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Department of Economics

LIU Wei, (PhD, 2023)

My journey as a PhD student in Economics provided me with rigorous research methodology and empirical analysis skills. During my years of doctoral study, the interactions with my supervisor Prof. Xiao and Prof. Ye have been invaluable in shaping my academic research. Their guidance, expertise, and unwavering support have fostered an environment where I can enjoy the learning process. Their assistance is critical in the challenging PhD study. The intensive empirical academic training imparted by my supervisor and Prof. Ye formed the solid foundation for my scholarly research in the relevant field. However, it is worth highlighting the immense benefits I have derived from our department as well. The seminars and weekly workshops organized within our department afforded us numerous opportunities to engage in vibrant discussions about our research with highly intelligent and passionate scholars hailing from diverse universities. Furthermore, the department exhibits a keen focus on our PhD program and consistently strives to create a nurturing research environment, recognizing its paramount importance in our academic journeys.
If you find yourself contemplating whether to apply for this program, the resounding answer is  “yes, you should apply.” The professors within our department are not only incredibly approachable and supportive, but they also possess a remarkable track record of publishing papers in esteemed journals. Enrolling in this program will undoubtedly provide students with the necessary academic training and foster growth in their respective research fields.