Alice Yan

BA (Hons) Contemporary English Studies (an exchange student in 2019)

My time in the English Department at Lingnan was a life-changing experience. I acquired a variety of knowledge through my language studies and developed excellent relationships with my classmates, with whom I still keep in touch since leaving the university.


I was an exchange student at Lingnan University during the spring semester of 2019, and I’m about to enter the University of Chicago to earn my master’s degree.

My time in the English Department at Lingnan was a life-changing experience. I acquired a variety of knowledge through my language studies and developed excellent relationships with my classmates, with whom I still keep in touch since leaving the university. In addition, the exchange experience enabled me to engage in inspiring academic communication. The discussions that I had with my teachers during and after the exchange period greatly influenced my academic interest in pursuing further study. This period will continue to impact my future academic studies, and I am thankful that I made the choice to spend my exchange period here.