Heads of Departments / Units and Programme Directors / Co-ordinators (2023 - 24)


(I) Office of the President


PresidentProf. S. Joe QIN
Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science
[email protected] 
Vice-President (Academics) cum ProvostProf. Raymond CHAN
Lam Man Tsan Chair Professor of Scientific Computing
[email protected] 
Vice-President (Research and Innovation)Prof. YAO Xin
Tong Tin Sun Chair Professor of Machine Learning
[email protected] 
Associate Vice-President (Institutional Advancement and External Affairs)Prof. LAU Chi Pang
Department of History
[email protected]
Associate Vice-President (Academic Quality Assurance and Internationalisation)Prof. Shalendra SHARMA
Lee Shau Kee Foundation Chair Professor of Political Science
Department of Government and International Affairs
[email protected] 
Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research)Prof. Sam KWONG
J. K. Lee Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence
School of Data Science
[email protected] 
Associate Vice-President (Student Affairs)Prof. LI Dong Hui
Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre
[email protected]  
Special Advisor to the PresidentProf. Bradley BARNES
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]  



(II) Deans / Heads of Academic Departments / Centres / Unit


Dean, Office of the Faculty of ArtsProf. Emilie YEH
Lam Wong Yiu Wah Chair Professor of Visual Studies
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]  
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies), Office of the Faculty of ArtsProf. Andrea SAUCHELLI
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Teaching and Learning), Office of the Faculty of ArtsProf. Denise TANG
Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Dean, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. LENG Mingming
Chair Professor of Operations and Risk Management
Department of Operations and Risk Management
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies and AACSB), Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. Patrick POON
Professor of Teaching
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Research and Executive Education), Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. Kenny LIN
Department of Accountancy
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate Studies), Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. SHI Shanshan
Associate Professor of Teaching
Office of the Faculty of Business
[email protected]
Dean, Office of the Faculty of Social SciencesProf. William HAYWARD
Chair Professor of Psychology
Faculty of Social Sciences and School of Graduate Studies
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), Office of the Faculty of Social SciencesProf. Stefan KUEHNER
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies), Office of the Faculty of Social SciencesProf. Vicki YEUNG
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Acting Dean, School of Data ScienceProf. Sam KWONG
Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) and J. K. Lee Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence
[email protected] 
Acting Associate Dean, School of Data ScienceProf. XIE Haoran
Associate Professor
School of Data Science
[email protected] 
Dean, School of Graduate StudiesProf. Sam KWONG
Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) and J. K. Lee Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence
[email protected] 
Associate Dean, School of Graduate StudiesProf. YAU Yung
School of Graduate Studies and Department of Sociology and Social Policy
[email protected]
Dean, School of Interdisciplinary StudiesProf. CHEN Xi
Chair Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Administration and Education), School of Interdisciplinary StudiesProf. Jonathan FONG
Associate Professor
Science Unit
[email protected]
Associate Dean (Research and Innovation), School of Interdisciplinary StudiesProf. XIANG Yong
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
[email protected]
Head, Department of ChineseProf. XU Gang
Associate Professor
Department of Chinese
[email protected]
Head, Department of Cultural StudiesProf. PUN Ngai
Chair Professor of Cultural Studies
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Head, Department of EnglishProf. Janet HO
Associate Professor
Department of English
[email protected]
Head, Department of HistoryProf. Vincent LEUNG
Associate Professor
Department of History
[email protected]
Head, Department of PhilosophyProf. Andrea SAUCHELLI
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
[email protected]
Head, Department of TranslationProf. Rachel LUNG
Department of Translation
[email protected]
Acting Head, Department of Digital Arts and Creative IndustriesProf. MAN Chi Wah
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Head, Centre for English and Additional LanguagesProf. ZOU Di
Associate Professor
Department of English
[email protected]
Head, Chinese Language Education and Assessment CentreProf. LI Dong Hui
[email protected]
Head, Department of AccountancyProf. ZHANG Yue
Associate Professor
Department of Accountancy
[email protected]
Head, Department of FinanceProf. WEI Lai
Department of Finance
[email protected]
Head, Department of ManagementProf. CHEN Tingting
Associate Professor
Department of Management
[email protected]
Head, Department of Marketing and International BusinessProf. PENG Ling
Associate Professor
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]
Head, Department of Operations and Risk ManagementProf. LI Jingyuan
Department of Operations and Risk Management
[email protected]
Head, Department of PsychologyProf. SIU Oi Ling
Lam Woo & Co Ltd Chair Professor of Applied Psychology
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Head, Department of EconomicsProf. Larry QIU
Sydney S. W. Leong Chair Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Interim Head, Department of Government and International AffairsProf. ZHANG Baohui
Department of Government and International Affairs
[email protected]
Head, Department of Sociology and Social PolicyProf. CHEN Hon Fai
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
[email protected]
Head, Science UnitProf. Paulina WONG
Associate Professor
Science Unit
[email protected]
Head, Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts UnitProf. IP Kim Ho
Professor of Practice
Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit
[email protected]



