嶺南大學藝術雙年節2023 - 無盡的卡式帶 Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 - Endless Cassette
Organizer:Office of the Faculty of Arts
Date: 23 November 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Venue: 嶺南大學乾新坊(天幕廣場)
Kin Sun Square (Skylight Plaza), Lingnan University


      二十世紀八十年代,卡式帶將粵語流行音樂帶入我們的家庭、背包和汽車,這是一代人的集體紀念物。如今,在人工智能革命的黎明之際,為何我們依然情繫卡式帶的時代?這場 2023 年嶺南藝術雙年展音樂表演,匯集本地獨立樂隊 Cassette、嶺大學生及 Project Pedal 一同展演音樂和跨代對話。我們會反思處身的當下,與回憶中的自己,以及這一切的總和。

表演者︰ Cassette、Enrico Bertelli 博士及嶺大學生
截止報名日期︰2023 年 11 月 16 日

Music Performance Description

      In the 1980s, Cantopop brought cassette tapes into our homes, backpacks, and cars, leaving behind a generational memento. As we stand at the dawn of the AI revolution, why do we still have a soft spot for the Musicassette era? As part of the Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023, this musical happening on Lingnan campus will bring together the local indie band Cassette, Lingnan students, and Project Pedal, which showcases music and intergeneration dialogues: a reflection on who we were, how we are now, and what this sounds like.

Performers: Cassette, Dr. Enrico BERTELLI and Lingnan’s students
Registration Deadline: 16 Nov 2023

Registration already ended on Friday, November 17, 2023 12:00:00 AM