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Mainland/Hong Kong
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June 14, 2024:Li’s southbound diplomatic trip heralds stronger partnerships
The article discusses the significance of Premier Li's diplomatic trip, particularly his visit to Australia, and the potential for a renewed and mutually beneficial partnership Link:

June 3, 2024:Enhancing finance services for true sustainable growth
The article outlines a comprehensive strategy to enhance its cross-border finance services and promote sustainable economic growth for China and Hong Kong


November 27, 2023:China’s strong growth and development is not fortuitous
The article believes that China is shifting towards quality-driven growth while still prioritizing sustainable development

November 21. 2023:World peace is crucial to sustainable development
The article calls for the United States and China to set aside their differences and work together to achieve global peace and prosperity

November 13, 2023:Unfair portrayal of China undermines understanding
This summary critiques a CNN article, pointing out contradictory viewpoints and providing counterarguments to the narrative regarding Hong Kong

October 10, 2023:Human progress must not be limited to Western nations
President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Civilization Initiative, calling for attention to fairness, livability, and sustainability. Western centrism has hindered global cooperation, as seen in actions taken by the United States against entities like Huawei. We should value universal values and establish a truly civilized global civilization

August 29, 2023:China's economy will not lose its dynamism, vigor
Mainland China's economy faces challenges, but it will not stagnate. It is expected to achieve at least 5% growth this year. Legal reforms and economic policies support stability and growth, boosting investor confidence

July 18, 2923:Protecting China’s political system is of paramount importance
China needs to protect its political system because it has achieved tremendous success. Although mistakes have been made in the past, the Communist Party of China has evolved and adopted a more pragmatic and scientific governance approach. This political system has led to significant achievements in poverty alleviation, infrastructure development, scientific research, and other areas, making it worthy of protection

July 4, 2023:Competitiveness rankings shouldn’t be taken at face value
The article discusses the recent release of the "2023 IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook" by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). It notes that Hong Kong has dropped two places in the global competitiveness ranking, falling from fifth place last year to seventh place. While the competitiveness ranking provides some insights, it is not to be entirely relied upon. The article analyzes the components of the ranking and its assessment of Hong Kong and mainland China

June 30. 2023:We must rebuild the good name of ‘one country, two systems’
The article discusses Hong Kong's development and challenges over the past 26 years. The author urges residents to value the "One Country, Two Systems" framework and China's economic vitality, aiming to rebuild Hong Kong's reputation. Lastly, the author hopes for collaborative efforts among leaders to build a better future for both Hong Kong and the mainland

June 13, 2023:Is total factor productivity growth stalling in China?
The article reviews the viewpoint on the stagnation of China's Total Factor Productivity (TFP) growth in 2020, pointing out that overlooking the value of non-market goods such as environmental protection and poverty alleviation may lead to inaccuracies in TFP calculations

June 6, 2023:US’ real national security and existential threat is from within
The article points out that the true threat to the United States comes from within, rather than from China. It criticizes the US for excessively focusing on China while neglecting domestic issues such as infrastructure, crime, poverty, climate change, and so on. It calls on US leadership to focus on domestic governance and cooperate with China to achieve peace and prosperity

May 23, 2023:Belt and Road Initiative an unprecedented global public good
The article introduces China's "Belt and Road" initiative, emphasizing its success and positive impact

May 17, 2023:Clash of civilizations between East, West is politically driven
The article points out fundamental similarities in values between East and West. It suggests that current tensions between China and the US stem from differences in political systems and calls for mutual respect for each other's freedom of choice

May 5, 2023:Mutual respect for each other’s interests is the solution to Russia-Ukraine conflict
The article discusses contemporary global issues surrounding civilization, emphasizing the importance of harmonious coexistence among humanity. It highlights China's active role in the global civilization process and calls on all parties to consider each other's perspectives, work together to solve global issues, and achieve peace

March 21. 2023:US should set its focus on putting own house in order
The United States faces significant government debt, high fiscal deficits, and global financial instability due to Sino-American tensions. Addressing internal infrastructure and healthcare system issues is crucial. To tackle these challenges, the U.S. needs internal reforms, focusing resources on practical solutions

February 7, 2023:EIU Democracy Index shows misleading picture of China
Prof. Ho suggests the West recognize China's real advantages instead of misconceiving it as a threat. China's success stems from its cultural foundations, offering mutual benefits for global development

January 31, 2023:New Year’s wish: ‘China advantage’ is meant to benefit the entire world
China's advantages benefit the world, despite Western misconceptions of it being a threat. Through initiatives like the "Belt and Road," China fosters global economic development. Chinese cultural values, like responsibility and opportunity, underpin its strengths, emphasizing the importance of East-West cooperation for a brighter future.

January 10, 2023:Mainland, HKSAR economy rebound based on policy reset
The year 2023 is pivotal for both Hong Kong and mainland China. After four years of challenges, China remains committed to sustainable development and openness. 2023 is expected to mark a significant economic recovery for both Hong Kong and the mainland, with growth rates projected to reach 5% or higher

January 1, 2023:Why is judicial independence unaffected by NPCSC interpretation?
The article asserts that the NPCSC's interpretation of the Hong Kong National Security Law does not undermine Hong Kong's judicial independence and legal system. It responds to Wikipedia's claims, emphasizing that the national security law is not in conflict with Hong Kong. The NPCSC's interpretation ensures national security without impeding legal rights