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Public Lecture - Executive Speakers Forum Series #1 (10 November 2023)

【活动花絮】Public Lecture – 2023Executive Speakers Forum Series #1 順利举办!

洞悉时代脉搏,扩展同学视野,岭南大学商学院研究生课程办公室(TPO)于2023年11月10日, 星期五, 成功举办 2023-24 学年度的首个「Public Lecture - Executive Speaker Forum Series」活动!本次研讨会以“Winning Career Preparation in the ESG Field”为主题,特邀ESG领域专家何昊洺博士为同学们带来了一场极具前瞻性和感召力的演讲,向同学们分享了宝贵的知识,并在问答环节就具体问题提供了诸多可行的指导方案。何博士是在可持续科技学院的学术院长及在岭南大学经济系, 国际银行与金融硕士课程的实践教授。




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Opportunity seldom knocks twice, grasp the prospective opportunities of ESG now!

The Taught Postgraduate Programmes Office (TPO) of the Faculty of Business is organizing several executive speakers forums on a range of current topics and stories of successful entrepreneurs to broaden your perspectives this academic year.

We are very glad to have invited our honourable speaker to our very first Executive Speakers Series this academic year 2023-24 to be held on 10 November 2023, from 4.30 to 6.30 pm in SEKG09:

Speaker: Dr HO Ho-ming Stan, Academic Dean, The Institute of Sustainability and Technology (IST), Professor of Practice for the Master of Science in International Banking and Finance (MIBF) Programme, Department of Economics, Lingnan University

Topic: Winning Career Preparation in the ESG Field

Click HERE for registration

We look forward to seeing you there.

Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact us at 2616-8193 or via email [email protected].