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HKCRC—Mimir—P.I.E. Workshop on Ethics, Technology, and the Future
14 Jun 2024

The HKCRC—Mimir—P.I.E. Workshop on Ethics, Technology and the Future successfully concluded on 15 June 2024. Hosted at the Lingnan@M+ venue in the West Kowloon District, this two-day event brought together academics and thinkers in philosophy, computer science, psychology and political science. It marked the beginning of a collaboration between the Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Centre (HKCRC) at Lingnan University, the Mimir at the Institute for Future Studies (Stockholm), and the Project Innovative Ethics (P.I.E.) at Kobe University (Japan). The partnership seeks to address ethical challenges arising from emerging technologies and their societal impact.

The workshop featured 10 talks covering issues in Artificial Intelligence, animal welfare and ethics, technological advancement, and political philosophy. These presentations addressed some of the most pressing ethical issues in today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape.

Dr. Joe Roussos, Representative from Mimir (Left) and Prof. Andrea Sauchelli, Director of HKCRC (Right)
Prof. Takuya Niikawa, Representative from P.I.E. (Left) and Prof. Andrea Sauchelli, Director of HKCRC (Right)
Group Photo of HKCRC fellows and the speakers from Mimir and P.I.E.