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Academic Seminars

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Ling U
Topic 主題 Speaker 講者 Date 日期
Approximation Algorithms for Assignment Problems in Healthcare Operations

Prof. Mahesh Nagarajan (University of British Columbia) 28-June-2024
Firm-Level Labor-Shortage Exposure

Prof. Jarrad Harford (University of Washington) 18-June-2024
To Refurbish or Not: Implications for Firm’s Decisions, Consumers, and Environment

Prof. Greys Sosic (University of South California) 12-June-2024
Nudges on Environmental Engagement: Evidence from Crowdfunding

Prof. Xiumin Martin (Washington University, Saint Louis) 3-June-2024
A Blessing or a Curse? Teletriage Service in Healthcare

Prof. Krista Li (Indiana University) 23-May-2024
Discretionary Administrative Power and Conflicts of Interest in China’s IPO Approvals

Prof. Harald Hau (The University of Geneva) 21-May-2024
Open Source Products: The Moralization of Innovation

Prof. Darren Dahl (University of British Columbia) 16-May-2024
Multi-center intelligent diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease

Prof LEI Baiying (Shenzhen University) 19-Apr-2024
Edge AI: Towards Future Artificial Intelligence in Edge Computing

Prof YANG Lei (South China University of Technology) 19-Apr-2024
Some Recent and Ongoing Research

Prof. Sha Yang (USC Marshall) 12-Apr-2024
Does Liquidity Management Induce Fragility in Treasury Prices? Evidence from Bond Mutual Funds (coauthored with Shiyang Huang, Wenxi Jiang, and Xiaoxi Liu)

Prof. Xin Liu (Renmin University of China) 5-Apr-2024
Amusing Ourselves to Death? A Theory of Education-Media-Technology Nexus and Anti-Intellectual Influence (Jointly with Siguang Li)

Prof. CONG Lin, William (Cornell University) 5-Mar-2024
Macroeconomic Productivity Perceptions and Anomalies

Dr. SU Zhiwei (The University of Macau) 2-Feb-2024
Competition and Kickback

Ms. QIN Shihua (The University of Hong Kong) 1-Feb-2024
Language Frictions in Consumer Credit

Mr. Chao Liu (Northwestern University) 25-Jan-2024
AI Research and Applications

Prof. Dou Dejing (Tsinghua University) 17-Jan-2024
Real Effects of Carbon Financialization

Mr. Zhimin CHEN (University of Lausanne) 12-Jan-2024
Disentangling the information structure in the bankruptcy liquidation auctions

Ms. Yuan SHI (University of Michigan) 10-Jan-2024
Social Connectedness and Information Acquisition: Evidence from EDGAR Searches

Dr. Li Wei (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) 10-Jan-2024
Are auditor reputation effects driven by competitive poaching or negative media publicity?

Mr. QU Jinxing (City University of Hong Kong) 9-Jan-2024
The Cost of Investor Protection: Bank Loan Contracting

Mr. Emmanuel Ofosu (City University of Hong Kong) 8-Jan-2024
Rural-urban Migration and Agricultural Fires

Dr. Shiqi Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) 8-Dec-2023
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
My journey as a professor: A memoir

Prof. Mike CRANT (University of Notre Dame) 7-Dec-2023
Toward Interpretable and Sustainable AI

Dr. C.-C. Jay Kuo (University of Southern California) 4-Dec-2023
Constituency statutes and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from major customer identities

Prof. Xie Hong (University of Kentucky) 24-Nov-2023
Disentangling the Influence of Community Pressure on Trading Behavior and Profitability on Social Trading Platform

Dr. Zhao Cai (University of Nottingham Ningbo China) 9-Nov-2023
ESG Considerations in Acquisitions and Divestitures: Corporate Responses to Mandatory ESG Disclosure

Dr. Luping Yu (Xiamen University) 19-Oct-2023
Revolutionizing Healthcare with Federated Reinforcement Learning: From Machine Learning to Machine Unlearning

Prof. Xiaohui Tao (University of Southern Queensland) 16-Oct-2023
The Role of Gender in the SEC Filing Review Process [Hybrid]
Prof. Ling Lei Lisic (Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech) 8-Aug-2023
Patient Dropout Prediction in Virtual Health: A Multimodal Dynamic Knowledge Graph and Text Mining Approach Dr. Shuang Geng (Shenzhen University) 28-Jul-2023
Harnessing Federated Learning for AI Advancements: An Overview
Dr. Xuefeng Liu (Beihang University) 18-Jul-2023
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Dynamic Assignment Problem: Hardness Results, Approximability and Algorithms with Applications [ZOOM]
Prof. Mahesh Nagarajan (University of British Columbia) 20-Jun-2023
Robust portfolio choice under uncertainty
Dr. Qian Lin (Wuhan University) 19-Jun-2023
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Manufacturer’s Intervention into Secondary Market: Implications for Firm’s Pricing, Refurbishing Quality, Profit and Consumer Welfare

