嶺南大學藝術雙年節2023 - 音樂人工智慧面面觀 Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 - An Overview of Music AI
Organizer:Lingnan Arts Biennale
Date: 27 November 2023 (Monday)
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Venue: Zoom


      人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence, AI)技術的重點在於從巨量資料中自動提取資訊、建立模型,並生成新的內容,而此技術亦適用於音樂資料上。因此,音樂人工智慧正持續影響當代音樂受眾的行為、音樂產品的生產工具,甚或音樂研究的方法論等。本座談將介紹幾個音樂人工智慧的新興議題,包括自動作曲、自動採譜、機器鑑賞、虛擬音樂家、計算音樂學,以開展科技與人文的深度對話。


AI Music Seminar Description

      Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology excels in information mining, modelling, and generating content from vast amounts of data. This characteristic of AI applies to music data as well. As a result, Music AI is transforming contemporary music by influencing audience behaviour, music production tools, and music research methodology. In this presentation, we will introduce emerging topics in Music AI, including music generation, automatic music transcription, machine appreciation, virtual musicians, computational musicology, and more. Through these discussions, we aim to foster a profound dialogue between technology and the humanities in the context of music.

Speaker: Dr. SU Li (Ph.D. of the Graduated Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University)
Moderator: Prof. LI Yu-chieh (Assistant Professor, Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries)

Registration already ended on Friday, November 24, 2023 12:00:00 AM