

To deliver a quality programme that enables students to develop the necessary skills and knowledge in the subject area and maintain a high academic standard, we will establish an Advisory Board to provide the programme with valuable advice. The Advisory Board will serve as the interface between government, industry, commerce, and the community at large and the host department of the programme. Normally, the Advisory Board shall meet once per year to help plan and review the following aspects of work, including future developments:

  • The level and length of courses/programmes concerned in relation to regional needs; 
  • The relevance of the courses/programmes to the changing needs and nature of potential employment of the graduates of the programme; 
  • The prospects of regional employment for the graduates of the programme; 
  • The adequacy of equipment and other resources of the academic unit(s) to fulfil regional needs; 
  • The development of teaching and other activities carried out jointly by the academic unit(s) and the appropriate community sectors; 
  • The investigation, consultancy and other services given by the academic unit(s); 
  • Keep under review the assistance which the community can give to further the objectives of the University in the subject concerned by way of practical training facilities, the provision of part-time teaching staff and equipment, the award of scholarships, student-fellowships, etc.


Chairman:To be nominated by the Convener and appointed by the Senate
Convener: Prof. SHEN Jiaxing
Members:To be nominated by the Convener and appointed by the Senate
Secretary:To be appointed by the Convener