Prof. Greys Sošić (University of Southern California) 16-Jun-2023
Incentivizing Investors for a Greener Economy
Professor Harold H. Zhang (University of Texas at Dallas) 7-Jun-2023
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Investor Base Disclosure and Entrepreneurial Success: Evidence from Crowdfunding
Prof. Xiumin Martin (Olin Business School of Washington University, Saint Louis) 2-Jun-2023
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Why Horizontal Organizations Don’t Fall Flat: Organizational Structure Shapes Perceptions of Company Warmth [ZOOM]
Prof. Darren Dahl (University of British Columbia) 1-Jun-2023
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
The Innovation Arms Race
Prof. Jarrad Harford (University of Washington, USA) 23-May-2023
Not All Corporate Tax Cuts Are Created Equal: Evidence from Bonus Depreciation and M&A Dr Stephen Teng SUN (Department of Accountancy, City University of Hong Kong) 27-Apr-2023
Machine Readership and Financial Reporting Sean Cao, Ph.D. (University of Maryland, College Park) 28-Mar-2023
Consumers Reaction to Corporate ESG Performance: Evidence from Store Visits Dr. Weikai Li (Singapore Management University) 2-Mar-2023
Restraining amidst Green-Eyed Monsters: When Envied People Reduce Indulgent Consumption Prof. OH Ga-Eun, Grace (Lingnan University) 25-Nov-2022
Variety Seeking in High-Frequency Consumption: New Implications for Targeted Marketing [Zoom] Ms. ZHANG Fan (UC Berkeley) 24-Nov-2022
When to Offer Price Match Guarantee: the Blessing of Scarcity [Zoom]
Dr. WANG Qian (City University of Hong Kong) 23-Nov-2022
When Preference Uncertainty Meets Outcome Uncertainty: More Uncertainty Increases Beliefs About Product Fit [Zoom]
Ms. WANG Xiang (University of Florida) 22-Nov-2022
A Tale of Two Successions: How Forced and Unforced CEO Successions Affect Corporate Reputation
Prof LIM Jaegoo (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 15-Nov-2022
On the Receiving End of Customer Creativity: Insights from Approach-Avoidance and Interpersonal Complementarity Perspectives
Prof LEE Randy (Lingnan University) 15-Nov-2022
“Talking Dead”: The Joint Effect of CEOs’ Death-Referenced Communication and Motive Expression on Investor Reactions [ZOOM]
Prof LI Andrew (West Texas A&M University, USA) 14-Nov-2022
Untangling the Impact of Matchmaking Rules on Operational and Financial Performance in B2B Sharing Economy Platforms: A Mixed Methods Approach
Prof TAN Chee-Wee (University of Nottingham Ningbo China) 26-Oct-2022
First Week Human, Second Week Algorithm: Curation Source Advertising for Breadth-Then-Depth Selling [Zoom]
Mr. CHEN Han (Temple University) 19-Oct-2022
Platform Design and Competitive Price-targeting [Zoom]
Ms. WU Ruiqi, Rachel (University of Rochester) 18-Oct-2022
Simple or Complex Logos? The Impact of Logo Complexity on the Brand Perception [Zoom]
Ms. TANG Qing (Nanyang Technological University) 14-Oct-2022
Quantity Display Optimization in Online Grocery Retailing [Zoom]
Ms. Wanyi Zheng (University of Hong Kong) 12-Oct-2022
Optimizing Rating Systems for Innovation [Zoom]
Ms. Sherry He (UCLA Anderson School of Management) 11-Oct-2022
Interest in the Short Interest: The Rise of Private Sector Data [Zoom]
Prof. Wuyang Zhao (University of Texas at Austin) 13-Sep-2022
How versatile are self-supervised models? [Zoom]
Prof Hung-yi Lee (National Taiwan University) 2-Jun-2022
Theory and Applications of Generative Adversarial Networks [Zoom]
Dr. Xudong Mao(Sun Yat-sen University) 27-May-2022
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
How Consumers Manage Embarrassing Service Encounters: A Dehumanization Perspective [Zoom]

