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Department of Economics

KATUNZE Miriam Nabawanga (PhD, 2021)

My name is Miriam, and I've been a PhD student in Economics at Lingnan University for the past three years. Pursuing my PhD with the Department of Economics has provided me with a one-of-a-kind experience and perspective that has exceeded my expectations. In my first term, I remember telling one of the helpful department secretaries about the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be provided with all the resources required to carry out my research. For example, the department purchased additional software for my research, for which I am grateful. The enlightening seminars and excellent research assistance were the highlights of my studies. I appreciate the enormous support from the heads of the department during my study especially Prof Larry Qiu, who provided an opportunity to present my research more than the expected or required times. These presentation opportunities improved my work greatly and enhanced my chances for conference selection. As such, I have presented my work in two powerful and career-transforming conferences as a result of the department’s input. I believe that this degree is the first step to many career achievements in the future. I encourage future students to pursue their next Economics degree with the Department of Economics, Lingnan University.