

The word ‘philosophy’ comes from ancient Greece, where it meant ‘the love of wisdom’. Philosophy investigates the world and our knowledge of it, and approaches these issues systematically and at a high level of generality and abstraction. The characteristic, though not exclusive, methods that philosophers use in such investigations include reasoning and conceptual clarification as well as careful attention to examples, whether actual or imagined, that may be relevant in particular debates. Many problems discussed in philosophy have a close connection with everyday moral problems or topics discussed in science, which shows that the widespread picture of philosophy as abstract, dry and irrelevant is misleading.



The Honours Degree Programme in Philosophy at Lingnan is designed to provide students with an introduction to contemporary philosophy and to acquaint them with the history of the discipline. Lingnan’s philosophy programme places an emphasis on training students to do philosophy, that is, to become skilled at understanding, responding to, and developing philosophical arguments. Lingnan philosophy students learn about both Eastern and Western philosophical traditions and become familiar with the topics that define their central areas, such as logic, philosophy of language, ethics, and theory of knowledge. The programme trains students to engage in informed reflection and argumentation on a wide range of philosophical questions.


The BA (Hons) Philosophy has two main outcomes:

  1. Students who study philosophy successfully will have a foundational knowledge of philosophical traditions, arguments, and problems that will enable them to pursue further studies in philosophy in Hong Kong or overseas;
  2. The study of philosophy enhances a variety of skills having applications both within and outside of the university or other educational institutions. These skills fall into three broad types:
    1. analytic and critical thinking abilities, such as the ability to recognize assumptions and conceptual relations, the ability to gather and organize information logically and systematically, and the ability to detect ambiguity, vagueness, inconsistency, and argumentative fallacies;
    2. interpretative and comprehension skills, such as the ability to understand difficult texts and extract key arguments and issues; and
    3. communicative skills, including the ability to write and speak on complex topics with clarity and precision.



  • Promo

Voices from our teachers, students and alumni

  • Sample Lecture

Xunzi (PHI2112 History of Chinese Philosophy: From Pre-Qin to Han)

Instructed by Prof. Chiu Wai-wai

  • Sample Lecture

Shallow and Deep Pleasures (PHI3105 Philosophy of Happiness)

Instructed by Prof. Daniel Pallies