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    Professor and Interim Head
BA (Foreign Service Institute); PhD (Texas)
  Office: Rm. 313, Dorothy Y L Wong Building
Lingnan University
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  TEL: (852) 2616 7152
  FAX: (852) 2465 1429
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Dr. Baohui Zhang received his undergraduate education in China and his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Texas in Austin. Before joining the faculty of Lingnan, he taught for ten years in the United States. His research interests include Chinese politics, international relations of East Asia, and democratization. His main publications are listed below.

Publications | Top


China's Assertive Nuclear Posture: State Security in an Anarchic International Order, Routledge, 2015.

Revolutions as Organizational Change: The Communist Party and Peasant Communities in South China, 1926-1934, Hong Kong University Press, 2015.


“Polarity and Strategic Competition: A Structural Explanation of Renewed Great Power Rivalry,” The Chinese Journal of International Politics, advance published, 13 October 2023,

“Hoping for the Best, Preparing for the Worst: China’s Varied Responses to US Strategic Competition,” Journal of Contemporary China, advance on-line publication,, 10 April 2023.

"When Civilizational Clashes Meet Power Shifts: Rethinking Global Disorder," Chinese Journal of International Politics, Vol. 15, No. 4 (Winter 2022), pp. 352-373,

"From Defensive toward Offensive Realism: Strategic Competition and Continuities in the United States China Policy," Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 31, Issue 137 (2022).

"China's Rise and the New World Order," in B.J.C. McKercher, ed., Routledge Handbook of Diplomacy and Statecraft (New York, Routledge 2022).

"The Biden Presidency: A Different China Policy?" Commentary Series No. 195, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, November 13, 2020.

"India and the Quad: Future Directions and International Relations Theory," China-India Brief, No. 168, LKY School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore, September 23, 2020.

"Preserving Peace along the Sino-Indian Border," East Asia Forum, Australian National University, July 14, 2020.

"China's Foreign Policy," in Shiping Hua, ed., Handbook of Asian Politics (London: Routledge 2018).

"Tensions in the Water: China, US and Unintended Crisis," in Yang Razali Yassim, ed., The South China Sea Disputes: Flashpoints, Turning Points, and Trajectories (Singapore: World Scientific, 2017).

"Sino-Indian Nuclear Relations and the Security Dilemma," China-India Brief, No. 77, LKY School of Public Policy, the National University of Singapore, June 28-July 12, 2016.

"Xi Jinping, 'Pragmatic' Offensive Realism and China's Rise," Global Asia, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Summer 2014), pp. 71-79.

"国际关系现实主义理论与美国亚太再平衡战略," 国际关系研究", April 2014, pp. 11-26.

"Democratizing Hong Kong: Functional Representation and Politics of Institutional Change," Pacific Affairs, Vol. 84, No. 4 (December 2011), pp. 645-664.

"Taiwan and China: The Honeymoon that Stopped Short of Finland," Global Asia, Vol. 6, No. 1 (March 2011), pp. 68-75.

"U.S. Missile Defense and China's Nuclear Posture: Changing Dynamics of an Offense-Defense Arms Race," International Affairs (Chatham House, London), Vol. 87, No. 3 (May 2011), pp. 555-569.

"The Security Dilemma in U.S.-China Military Space Relationship: The Prospects for Arms Control," Asian Survey, Vol. 51, No. 2 (April 2011), pp. 311-332.

"Taiwan's New Grand Strategy," Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 20, No. 69 (March 2011), pp. 269-285.

"Beijing's 2007 Political Reform Plan and Prospects for Hong Kong's Democratization," Democratization, Vol. 17, No. 3 (June 2010), pp. 442-464.

"Chinese Foreign Policy in Transition: Trends and Implications," in China Aktuell: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, Vol. 39, No. 2 (2010), pp. 39-68.

"Beyond Electoral Democracy: Promoting Good Governance in East Asia," in Brian Bridges and Ho Lok-sang, eds. Governance in Asia: the Limits of Electoral Democracy (London: Edward Elgar, 2009), pp. 31-54.

"La Cina sta diventando una potenza revisionista?" (Is China Becoming A Revisionist State?), Ventunesimo Secolo, Vol. VIII, No. 18 (February 2009), pp. 117-135.

"Political Paralysis of the Basic Law Regime and Politics of Institutional Reform in Hong Kong," Asian Survey, Vol. XLIX, No. 2 (March/April, 2009), pp. 312-332.

