Subsite Background

Internship and Exchange Opportunities




The Department of Sociology and Social Policy offers a variety of internship opportunities, mainly in non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Some of these organisations include:

  • Community organisations
  • Social service and social welfare agencies
  • Social enterprises
  • Research and advocacy groups


Department of Sociology and Social Policy collaborates with the Hong Kong Council of Social Service to offer the “Social Impact Assessment Scheme”. By joining this scheme, students will have the opportunity to work with social enterprises and social startups in Hong Kong. Upon attending training workshops on social entrepreneurship, social innovation, design thinking and other related topics, students learn to assess the effectiveness of social enterprises in making postive impact on our society. Their study reports also offer an important reference for the government to evaluate its social policies.

Exchange Opportunities


Nearly all of our students join the Student Exchange Programme (SEP), which provides a valuable opportunity to study in Lingnan’s partner institutions in mainland China and overseas countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Japan and Korea.

Exchange Opportunities