(III) Directors of Academic Programmes / Offices


Director of Undergraduate Business Programmes, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. Patrick POON
Professor of Teaching
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]
Associate Director of Undergraduate Business Programmes, Office of the Faculty of Business
Prof. Agnes LO
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Accountancy
[email protected]
Associate Director of Undergraduate Business Programmes, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. Paul WHITLA
Professor of Teaching
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]
Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes Office, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. SHI Shanshan
Associate Professor of Teaching
Office of the Faculty of Business
[email protected]
Associate Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes Office, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. GAO Jin
Associate Professor of Teaching
Office of the Faculty of Business
[email protected]
Associate Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes Office, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. NI Na
Associate Professor of Teaching
Office of the Faculty of Business
[email protected]
Associate Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes Office, Office of the Faculty of BusinessProf. YAN Aihua
Associate Professor of Teaching
Office of the Faculty of Business
[email protected]
Programme Director, BSocSc Programme, Office of the Faculty of Social SciencesProf. Stefan KUEHNER
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, BSocSc Programme, Office of the Faculty of Social SciencesProf. Gregory WHITTEN
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Director, Office of the Core CurriculumProf. Jonathan FONG
Associate Professor
Science Unit
[email protected]
Programme Director, Bachelor of Liberal Arts (Honours) in Global Development and Sustainability ProgrammeProf. Grace CHOU
Professor of Teaching
Department of History
[email protected]
Director, Lingnan Institute of Further EducationProf. YU Kar Ming
[email protected]



(IV) Directors of Research Institutes / Centres / Programmes


Director, Institute of Policy StudiesProf. PUN Ngai
Chair Professor of Cultural Studies
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Director, Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing StudiesProf. Dickson CHAN
Research Professor
Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies
[email protected]
Director, Centre for Film and Creative IndustriesProf. Emilie YEH
Lam Wong Yiu Wah Chair Professor of Visual Studies
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Associate Director, Centre for Film and Creative IndustriesProf. LI Yu-Chieh
Assistant Professor
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Director, Centre for Competition Policy and RegulationProf. ZHANG Tianle
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Director, Centre for Cultural Research and DevelopmentProf. PUN Ngai
Chair Professor of Cultural Studies
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Associate Director, Centre for Cultural Research and DevelopmentProf. Kimburley CHOI
Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Director, Centre for Environmental History and DevelopmentProf. William LIU
Department of History
[email protected]
Associate Director, Centre for Environmental History and DevelopmentProf. ZHANG Lei
Associate Professor
Department of History
[email protected]
Acting Director, China Economic Research ProgrammeProf. ZHANG Tianle
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Director, Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk CentreProf. Andrea SAUCHELLI
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
[email protected]
Associate Director, Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk CentreProf. Jesse HILL
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
[email protected]
Co-ordinator, Hong Kong and South China Historical Research ProgrammeProf. LAU Chi Pang
Department of History
[email protected]
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Business StudiesProf. LIANG Li Ping
Department of Operations and Risk Management
[email protected]
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Business StudiesProf. Eric LAM
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Management
[email protected]
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute of Business StudiesProf. ZHAO Xiaofeng
Associate Professor
Department of Finance
[email protected]
Director, Dr Raymond Wong Research Centre for Arts Technology and BusinessProf. MAO Ying
Associate Professor
Department of Accountancy
[email protected]
Acting Director, Institute of Insurance and Risk ManagementProf. LENG Mingming
Chair Professor of Operations and Risk Management
Department of Operations and Risk Management
[email protected]
Director, Jockey Club Hong Kong History Learning ProgrammeProf. LAU Chi Pang
Department of History
[email protected]
Director, LEO Dr David P. Chan Institute of Data ScienceProf. WONG Man Leung
School of Data Science
[email protected]
Associate Director, LEO Dr David P. Chan Institute of Data ScienceProf. Paulina WONG
Associate Professor
Science Unit
[email protected]
Director, Lingnan University Creative and Cultural Innovation Research InstituteProf. PUN Ngai
Chair Professor of Cultural Studies
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Associate Director, Lingnan University Creative and Cultural Innovation Research InstituteProf. Tommy TSE
Honorary Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Interim Director, Lingnan University Institute for Advanced StudyProf. Bradley BARNES
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]
Acting Director, Pan Sutong Shanghai-Hong Kong Economic Policy Research InstituteProf. ZHANG Tianle
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Director, Public Governance ProgrammeProf. LI Pang Kwong
Professor of Practice
Department of Government and International Affairs
[email protected]
Acting Director, STEAM Education and Research CentreProf. ZHANG Tianle
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Director, The Advanced Institute for Global Chinese StudiesProf. CAI Zong-qi
Lee Wing Tat Chair Professor of Chinese Literature
Department of Chinese
[email protected]
Director, Wofoo Joseph Lee Consulting and Counselling Psychology Research CentreProf. SIU Oi Ling
Lam Woo & Co Ltd Chair Professor of Applied Psychology
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Associate Director, Wofoo Joseph Lee Consulting and Counselling Psychology Research CentreProf. HUANG Yi
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Associate Director, Wofoo Joseph Lee Consulting and Counselling Psychology Research CentreProf. Ken NG
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
[email protected]



