Board of Examiners

Terms of Reference


  • To maintain the academic standards of the programme at a level appropriate to the award of the degree;
  • To maintain general supervision of the system of continuous assessment;
  • To assess the performance of students in the programme;
  • To maintain the proper conduct of examinations;
  • To approve the final subject results;
  • To deal with grievances and appeals from students; and
  • To report/make recommendations to the Postgraduate Studies Committee under Senate.




Prof. YAN Aihua, 
Associate Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes, Faculty of Business


Prof. LENG Mingming, 
Dean of Faculty of Business

Prof. LI Jingyuan, 
Head of Department of Operations and Risk Management
Prof. Eric NGAI,
External Academic Adviser

All instructors of the Term concerned


Ms. Margaret NG,
Senior Programme Officer