Subsite Background

Research Centres

Cover picture of Research Centres


The Faculty of Social Sciences consists of experienced researchers who combine scholarly work with applied, policy-oriented research in various research centres.

  • The Pan Sutong Shanghai-Hong Kong Economic Policy Research Institute (PSEI) was established in 2015 and aims to synergise resources and outstanding economic research expertise in Mainland China and Hong Kong to strengthen research on salient issues related to the economic and financial development.

  • The China Economic Research Programme (CERP), established in early 2016, aims to promote studies by Mainland and Hong Kong scholars, researchers and industry members in areas such as economy, industries, finance and entrepreneurship, as well as collaborative academic research and exchange projects.


Picture of Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau Young STEAM Maker Competition 2018


Some of our faculty members are affiliated with the newly established Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), which houses the Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies (APIAS) focussing on the interface between major societal change and the challenges for policy intervention, as well as the Centre for Competition Policy and Regulation (CCPR) fostering development in competition policy and regulation.


Picture of Research Centres

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