(V) Heads of Administrative and Service Units


Head, Office of the PresidentMs. Joanne CHO
[email protected] 
Director of Administration, Office of Council/Court Business and General AdministrationMrs. Monica TSANG
[email protected] 
Head, Office of Internal AuditMs. Michelle XU
[email protected] 
Director, Office of Institutional Advancement and Public AffairsMs. Ella LEE
[email protected] 
Director, Human Resources OfficeMs. Wendy LAI
[email protected] 
Director, Finance OfficeMr. Ian WOO
[email protected] 
Director, Office of Campus Development and ManagementMr. Dennis WONG
[email protected] 
Registrar, RegistryMs. Margaret CHEUNG
[email protected]
Director, Office of Global EducationDr. Simon XU
[email protected]
Director, Office of Research and Knowledge TransferMs. Sharon TAM
[email protected] 
Director, Office of Student AffairsMs. Irene NG
[email protected] 
Chief Information Officer and University Librarian, Information Technology Services Centre/ LibraryDr. Louisa LAM
[email protected] 
Director, Office of Service-LearningProf. Albert KO
[email protected] 
Director, Teaching and Learning CentreProf. Frankie LAM
[email protected] 
Head, Office of Mainland DevelopmentMs. Ivy SHEN
[email protected] 
Head, Institutional Research and Branding OfficeMs. Ammy CHAN
[email protected] 



(VI) Others


Director of Entrepreneurship InitiativeProf. Albert KO
Director of Service-Learning
Office of Service-Learning
[email protected]
Director of Entrepreneurship Education, Faculty of BusinessProf. Eric LAM
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Management
[email protected]
Programme Director, Doctor of Business Administration in Global Digital Economy and Governance ProgrammeProf. Eric LAM
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Management
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Doctor of Business Administration in Global Digital Economy and Governance ProgrammeProf. QI Suntong
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Marketing and International Business
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Arts in Chinese ProgrammeProf. Mary WONG
Associate Professor
Department of Chinese
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Arts in Chinese ProgrammeProf. GONG Haomin
Associate Professor
Department of Chinese
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Arts in Creative and Media Industries ProgrammeProf. Emilie YEH
Lam Wong Yiu Wah Chair Professor of Visual Studies
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]  
Associate Programme Director, Master of Arts in Creative and Media Industries ProgrammeProf. PARK Jinheoy
Assistant Professor
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Arts in Curating and Art History ProgrammeProf. HO Chui Fun
Assistant Professor
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Arts in Curating and Art History ProgrammeProf. CHEN Fong Fong
Research Assistant Professorr
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Arts in International Affairs ProgrammeProf. TAM Wai Keung
Research Associate Professor
Department of Government and International Affairs
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Arts in International Affairs ProgrammeProf. CHU Pok
Assistant Professor
Department of Government and International Affairs
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Arts in Translation Studies ProgrammeProf. Isaac HUI
Associate Professor
Department of Translation
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Arts in Translation Studies ProgrammeProf. CHAN Chi Yu
Assistant Professor of Practice
Department of Translation
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Cultural Studies ProgrammeProf. Denise TANG
Associate Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Deputy Director, Master of Cultural Studies ProgrammeDr. ZHOU Yang
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Cultural Studies
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Science in International and Development Economics ProgrammeProf. Larry QIU
Sydney S. W. Leong Chair Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Science in International Banking and Finance ProgrammeProf. Larry QIU
Sydney S. W. Leong Chair Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
[email protected]
Managing Director, Master of Science in International Banking and Finance ProgrammeDr. Kent LAI
[email protected]
Programme Coordinator, Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence and Business Analytics ProgrammeProf. Eric SEE-TO
Associate Professor
Department of Operations and Risk Management
[email protected]
Programme Coordinator, Master of Science in Arts Technology and Business ProgrammeProf. XIE Nina
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Management
[email protected]
Programme Coordinator, Master of Science in Data Science ProgrammeProf. SHEN Jiaxing
Assistant Professor
School of Data Science
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Science in Work and Organisational Psychology ProgrammeProf. SIU Oi Ling
Lam Woo & Co Ltd Chair Professor of Applied Psychology
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Science in Work and Organisational Psychology ProgrammeProf. Ray CHEUNG
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Science in Work and Organisational Psychology ProgrammeProf. Vicki YEUNG
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Social Sciences in Comparative Social Policy (International) ProgrammeProf. Stefan KUEHNER
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology and Social Policy
[email protected]
Programme Director, Master of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology ProgrammeProf. Ray CHEUNG
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Master of Social Sciences in Applied Psychology ProgrammeProf. LUI Fai Hong
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Programme Director, Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Animation and Digital Arts ProgrammeProf. MAN Chi Wah
Associate Professor of Teaching
Department of Digital Arts and Creative Industries
[email protected]
Programme Director, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Business Psychology ProgrammeProf. Francis CHEUNG
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Associate Programme Director, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Business Psychology ProgrammeProf. Vivian LUN
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
[email protected]
Programme Director, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Global Economics and Banking ProgrammeProf. Adam WONG
Department of Economics
[email protected]