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5月29日,冷明明院长一行访问北京工业大学经济与管理学院。经管学院党委书记张彦军、国际合作与交流处副处长郭金鑫会见了代表团,相关教师陪同会见。会议由经管学院科研与国际化副院长刘会政主持。首先,张彦军书记对岭南大学商学院师生一行的来访表示欢迎,并详细介绍了经管学院的情况,同时也期盼依托京港澳高校交流项目的平台,进一步加深双方的合作交流。 之后,冷明明院长介绍了岭南大学商学院在学科建设、师资引进以及人才培养、科研成果以及AACSB国际认证等方面的发展情况,期待双方不断拓展合作网络,加强在科研领域的合作。此次访问期间,围绕京港澳高校交流合作项目主题,岭南大学商学院以及经管学院的项目团队成员将开展深度学术交流研讨,并举办五场系列学术报告。

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6月1日冷院长一行前往北京交通大学参访。冷明明教授受邀参加北京交通大学经济管理学院的“时空经济沙龙”。冷院长的报告主题为:“Optimal Retail Pricing, Interest Rate, and Interest Allocation Ratio Decisions in an Online Platform-Assisted Financing System”。文章从现实问题出发,研究了一个涉及平台、银行和零售商的在线融资系统。利用非合作博弈中的序贯博弈以及合作博弈中的Nash Bargaining相关理论进行建模。本场报告应用性强,主题鲜明,十分精彩。问答环节,在场师生就报告内容与冷教授进行了广泛而热烈的讨论。

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6月2日,冷明明教授到访中国科学院大学经管学院,并与经管学院分享了国际认证经验。冷院长的分享深入具体,不仅帮助经管学院更加全面地认识了认证标准的内涵和要求,且具有重要的指导意义和参考价值,为经管学院后续优化国际认证工作提供了目标指引。冷院长还受邀参加经管学院第67期“思危大讲堂”,带来题为“Multi-Player Allocations in the Presence of Diminishing Marginal Contributions: Cooperative Game Analysis and Applications in Management Science”的学术报告。在本次报告中,他主要讲述了合作者博弈的相关研究,并结合实例进行了讲解。在提问环节,与会师生与冷明明教授进行了交流,报告圆满结束。

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English Version

Faculty of Business Delegation Led by Dean Leng Mingming Deepens Regional Ties at Beijing

From May 29 to June 2, 2024, Professor Leng Mingming, Dean of the Faculty of Business, Lingnan University, led a delegation to visit universities in Beijing, including the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Technology, The Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Jiaotong University, and the School of Economics and Management of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. This visit not only reinforces our relationship with our academic partners, but also open avenues for dialogue on research collaboration, faculty and student exchanges, and talent cultivation, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation.

Visit to Beijing University of Technology

On May 29 2024, Dean Leng Mingming and his delegation met the representatives of the School of Economics and Management of Beijing University of Technology. They were welcomed by Zhang Yanjun (Secretary of the School of Economics and Management), and Guo Jinxin (Deputy Director of the International Cooperation and Exchange Office), along with other faculty members. The meeting was chaired by Professor Liu Huizheng (Associate Dean for Research and Internationalization of the School of Economics and Management).

To start with, Secretary Zhang Yanjun extended a warm welcome to the Faculty of Business and introduced the development of the School of Economics and Management. He also expressed his hope to deepen the cooperation and exchanges between the two institutions through the platform of the “Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao University Exchange Program”. Dean Leng gave an overview of the University and the faculty that broadly covered our academic disciplines, faculty recruitment, talent cultivation, research achievement, and international accreditation. He also expressed his expectation to deepen research collaboration.

The visit was followed by in-depth discussion between both parties surrounding the “Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao University Exchange Program”, in addition to five academic lectures.

Visit to the Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University

On May 30, Dean Leng visited the Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University. The visit commenced with introductions from both parties, presenting the attendees and sharing overviews of their respective institutions. This laid the foundation for a comprehensive dialogue focused on exploring avenues for potential future collaboration. The meeting was graced by the presence of Professor Tang Jinlan (Dean of the Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University), Tu Xiliang (Dean’s Assistant), Zhang Zhichun (Dean’s Assistant), Guo Xiukun (Director of International Undergraduate Programs), and Wang Na (Foreign Affairs Secretary).

Visit to Beijing Jiaotong University

On June 1, 2024, Dean Leng visited Beijing Jiaotong University and participated in the " Time and Space Economics Salon" hosted by the School of Economics and Management.

Dean Leng's lecture, titled "Optimal Retail Pricing, Interest Rate, and Interest Allocation Ratio Decisions in an Online Platform-Assisted Financing System", addressed real-world issues by examining an online financing system involving platforms, banks, and retailers. The study applied sequential game theory from the realm of non-cooperative games and Nash Bargaining theory from cooperative games for its modeling. The lecture was highly relevant and exceptionally captivating. During the Q&A session, students participated in an extensive and vibrant exchange with Dean Leng.

Visit to the School of Economics and Management at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

On June 2, 2024, Dean Leng visited the School of Economics and Management at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences where he delivered an in-depth presentation on internation accreditation. His insights significantly enhanced the School’s understanding of accreditation standards and offered crucial guidance for refining its international accreditation strategies.

Dean Leng also participated in the "67th Siwei Seminar" at the School of Economics and Management, delivering a lecture on "Multi-Player Allocations in the Presence of Diminishing Marginal Contributions: Cooperative Game Analysis and Applications in Management Science". In the lecture, he discussed cooperative game theory research and used examples for illustration. The event, held at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, concluded with an engaging discussion between the audience and Dean Leng.