News and Events

Academic Year: 2023-24│2022-232021-22



4 July 2024RGC Competitive Grants Award 2024-25
14 Jun 2024Interview with Prof Leung Sueh Han Vincent: The Power of Digital History
30 Apr 2024Animation and Digital Arts Programme team awarded the Teaching Excellence Awards Scheme 2023/24
5 Apr 2024

Arts Faculty Research Seminar Series in Term 2, 2023-24 

Date: 5 April 2024 (Friday) 

Time: 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

1.5 ILP Units (Aesthetic Development)

Dec 2023

文匯報報導: 藝術與科技課程冀2028年推出 


明報報導:嶺大M+學習中心開幕 供文藝創意課程使用 

香港商報網報導: 最美校外學習中心「嶺大@西九龍」開幕 2023/24學年啟用 

點新聞報導: 「嶺大@西九龍」校外學習中心開幕 營造藝術氛圍促師生交流 

小文青報導: 【數碼藝術】 數碼藝術展《數碼攸關》嶺南藝術雙年節2023 現實虛擬之結合中自我改造


ARTECH報導: 「數/物」嶺南藝術雙年節2023|審視科技對當代藝術的改造

7 Nov 2023

Lingnan Arts Biennale 2023 - Digital/Matter

嶺南藝術雙年節2023 — 「數/物」

26 Oct 2023

Undergraduate Admission Talk & Campus Tour - Introduction to Arts Programmes 

Date: 4 November 2023 (Saturday) 

Time: 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Venue: Lingnan University Campus, Tuen Mun

25 Oct 2023

Prof. Carmen Tsui of Department of History has been selected as the winner of the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Best Article on Global Hong Kong Studies in the Humanities 

歷史系徐頌雯教授榮獲國際亞洲研究學者大會 (ICAS) 香港研究人文類最佳文章獎

25 Oct 2023

Everyday Architecture in Context : Public Markets in Hong Kong (1842–1981) by Prof. Carmen Tsui of Department of History shortlisted for the International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) Book Prize in the Chinese Language Edition 

歷史系徐頌雯教授著作《香港街市: 日常建築裏的城市脈絡(1842–1981)》入圍國際亞洲研究學者大會 (ICAS) 圖書獎最佳中文書籍

10 Oct 2023Faculty of Arts Prospectus
9 Oct 2023

1st Arts Faculty Research Seminar Series in Term 1, 2023-24 

Date: 9 October 2023 (Monday) 

Time: 3:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. 

1.5 ILP Units (Aesthetic Development)

21 Sep 2023

18 Arts Faculty members receive Research & KT Excellence Awards 2023 

(Photos of the awards presentation ceremony)