Student Sharing - Psychology

Picture of Ms. RAO LEIYI




"Lingnan is not the kind of university which only focuses on students' academic performance but also self-improvement from different perspectives. Lingnan gave me many chances to plan for myself and grow up. My experience at Lingnan included many activities; most students can find their favourite. I really enjoyed my study in Lingnan-my studies were not only about how much I could learn in class but also about preparing myself for work and life. Lingnan gave me and my fellow students a platform to grow! Studying the Social Sciences at Lingnan provided abundant practical choices, and on top of their Major, students can opt for Concentrations, Minors, and even Double-Majors. I participated in some psychological programmes organized by the Faculty, and these valuable experiences helped me to get my job and pursue further studies."

Picture of Mr. MARIAM BIBI




“The compulsory two years of hostel education and residential Hall life, one of the many key features of the liberal arts education at Lingnan University, have prepared me well to deal with diversity, change, and complexity. With Lingnan University's support, I was allowed to study a semester exchange at the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom. These experiences challenged my independence and taught me how to live with people from different cultural backgrounds. During my time at Lingnan University, I have learned and wholeheartedly experienced that knowledge does not only come from reading textbooks but also through the opportunities to observe and get in touch with different people inside and outside the Lingnan University campus.”

Picture of Ms. TSE MAN KEI


MPhil of Psychology


"Looking back over my four-year undergraduate studies at Lingnan, the BSS programme to me was a starting place where I could gain exposure to different fields in the Social Sciences, and most importantly, has cultivated my interest in psychology later on. I particularly enjoyed the time when I majored in psychology. The Department of Applied Psychology provides courses that cover a wide range of psychology disciplines. Besides, the Professors and the teaching staff always provide students with a friendly and supportive learning environment. After graduation, I furthered my studies at Lingnan and pursued an MPhil degree in psychology. My thesis supervisor gave me a lot of flexibility and guidance in sharing my thesis topic and allowed me to collaborate with clinicians from Tuen Mun hospital. During my MPhil studies, I could get involved in different duties, including scenario design, subject recruitment, simulation and data analysis etc. These valuable experiences have equipped me with solid research skills for my future career path."