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Campfire Sparkles in Translation O’camp

The students’ Translation Society Adventra welcomed more than 30 new translation students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds to a 2-day Orientation Camp from 23 to 25 August 2023. The camp was held at Lingnan University and Jockey Club Silvermine Bay Camp, where the freshmen had a lot of fun and learning. The camp aimed to help the newcomers bond with each other, learn more about the Department, and get ready for their exciting journey ahead.

The camp started with some amusing ice-breaking games that tested the students’ knowledge of Hong Kong and Lingnan University. The games also fostered cross-cultural communication and understanding, as the local students acted as “cultural translators” for the non-local ones. The freshmen learned more about the unique places and culture of Hong Kong, as well as how to respect and appreciate diversity.

The camp also featured a variety of team-building and theme activities, such as City-hunting, barbecue, and a sharing section where the seniors from the Translation Society gave some useful tips and information about hostel life and department courses to the freshmen. The campers enjoyed the warm and friendly atmosphere under the starry sky, as they sang along with the society members and cheered for each other.

The camp was a memorable and rewarding experience for the freshmen, who made new friends and gained a deeper insight into the translation programme and the Lingnan community. It indeed sparked a wonderful start to their university life. The Department is also excited to see what the enthusiastic society has in store for the upcoming school year.