Subsite Background

Prof. Zhang Lei (張雷)


Associate Professor

Tel.: 2616 8347
Fax.: (852) 2467-7478
Email: [email protected] 

Location: Room 330, Ho Sin Hang Building 何善衡樓330室



Urban History; Environmental History; Historical Geography; Modern China

2017: Ph. D. History
Syracuse University, Syracuse, U. S. A

2010: M. A., History
Syracuse University, Syracuse, U. S. A

2008: M. A., Historical Geography
Peking University, Beijing, China

2005: B. S., Geography
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China



[A] Book


1. Water Lords: Water Carriers in Beijing, 1644–1937, Leiden and Boston: Brill



2. Visualizing China through Geography: George B. Cressey and China. Beijing: Academy Press, 2014. [In Chinese]



[B] Edited Book


The Interviews of Scholars in Republican Beijing, Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2020. [In Chinese]



[C] Selected Articles


[In English]

1. Lei Zhang, “Red or Expert: Reforming Geographers in China, 1949–1953,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 113:9 (Oct. 2023), 2186–2202.


2. Lei Zhang, “Urbanizing Camels: Camels in Beijing, 1900–1937,” Journal of Urban History, 48:4 (July 2022), 913–927.


3. Lei Zhang, “Careering and Academic Mobility: George B. Cressey’s China, 1923–1963,” Journal of Historical Geography, 76 (April 2022), 14–22.


4. Lei Zhang, “Foreign Wells: Japanese Well-Drilling in Beijing, 1900–1910,” Technology and Culture, 61: 2 (April 2020), 416–436.


5. Lei Zhang, “Foreign Ink: Student Mobility, Overseas Training and Chinese Geography, 1912–1952,” Journal of Historical Geography, 68 (April 2020), 44–54.


6. Lei Zhang, “A City with Two Water: Drinking Water in Beijing, 1644–1900,” Water History, 9:4 (Oct. 2017), 479–494.


[In Chinese]

1. Zhang, Lei, “孤獨的革命:民國豐縣的黨治,1927–1938 (The Alienated Revolution: The Governance of Kuomintang in Feng County, 1927–1938),” 二十一世紀 (Twentieth-First Century, Hong Kong), forthcoming.


2. Zhang, Lei, “战中之战:抗戰時期豐縣西北鄉紳的抉擇 (The Alternatives of Local Elites in Northwest Feng County, 1938–1945),” 二十一世紀 (Twentieth-First Century, Hong Kong) 192, (August 2022):62–78.


3. Zhang, Lei, “丁文江留學考 (The Overseas Training of V. K. Ting, 1902–1911),” 近代史研究 (Modern Chinese History Studies, Beijing) 44, no.1 (2022):154–159.


4. Zhang, Lei, “南胡北黃:民國地理學的分野 (Divisions among Geographers in China, 1936–1952),” 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 (Bulletin of Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taipei) 106, (2019): 87–114.


5. Zhang, Lei, “再造徐霞客:民國科學地理學 (Reconstructing Xu Xiake: The Scientific Geography in China, 1912–1949),” 地理學報 (Acta Geographica Sinca, Beijing) 72, no.9 (2017): 1695–1701.



[D] Book Reviews


1. Book Review: China in one Village by Liang Hong, The Metropole: The Official Blog of the Urban History Association, July 2021.


2. Book Review: Hou Renzhi’s Overseas Manuscripts and Notes, Acta Geographica Sinica 地理學報76, no.3 (2021):765.


3. Book Review: The Interviews of Scholars in Republican Beijing, Guangming Daily, 光明日報 January 21, 2021, p. 11.


1. Principal Investigator, Night-soil Lords: Manure Collector and Urban Waste Disposal in Beijing, 1900–1950, Early Career Scheme, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, 1/2019–12/2021.


2. Principal Investigator, Water Carriers in Occupied Beijing, 1937–1945, Sumitomo Foundation, Japan, 4/2018–3/2019.


3. Research Grant, D. Kim Foundation for the History of Science and Technology in East Asia, U. S., 2013-2014.


4. Research Grant, Konosuke Matsushita Memorial Foundation, Japan, 2012-2013.


5. Grant-in-Aid, Rockefeller Archive Center, NY, 2012-2013.


6. Research Grant, Princeton University Library, NJ, 2011-2012.



1. Principal Investigator, Peking Camels: The Enterprise of Camels in Beijing, 1750-1950, Direct Fund, Lingnan University, 1/2024-12/2024, (HKD 100,000)


2. Principal Investigator, Lighting Up China: Electric Illumination in China 1879-1949, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 11/2023-11/2024, (HKD 45,000)


3. Principal Investigator, American Seeds, Chinese Revolution: The Enterprise of Maize in North China, 1938-1950, Direct Fund, Lingnan University, 1/2023-12/2023, (HKD 90,000)


4. Principal Investigator, Ruling Stockade: The History of a Walled Village in North China, 1861-1966, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 12/2022-11/2023, (HKD 36,000)


5. Principal Investigator, The War within a War: The Occupied Politics in Feng County, 1938-1945, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 11/2021-11/2022, (HKD 45,000)


6. Principal Investigator, Feeding Revolution: The Corn in North China, 1938-1950, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 5/2021-5/2022, (HKD 50,000)


7. Principal Investigator, Geography and Geographers in China, 1911-1950, Lam Woo Research Fund, Lingnan University, 7/2020-7/2022, (HKD 100,000)


8. Principal Investigator, Visualizing China through Geography: Western Geographers in China, 1911-1950, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 5/2020-4/2021, (HKD 45,000)


9. Principal Investigator, Urbanizing Camel: Peking Camels, 1800-1950, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 6/2019-12/2020, (HKD 40,000)


10. Principal Investigator, Foreign Ink: Chinese Overseas Students of Geography, 1926-1952, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 12/2018-11/2019, (HKD 30,000)


11. Principal Investigator, Foreign Water: Japanese Well-Drilling in Beijing, 1900-1910, Faculty Research Grant, Lingnan University, 1/2018-3/2019, (HKD 40,000)

2023: “The Divisions of Historical Geography in China, 1919-1937”, Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies, Shandong University, Jinan, November 29.


2023: “Foreign Wells in Beijing, 1900-1910”, Centre for Studies of Song History, Hebei University, Baoding, May 19.


2022: “The Occupied Politics of a Walled Village in North China, 1938-1945”, Confucius Institute, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, November 19.


2020: “Urbanizing Camels: Camels in Beijing, 1900-1937”, Department of History, Minzu University of China, Beijing, October 17.


2019: “The Returning Students of Geography in China, 1912-1952”, Department of Geography, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Nov. 14.


2015: “Drinking Water in Beijing, 1644-1900”, East Asia Program, Maxwell School,

Syracuse University, (Nov. 11)


2015: “Visualizing China through Geology: Chamberlin and His Expedition to China, 1909,” Invited by Asian Studies program and Library, Beloit College, Beloit, WI, (March 25)


2012: “Visualizing China through Geography: George B. Cressey and His China, 1923-1963,” Department of Geography Colloquium, Syracuse University, (March 9)