Subsite Background

Professor SIU Oi Ling

Prof. Siu

Head of Department of Psychology
Lam Woo & Co Ltd Chair Professor of Applied Psychology
Programme Director of Master of Science in Work and Organisational Psychology 

BEd (Strathclyde); AdvDipEd, MPhil (HKU); PhD (Liverpool)

Office:  WYL201/1, Dorothy Y L Wong Building
              Department of Psychology
              Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong

TEL:      (852) 2616 7170

FAX:      (852) 2616 5997

e-Mail:   [email protected]

Editor, International Journal of Stress Management from January 2015 to Jan 2021.

Guest Professor of Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, PRC November 2016 to April 2024

Guest Professor, School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University from April 2018 to Mar 2023

Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Stress Management from January 2010 to 31 January 2014; from Jan 2021

Lam Woo & Co Ltd Chair Professor 


Siu Oi-ling is Chair Professor teaching psychology courses. Her research interests are in Occupational Health Psychology, specifically occupational stress, psychology of safety and work-life balance. Professor. Siu also conducts research in Environmental Psychology and Psychology of Ageing. In the past few years, Professor Siu has been awarded many RGC's GRF (previously Earmarked Research Grants), National Natural Science Foundation (China), Australian Research Council, Quality Education Fund, and research grants by the Occupational Safety & Health Council.



World's Top 2 % Scientists ranked by Stanford University (from 2020) 

Best Scientists in Psychology in China by (from 2022)  (22 nd in 2024)

Awarded by University Grants Committee’s “Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship 2020-2021



Awarded 2018 "Top 50" Overall Contributor to Work and Family Research by Work and Family Researchers Network Washington D.C. (in June 2018).

One of the Top 25 work-family scholars in the world (Google Scholar, May 2017)

Editor, International Journal of Stress Management from January 2015.

Associate Editor, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology from January 2015.

Member of Editorial Board, Stress and Health (from 2017).

Guest Professor of Department of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, PRC since November 2016.

Guest Professor, School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University from April 2018.

Awarded the Research Excellence Award in May 2002.

Awarded the Dr. and Mrs. James Wu Awards for Outstanding Service by Lingnan University in March 2002.

Awarded the Committee Member of Chinese Association of Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) & Organizational Health in November 2004.

Awarded Guest Professorship by Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, PRC since January 2008. 中國科學院社會與組織行為研究中心客座教授.

Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Stress Management from January 2010 to 31 January 2014.


Research Projects in Progress

How to improve employees’ informational security behavior under the context of technostress (Project No. 72271011) (by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)) (2023-2026) (Dr. Lu C.Q. is the PI from Peking University; Prof. Siu is the Co-Principal Investigator)

Cognitive Profile and Neural Characteristics of Gifted and Typically Developing Students (granted by the Innovation and Impact Fund (IIF) collaborating with The Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education (HKAGE). (1 Sept 2022- 31 Aug 2024). (a KT project, Prof Siu is the Co-I)

Provision of evaluation services of the affective states of the online/onsite learners. (commissioned by the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute) (Dec 2021 to Sept 2022) (a KT project, Prof. Siu is the PI)

University Mental Health Survey- Prevalence and Predictors of Mental Disorders in First-Year Students in Lingnan University (granted by Department of Psychiatry, CUHK, PI is Prof. Arthur Mak) (ongoing project) (Prof. Siu is the Co-I & one of the WHOWMH-ICS Collaborators)  



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Research Project: Work-Life balance

‘A Study of Job Demands-Resources Model of Workplace Safety and the Role of Chinese Psychological Belief: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches’ by the competitive General Research Fund(2013-14), RGC (HK$527,500) (1 Jan 2014- 31 Dec 2015). Prof. Siu O.L. is the PI and the sole investigator of the project.

'How to mitigate the impacts of employment insecurity on employees' performance and intention to retain? A longitudinal study' (no.71271005) by the National Natural Science Foundation 国家自然科学基金(of China (RMB$520,000) (2013-2016) with Dr. Lu Chang-qi from Peking U as the PI and Siu O.L. as the Co-I.

'When and why is proactive personality more related to job performance among employees in Mainland China?' (granted HK$105,997 from the Research and Postgraduate Committee of Lingnan University) (RGC Direct Allocation) (May 2013 to 31 July 2015).

Work-Life balance is the individual perception that work and non-work activities are compatible, and promote growth in accordance with an individual's current life priorities.

This three year longitudinal project (2007-2009) was initiated by Dr Paula Brough (Griffith University, Australia) and jointly managed by the Australian National University (Canberra), the University of Waikato (New Zealand), Lingnan University (Hong Kong) and University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong).

This research project will validate a new work-life balance measure and identify which work-life policies are of most value to workers and employers. This research involves 4 locations: Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and China and will involve over 20,000 employees.




Professor Shi Kan from School of Management, Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, visited Lingnan University from 5 June 09 to 15 June 09.


Education Bureau Project 2009: Provision of Services for a Training Course for Teachers on "Psychological Approach to Effective Strategies in Handling Students' Challenging Behavior"


Training for Hong Kong Housing Authority "Managing Abusive/Violent Customers for Managerial Staff" 2009.


Photo with BSMS students awarded Dean's List 2009.


Education Bureau Project 2010: Provision of Services for a Training Course for Teachers on "Psychological Approach to Effective Strategies in Handling Students' Challenging Behaviour"


Teaching Subjects

Academic Year: 2023-2024

1st Term:CLC9007Stress Management, Health and Life Balance
 PSY514Occupational Health Psychology
2nd Term:PSY4325Industrial and Organizational Psychology