"Chinese Foreign Policy in the New Era," in Wong Yiu-chung, ed., China: Sixty Years in Review (Hong Kong: The Dharmasthiti Group, 2009), pp. 47-64. (in Chinese)

"American Nuclear Primacy or Emerging Mutually Assured Destruction: Predicting the Future of U.S.-China Strategic Balance of Power," in Lowell Dittmer and Yufan Hao eds., Challenges to Chinese Foreign Policy: Diplomacy, Globalization and the Next World Power (Lexington, KY: The University of Kentucky Press, 2009), pp. 71-84.

"China's Democratic Transition," in Joseph Cheng, ed., Thirty Years of China's Reform: Changes and Continuities (Hong Kong: The City University Press, 2009), pp. 109-118. (in Chinese).

"Taiwan's Balancing Act," Global Asia, Vol. 3, No. 2 (July 2008), pp. 82-89.

"Taiwan Strait and The Future of China's No First Use Nuclear Policy," Comparative Strategy, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Spring 2008), pp. 164-182.

"Improving Democratic Governance in East Asia," Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol, 16, No. 1 (April 2008), pp. 64-84.

"Nuclear Deterrence and Sino-US Strategic Relationship," in Suisheng Zhao, ed., China-US Relations Transformed: Perspectives and Strategic Interactions (New York: Routledge, 2008), pp. 85-102.

"The Modernization of Chinese Nuclear Forces and Its Impact on Sino-U.S. Relations," Asian Affairs: An American Review, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Summer 2007), pp. 87-100.

"Toward the Rule of Law: Why China's Path Will Be Different from the West," in Suisheng Zhao, ed., Debating Political Reform in China: Rule of Law vs. Democratization (Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 2006), pp.122-137.

"Why and How Does Asia Cooperate," Issues & Studies, Vol. 41, No. 1 (March 2005), pp. 237-243.

"American Hegemony and China's U.S. Policy," Asian Perspective, Vol. 28, No. 3 (Fall 2004), pp. 87-113.

"How and When Will China Democratize: The Lessons from Taiwan," Asian Profile, Vol. 32, No.3 (June 2004), pp.191-202.

"U.S.-China Relations: Prospects for Long Term Cooperation," in Bert Edstrom, ed., Interdependence in Asia Pacific (Stockholm: Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 2001), pp. 132-154.

"Communal Cooperative Institutions and Peasant Revolutions in South China, 1926-34," Theory & Society, Vol. 30, No. 1 (February 2001), pp. 1-50.

"The Political Economy of China's 1994 Fiscal Reform," Asian Profile, Vol. 28, No. 4 (August 2000), pp. 259-272.

"Political Opposition and Taiwan's Democratization," in Gang Lin, ed., Prospects for Cross-Taiwan Strait Developments (Hong Kong: yazhou kexue chuban she, 2000), pp. 52-62.

"Crosscutting Issues and the Consolidation of Democracy in Taiwan"(with Tse-min Lin), Democratization, Vol. 5, No. 4 (Winter 1998), pp.118-143.

"Resource Centralization and Industrial Policies: State Capacity in Structural Adjustment in South Korea and China," Asian Affairs, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Fall 1998), pp.165-186.

"Fiscal Reform and State Capacity Building," in Xiaobing Li and Jie Zhang ed., Social Transition in China (Lanham, MD: The University Press of America, 1998), pp.103-129.

"Corporatism, Totalitarianism, and Transitions to Democracy," Comparative? ?? Political Studies, Vol. 27, No.1(April 1994), pp.108-136. Reprinted in Nicholaos Zahariadis, ed., Theory, Case, and Method in Comparative Politics (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1996).

"Institutional Aspects of Reforms and the Democratization of Communist Regimes," in Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 26, No. 2(June 1993), pp.165-181.

"The State Central Economic Bureaucracies and Systemic Economic Reform: An Institutional Explanation for the Soviet and Chinese Experiences," in Governance, Vol. 5, No. 3(July 1992), pp. 312-341.

"Sequences of Reforms and Transitions to Stable Democracy by Leninist Regimes," in Political Science and International Studies, April 1992, pp. 64-75.


Teaching Subjects | Top


Academic Year:  2024-2025

1st Term:
  GOV3218 War and Peace
2nd Term:
  GOV3205 Global Governance
  GOV3216 American Foreign Policy