Programme Outcome Management System (POMS)


Welcome to the new and improved version of the Programme Outcome Management System (POMS). This tool has been developed to streamline the process of generating summary tables based on rubrics and to provide an auto-generated template for the Assurance of Learning report. The previous version of POMS is no longer in service due to errors and limitations, but we are excited to introduce this new version, which will greatly simplify the tasks for lecturers.

Download the Excel File:

To access the temporary method of using POMS, please download the Excel file from the provided link. Click on the download link provided to initiate the download process.


Open the Excel File:

Once the download is complete, open the Excel file on your computer. Ensure that you have Microsoft Excel installed.


Input data in the correct format:

To generate the summary table, you need to input the data in the correct format. Please follow the instructions provided within the Excel file carefully. Make sure to input the data accurately as per the specified format in the [Input] spreadsheet.


Generate the Summary Table:

The summary table will automatically be generated once you input the data in the correct format. Please check the [output] spreadsheet to see the summary table.



If you encounter any difficulties or issues while using the Excel file, please contact Gary via email at [email protected] or by calling 2616-8519.

Please keep in mind that this temporary method based on the Excel file will remain in place until the new version of POMS is ready for use. The target date for the new version is Term 1 of the "2024–25" academic year.


We hope that this new version of POMS and the temporary Excel method will help you easily generate summary tables and create Assurance of Learning reports. We appreciate your cooperation and patience during this transitional phase.