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Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Ling U

Postgraduate Programmes


The Department welcomes application for Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The period of study of MPhil programmes is normally two years for full-time and three years for part-time students. The period of study for PhD programmes is normally three years for full-time and five years for part-time students with a relevant Master's degree.

Areas of Research Interest of FVA Faculty

Prof. Emilie Yueh Yu YEH, Lam Wong Yiu Wah Chair Professor of Visual Studies

Early film history, Media industry, East Asian cinema, Chinese Wenyi pictures

Prof. Selina Chui Fun HO, Assistant Professor

Museum and curatorial studies, modern and contemporary art, art museums in China, production and consumption of art, asian cultural studies

Prof. Jinhee PARK, Assistant Professor 

Film philosophy; politics and aesthetics; transnational cinema; new media; information and communication technologies, Korean cinema and visual culture.

Prof. Wesley Aaron JACKS, Assistant Professor

Media industries, Chinese film historiographies, media piracy, cinema technologies, film aesthetics

Prof. Yiyang HOU, Research Assistant Professor

Media infrastructures, world cinema history and screen practice, contemporary digital culture, urban China studies

Prof. Fong Fong CHEN, Research Assistant Professor

Chinese art; Art and gender; Fashion and textiles; Hong Kong art

Prof. Yee Lok TAM, Research Assistant Professor

Chinese-language cinemas, Hong Kong cinema, independent cinema, film policy

Application Method

Fellowships and Studentships

A full-time PhD student will normally be awarded with either a PhD Fellowship or a Postgraduate Studentship. A full-time MPhil student will normally be awarded a Postgraduate Studentship.

Research Postgraduate Student Conference/Field Trip Sponsorships

The University deems it important to provide support to research postgraduate students in academic activities, mainly conference attendance and conducting field trips, to nurture their academic and/or professional growth.

Research Postgraduate Scholarships for Overseas Research Visits

A full-time PhD student who wishes to undertake a short-term visit at an overseas institution for a term and up to 6 months can apply for the scholarships. During the period of visit, the PhD student will be immersed in a research environment different from his/her original, and be expected to participate in research activities under the co-supervision by Supervisors from Lingnan and the host institution. MPhil and PhD students at Lingnan are expected to benefit from the academic exchanges with in-bound overseas research students.

For the amount of studentships and grants, please visit: