嶺南大學藝術雙年節2023 - 探索遊戲設計的繽紛世界! Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 - Dive into the Vibrant World of Game Design!
Organizer:Lingnan Arts Biennale
Date: 29 November 2023 (Wednesday)
Time: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Venue: 嶺南大學郭少明伉儷樓(SEK)G02室
Rm G02, Simon and Eleanor Kwok Building (SEK), Lingnan University


      數碼藝術工作坊提供親嚐遊戲行業頂尖程式Unreal Engine (UE)的機會,並讓學員一展創作力與創意,。世界級的Unreal Engine程式曾製作出不同的經典遊戲,如《Fortnite》、《Yoshi’s Crafted World》和《Batman Arkham Knight》。
      Unreal Engine 有靈活的節點式系統和強大的C++框架,適合所有人操作——從初接觸遊戲開發的新手,到創造出驚天功能的行業專家。這程式操作簡便,易於用戶適應,是塑造個人虛擬現實的完美遊樂場。

  • 從零開始構建屬於你的獨特遊戲世界
  • 設計引人入勝的互動功能
  • 開發獨特的計分系統
  • 創建屬於你的角色和動作
  • 以及更多獨特技巧!



截止報名日期︰2023 年 11 月 23 日

Digital Art Workshop Description

      Unleash your creative prowess in this digital art workshop, in which you will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with one of the industry’s leading game development powerhouses––the Unreal Engine (UE). This world-class tool has been instrumental in creating iconic games such as Fortnite, Yoshi’s Crafted World and Batman Arkham Knight, and now it’s your turn to harness its power.
      With a flexible node-based system and a robust C++ framework, Unreal Engine accommodates everyone––from beginners taking their first steps in game development to seasoned experts creating stunning features. This adaptive and inclusive environment is your playground to shape your own virtual reality.
Embark on a two-hour adventure and collaborate with your guide on an electrifying journey to:

  • Create your unique game world from scratch
  • Engineer thrilling interactive features
  • Develop an engaging scoring system
  • Create your own characters and dictate their movements
  • And much more!

      All are welcome to join this exhilarating journey into game development! No prior experience is necessary––just bring your enthusiasm to learn and your passion to create. Prepare to ignite your imagination, get inspired, and start crafting your gaming universe today!

      Dream big, create boldly––the world of game design awaits you!

Tutor: Mr. KAN Shiu Tao (Lecturer of Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries)
Registration Deadline: 23 Nov 2023

Registration already ended on Friday, November 24, 2023 12:00:00 AM