associate Dean) who were accompanied by Mr Wang Yifeng and Ms Tian Tian from the MBA Education Center.

Dean Li observed that the partnership between the two institutions has significantly deepened over recent years. With the joint establishment of the Lingnan University-Jinan University Joint Research Centre for Financial Inclusion and Digital Economy, the centre serves as an exemplary platform that facilitates research endeavors and foster the exchange of faculty and students between the two institutions. Dean Leng expressed an earnest hope that, with the support of this platform, both parties would achieve substantial advancements in the joint cultivation of talent and sharing of resources, which makes a meaningful contribution to the development of the Greater Bay Area.

Looking ahead, both parties are committed to building a stronger collaborative framework This will involve engaging in more substantive cooperation and ensuring practical implementation of projects, thereby elevating the partnership to new heights of effectiveness.

Visit to School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology

On the morning of 10 April 2024, Dean Leng led a delegation to the School of Business Administration of South China University of Technology. During the visit, he gave a research talk to the faculty and students and shared his latest research findings in the fields of game theory and operations management. His discourse provided new insights to the attending postgraduate students and doctoral candidates.

Following the presentation, both parties discussed the implementation details of a double degree programme. The meeting was graced by the presence of Prof. Huang Manli (Associate Dean), Prof. Zhou Wenhui (Associate Dean) and esteemed colleagues Ms Feng Lu, Mr Jiang Jun and Mr Zhou Junhua, all of whom actively contributed their insights. Addressing the queries posed, Dean Leng provided thorough response, thereby enhancing the attendees’ understanding of the arrangements in details. Both parties underscored their commitment to formulating bilateral relationship and pledged to facilitate progression of their collaborative endeavors.