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A New Course Designed to Help Students Develop a Range of Essential Skills for Success in the AI Era

The Department of Translation has decided to open a new course, TRA3240 Localization and Project Management, which is unique in Hong Kong’s translation training. The course integrates the latest AI tools and covers knowledge beyond translation skills, drawing on the teacher’s own professional experience.

In today’s fast-paced business world, the need to have multiple skills has become more important than ever. According to George Chan, the instructor for the course, “The current AI era has presented a lot of challenges to translators, and to excel in your career, you will need to adopt a holistic view over your projects – not just translation – so that you can meet the escalated demands of your organization.” This is where the new course on Localization and Project Management comes in.

George is an experienced professional who has held positions such as senior translator, marketing manager, business manager, assistant vice president, and more in multinational corporations. Leveraging his industry experience, he has designed the course to equip students with a wide range of essential skills for success in the AI era.

To learn more about the course, please watch the video via the link: