Graduate Sharing


LAM Lai Kan 
BA (Hons) in Chinese, 2019 Graduate

The BA Chinese programme has long been one of the most famous and outstanding programmes at Lingnan University. A 4-year degree of all-rounded learning includes knowledge of Modern and Classical Chinese Literature, Linguistics, Creative Writing. Students can choose their research angle for their final year project based on their research interests. This project will be guided by our professional teachers, who are willing to interact with students whole-heartedly. Although all of us will graduate one day, the identity as a student in the Department of Chinese will never vanish and will always link us together.


BIBI Rukayya
BA (Hons) in Contemporary English Studies, 2022 Graduate

I have made many decisions in life but choosing to pursue BA (Hons) in Contemporary English Studies at Lingnan has to be one of the best ones! Like most other English programmes offered in various universities, this programme requires students to study both linguistics and literature. This might make you wonder, how is studying English at Lingnan different from other universities then? Well, to answer that, the English department in Lingnan is very special because we have the most dedicated and devoted professors who are always there for their students! Whether you have one question or ten, they are all just one email away! In fact, they instil so much confidence in their students by assuring them that everything is achievable. If you are like me, who had never studied literature before but would still like to pursue English, this degree is the best for you. It is because, not only did my professors made me overcome my fear of ‘literature’, they made me fall in love with literature by allowing me to see how powerful it is! Linguistics or literature, the English curriculum at Lingnan makes sure that every student can follow and is learning at the same pace. What’s even better is that, this degree opens doors to countless professions which includes but is not limited to teaching, translation, marketing and public relations. Hence, I believe this degree has not just equipped me with the knowledge required to be an English teacher, it has also showed me what a responsible and passionate teacher looks like.

Please click here for more stories of Contemporary English Studies graduates.


WONG Kwan Ting Janice
BA (Hons) in Cultural Studies, 2018 Graduate

Cultural Studies provides fascinating courses which do not only equip me with different theories and knowledge but also practical skills. A very different mode of teaching is used that students can learn and discover through discussion and it enhances our learning motivation. I am encouraged to step out of my comfort zone and contribute to the community using what I have learnt. Also, I got more chances to engage in cultural activities, like watching cultural performances and participating in workshops. After years of study, I am trained to be more sensitive and critical towards social issues not only from a local perspective but also a global mindset.


HO Ka Hin
BA (Hons) in Cultural Studies, 2017 Graduate

Cultural Studies provided me with a unique experience. I was absolutely spoiled with immense amount of freedom in terms of studying. This is a field of study that encourages students to explore themselves and develop their own identity during the four years of studies. It offered me many opportunities to be engaged in different parts of society. I also had the opportunity to acquire skills during the process, such as video-making skills, interpersonal skills etc. I also developed a more thorough perspective of the world. I believe that my experience in cultural studies has made me a more open-minded person as I have learnt to believe in myself in general.


BA (Hons) in History, 2019 Graduate

Getting to know a group of knowledgeable scholars and friends is the greatest thing that I have experienced as a History major at Lingnan University. Professors devoted their best effort to answer any questions about history and led me to see the truth about the past. The experience of doing the senior thesis was worthwhile and memorable; it allowed me to develop a thorough understanding and my critical perspective on a particular historical subject. I am grateful to all the friends I have met at Lingnan too, as we encouraged each other to work hard through uncertainties. I shall fondly remember my life at Lingnan, all the laughter and tears, and the treasures that are the many teachers and friends whom I’ve met during my time at the university.


NG Selwyn Henry 
BA (Hons) in History, 2019 Graduate

During my four years at the Department of History, I learnt the appropriate way of doing historical research: searching for suitable and relevant sources, and doing a critical analysis of the past according to them. Meanwhile, the small-sized classes allowed for many communication opportunities between me and the teachers, and I consistently received useful feedback for both my studies and writing. I sincerely appreciated their passion for teaching and thank them for their contribution to the students and our learning at Lingnan.


KWOK Ka Wing 
BA (Hons) in Philosophy, 2012 Graduate

The philosophy curriculum at Lingnan is well-balanced. Students are acquainted with key philosophers in both Western and Chinese history. Also, various branches of contemporary philosophy are introduced. All courses are taught by professors who excel in presenting their insightful understanding with clear and rigorous analyses. The Philosophy Department at Lingnan provided me with the opportunity to study with world-class philosophers. I learnt from them knowledge across numerous disciplines and, more importantly, the way of thinking. A solid foundation had been well laid back then for my current PhD studies. Philosophers are wise, autonomous, reflective, rational, humble. Join us, and you can be the next one!



CHOI Chun Ming Tim
BA (Hons) in Translation, 2005 Graduate

It was a life-changing journey at Lingnan. I was lucky enough to be taken under the wings of giants in the field of literature and translation, who enlightened me with not just knowledge, but also heart-warming and precious mentorship. Their words and attitude, whose lustre remains blindingly bright, were formative influences in my development, both intellectually and personally. They helped shape my professional pursuit into one that rivets on the promotion of language, literature and culture.



YIP Hester
BA (Hons) in Visual Studies, 2017 Graduate

The Department of Visual Studies has paved the way for me to pursue my dream.


Throughout the years of undergraduate study at Lingnan University, I was exposed to different theories of visual culture, from the basics of art history to film studies, and special topics such as light art and videogame theory. The broad scope of VS curriculum introduces students to a wide concept of art, which is helpful in understanding both traditional and contemporary art.


Art conservation has always been my area of interest. In some VS courses, I had the chance to visit conservation laboratories in Hong Kong and learned about the philosophy of conservation during lectures and fieldtrips. With the art education and academic support from VS professors, I was lucky enough to be able to pursue a Master's degree in conservation at Tainan National University of the Arts. Looking back at my study in the VS Department, it absolutely accounts for a large part of realising my dream.

Please click here for more stories of Visual Studies graduates.