Prof. LENG Mingming

Prof. LENG Mingming

Prof. LENG Mingming

Chair Professor of Operations and Risk Management           

Dean of the Faculty of Business 

Academic Qualification:

BEng (SIT); MEng (WUT); PhD (McMaster)

Office Location:



(852) 2616-8331 / 2616-8104


(852) 2892-2442


[email protected]

Research Interests:

Operations and Supply Chain Management, Game Theory, Stochastic Processes, Operations Research.

I am a Chair Professor of Operations and Risk Management and the Dean of the Faculty of Business. I have also served the University as the Head of Department of Computing and Decision Sciences in August 2014--August 2017, the Founding Director of the Doctor of Business Administration in Global Digital Economy and Governance Programme (January--August 2021), and the Founding Director of the Master of Science Programme in eBusiness and Supply Chain management at Lingnan University (August 2015--August 2017).

At Lingnan University, I have obtained the Research Excellence Awards (2010, 2012; Honorable Mention of the Award in 2014), Research & Knowledge Transfer Fund Awards (2021, 2022), the Certificate of Merit for Teaching Excellence (2008), and the Dr and Mrs James Tak Wu Awards for Outstanding Service 2023-2024.

Professor Leng holds a Ph.D. degree in Management Science/System from McMaster University's DeGroote School of Business, Canada. His research interests are centered on game theory (with a focus on cooperative game theory), operations and supply chain management, and interface between operations and other disciplines.

Professor Leng has published a number of papers in top-tier or highly-respected journals such as Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, IIE Transactions, and others. Moreover, he is a member in the Editorial Review Board of Production and Operations Management and an Associate Editor of INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research. In addition to academic experiences, he has five years working experience in industry.