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Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

The Art of Szto Wai Exhibition Activity Series: Works of SKETCHING LINGNAN

22/09/2018 - 01/10/2018|Archive

This small-scale exhibition will display a selection of 25 sketches of Lingnan University and Casphalt which were produced by participants in two sketching tours in the Spring of 2018. Both the tours and the exhibition are part of the Art of Szto Wai Exhibition Activity Series and reflect the joint efforts of Lingnan alumni, students and staff members in promoting an understanding and appreciation of Lingnan's history and art collection, as well as the artistic and educational endeavours of Mr Szto Wai, an alumnus and former faculty member of Lingnan, and also the designer of the Lingnan emblem.

Casphalt Opening Hours

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri



Sat, Sun, Public holidays



* Wed Closed



Casphalt, Ching Leung Nunnery, Tuen Fu Road, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong



To view the photos of the event, please visit our gallery.

Sketches Pick-up Arrangement- "Sketching Lingnan"《嶺南風情》寫生團作品領取安排

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