About Us


CRDS is hosted by the School of Graduate Studies (GS) of Lingnan University, Hong Kong.The School of Graduate Studies of Lingnan University oversees the development and administration of postgraduate studies programmes. It has rich experience in postgraduate programme management and faculty who have rich teaching and comparative research experience. The proposed Concentration reflects the School of Graduate Studies' core aim to collaborate with leading universities and research institutions in the region and beyond to offer strategic regional and international master's and doctoral programmes.


Teaching Staff


Prof. Ka Ho MOKChair ProfessorKa Ho Joshua MOK — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. Kar Ming YUProgramme DirectorKar Ming YU — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. Padmore Adusei AMOAHAssistant ProfessorPadmore Adusei AMOAH — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. Roberto CASTILLO BAUTISTAAssistant ProfessorRoberto Carlos CASTILLO BAUTISTA — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. LAU Ka Wai MaggieResearch Associate ProfessorKa Wai Maggie LAU — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. CHAN Yuen Tung David

Research Associate Professor

Associate Programme Director

Yuen Tung David CHAN — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. CHENG Wing Tung MichelleResearch Associate ProfessorWing Tung Michelle CHENG — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Dr. HUANG Yaoxuan VirginiaResearch Associate ProfessorYaoxuan Virginia HUANG — Lingnan Scholars (ln.edu.hk)
Prof. LIN KaAdjunct Professor 
Dr. Tayden CHANLecture 







Programm Committee

  • Programme and Curriculum Committee (PCC)
  • Board of Examiners (BoE)
  • Staff-Student Consultation Commitee (SSCC)
  • Advisory Board (AB) 

Supporting Lingnan University Departments 


Owing to CRDS interdisciplinary nature, other research units and academic departments of Lingnan University contribute to teaching. They include:

  • Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)
  • Department of Political Science
  • Pan Sutong Shanghai-Hong Kong Economic Policy Research Centre (PSEC)
  • Centre for Asian Pacific Studies 
  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • Department of Sociology and Social Policy
  • Asia Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS)
  • Joint Research Centre for Greater Bay Area Social Policy and Governance (JCGBA)


International and Regional Collaboration

  • Korea:Kyung Hee University
  • India:Ahmedabad University
  • Mailand China: South China Normal University
  • Hong Kong: Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education