Information Technology Fluency Programme (ITFP)

Information Technology Fluency Programme (ITFP)

Information Technology Fluency Programme (ITFP)


about ITF ITF Test Self Learning Programme
About ITFP IT Fluency Test (ITFT) Self Learning Programme



2024 ITFP Introduction

New students entering universities in Hong Kong are becoming progressively more Information Technology literate and often have a high level of PC skills. However, not withstanding existing skills, they may not be sufficiently equipped to identify, search, use and present information effectively for learning and in their daily lives. The University has mandated that in the future all students will be required to demonstrate IT competency as a graduation requirement.

ITFP Test Link

About ITFP

Information Technology infuses all aspects of modern life and the growth of digital information continues at an unprecedented rate. As one of the ideal attributes, our graduates should possess essential generic research-related skills, including knowledge of information technology. In order to empower our students in the use of IT and to provide significant evidence for the achievement of these specific learning outcomes, the Senate has approved a new graduation requirement with effect from the 2012-13 intake of undergraduate students the Information Technology Fluency (ITF) Programme.

If you have any questions about the Information Technology Fluency Programme, please email to  [email protected]

Specific requirements

The ITF Programme intends to equip our students with necessary IT skills for their studies and future career development. The test also provides evidence for IT competencies and supports the realization of one of the ideal attributes of our graduates. The ITF programme consists of two parts:

  1. ITF Test; and
  2. ITF Self-learning Programme will also be provided to students for access to the learning materials any time anywhere in their preparation for the test.

For the ITF Test, students have to get more than 50% correct answers for both Part 1 and 2 as to pass the entire test. Students who fail any part of the test have to retake both parts. There is no limit on the number of attempts students can make to pass the test. They may take the test any time during their undergraduate study at Lingnan.

The ITF test is based on the syllabus of the course Introduction to Information Literacy offered by the Computing and Decision Sciences Department in the Faculty of Business. 

It will be also recorded in the graduate transcript.

The IT skillset acquired by students on entry to the university may vary considerably from student to student. The ITF Programme is therefore intended to address this variation, ensuring that all Lingnan graduates complete their university studies and graduate with sufficient IT skills and knowledge. It is anticipated that the online Self-learning Programme will be sufficient to support students in developing their IT skills to fulfill the ITF requirement for graduation.


Exemption from ITF Test

Students who have successfully completed (or got credit transferred for) the course Introduction to Information Literacy (BUS110/BUS1110) will be exempted from taking the ITF Test. 


The IT Fluency Test requires students to:

  • Demonstrate the ability to access and use information effectively
  • Show an awareness of computer ethics and copyright issues
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of operating a computer
  • Use computer applications for documentation, presentation, electronic communication and data management.

The IT Fluency Test is consists of two parts:

  1. Multiple-choice questions
  2. Hands-on task-oriented questions

Test Syllabus

The IT Fluency Test covers:

A. Information Literacy

  1. Access of Information
  • Internet, WWW, newsgroup, search engine
  • Lingnan University Library – 1-Search Discovery Tool

2. Information Technology

  •  Basic components of a computer, Operating System such as Windows

3. Economic, Legal, and Social Issues for Use of Information

  • Licensing, Software Piracy, Plagiarism, Privacy, Security, Intellectual Property, Copyright

B. IT Skill

1. Basic PC operation

  • Folder operation – create, copy, move, delete and rename
  • File operation – search, copy, move, delete and rename

2. Email/Webmail

  • Sending an email, attaching a file, and using cc and bcc

3. Communicating in integrated learning systems*

  • Downloading materials and submitting assignments

C. Word Processing: Use of MS Word *

1. File Saving

  • Create, save, print and print preview a MS Word file

2. Formatting

  • Font style and size, alignment, bullet and numbering

3. Inserting

  • Different kinds of charts, table, header and footer, page number, pictures/clip art and symbol

4. Page set up

  • Margin, indent and spacing

5. Reviewing

  • Spell and grammar checking


D. Spreadsheet: Use of MS Excel*

1. File Saving

  • Create, save, print and print preview a MS Excel file
  • Layout of a worksheet, row and column

2. Formatting

  • Number format, insert & delete of rows & columns

3. Inserting

  • different kinds of chart

4. Use of Formulas

  • Use of built-in functions (sum, average, max, min)
  • Use of a formula in a cell for calculation (e.g. =A1+B1)
  • Relative cell addressing, i.e. copy & paste of formula
  • Insert functions

5. Sorting data


E. Presentation: Use of MS PowerPoint*

1. File Saving

  • Create, save, print and print preview a MS PowerPoint file
  • Create new slides, slide layout and delete slides

2. Inserting

  • Table, picture, clip art, chart, textbox, header and footer, and media clip (movie & sound)

3. Design Theme

*Remarks: The syllabus covers the application of the latest software versions in line with those installed in computer labs and the Library.


General Enquiries

Phone  Phone: (852) 2616-7117
E-mail  E-mail: [email protected]

2/F, B Y Lam Building,
Lingnan University,
Tuen Mun, The New
Territories, Hong Kong.

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