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Department of Economics

WANG Dong (PhD, 2020)

The Ph.D. programme in Economics at Lingnan University (hereafter LU) is an academically-rich programme. Supervisors convincingly guide and inspire students with promising research ideas and directions. Supervisors are willing to guide students to do innovative and rigorous research. The Economics Department at LU provides academic seminars and conferences for students to study frontier research fields. Students can also take selected postgraduate courses from any public university in Hong Kong if the courses are relevant to their research (for free). What is special here is that LU Economics Department encourages and sponsors students to attend field trips, workshops, and overseas visit in order to conduct research at world-class universities such as the University of Tokyo and Columbia University for up to six-months. “In lumine tuo videbimus lumen”, LU is a flourishing place for creative scholars to pursue wisdom.