Prof. Darren Dahl (University of British Columbia) 25-May-2022
IRS-Related Proprietary Costs of Corporate Disclosure: Evidence from Redactions in Material Contracts [Hybrid]
Dr. Dichu Bao(Deakin University) 16-Dec-2021
Channel Coordination of Storable Goods [Zoom]
Prof. Krista J. Li (Indiana University) 7-Dec-2021
Managerial Risk Tolerance and Corporate Credit Ratings [Zoom]
Dr. Eliza X. Zhang (University of Washington Tacoma 23-Sept-2021
Disruptive AI Technologies for Molecular Biology and Medicine: DNA Motifs, CRISPR-Cas9 Off-Targets, and Cancer Screening from Blood [Zoom]
Dr. Ka-Chun Wong (City University of Hong Kong 17-Jun-2021
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
Governance Convergence and Accounting Harmonization [Zoom]

Prof. Inder K. Khurana (University of Missouri)
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
Disentangling the Effects of Experience-Based Faultlines in E-sports Teams: An Empirical Analysis Using Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average Modelling [Zoom]

Prof. Chee-Wee TAN (Copenhagen Business School)
Statistical computing and modelling applications in agriculture [Zoom]
Dr. Warren Jin (CSIRO, Australia) 27-May-2021
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
Rethinking Salt Supply Chains: Cost and Emissions Analysis for Co-production of Salt and Freshwater from U.S. Seawater [Zoom]

Prof Greys SOSIC (The University of Southern California)
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
Practical initiative: Why proactive personality and behavior matter at work [Zoom]
Prof. Mike Crant (University of Notre Dame)
Market Reaction to CEOs’ Dynamic Hemifacial Asymmetry of Expressions - A Machine-Learning Approach [Zoom]
Prof. HUANG, Rong (Fudan University)
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
Better Safe than Sorry: Effects of Brand Hatred on Preferences for Competing Brands [Zoom]

Prof. Darren Dahl (University of British Columbia)
Business Distinguished Scholar Research Seminar Series:
Decisions with Several Objectives under Uncertainty: Sufficient Bounds for Multivariate Almost Stochastic Dominance [Zoom]

Prof. Ilia Tsetlin  (Professor of Decision Sciences, INSEAD) 6-May-2021
HKIBS Research Webinar Series:
The Persuasive Impact of Single versus Multiple Narrator Voices [Zoom]
Prof Hannah Hanwen CHANG (Singapore Management University)
Difference Is Good: Evidence from Corporate Interstate Investments [Zoom] Prof. Zheng Wang (City University of Hong Kong)
Does the Shift to the Expected Credit Loss Model Affect Bank Loan Contracting? Evidence from IFRS 9 Adoption Worldwide [Zoom]
Dr. WU Feng Harry (Lingnan University)
HKIBS Research Webinar Series:
Rethinking Perceptions of Disability: The Unintended Harm of Simplified Inferences [Zoom]

Prof Adriana Samper (W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, USA)
CEO Overconfidence and the Level of Short-selling Activity [Zoom]
Dr. LAM Mo Brian (BNU-HKBU United International College)
Recent Challenges of Named Entity Recognition in Knowledge Graph Construction [Zoom]
Prof. Yi Cai (Guangdong-HongKong-Macau-Joint Laboratory of Big Data and Robotic Intelligence)
How I started my own business in Antarctica [Zoom]

Ms. Kovey Chan (國際極地文化交流協會主席)
Cultural Tightness and Earnings Management around the World [Zoom]
Dr. Byron Y. SONG (Hong Kong Baptist University)
Transportation Infrastructure Development and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from A Quasi-natural Experiment [Zoom]
Prof. Jun YAO (Deakin University)
Nuisance Patent Infringement Litigation Threat and Corporate R&D Disclosure [Zoom]
Prof. Yangxin YU (City University of Hong Kong)
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Variation in Admission Decisions in Emergency Departments: Preliminary Results from Estimation Methods and Field Experiments

Prof. Mahesh Nagarajan (The University of British Columbia)
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Hurts So Good:  Luxury Products That Incur Environmental Costs are Preferred by Consumers with High Need for Status [Zoom]

Prof. Darren Dahl (The University of British Columbia)
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Incentives and Emission Responsibility Allocation in Supply Chains [Zoom]

Prof. Greys Sosic (The University of Southern California)
Business Distinguished Scholar Seminar Series:
Investigating the Influence of Evolutionary Information Product Proliferation Strategy on Performance Differentials of Developers: A Comparative Analysis of Multi-App Developers in Mobile App Store

Prof. Chee-Wee TAN (Copenhagen Business School)
Managerial Behaviour, Individual Decision Making and Enterprise Risk Management [Zoom]
Prof. David L. Eckles (University of Georgia)
The Design and Adoption of Online Product Recommendation Agent Dr. David XU (City University of Hong Kong) 18-Nov-2019
Decomposing the Impact of Movie Release Gap in International Markets: Evidence from China Dr. Qi SUN (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) 7-Nov-2019
Spillover Effects of Home Sharing on Local Markets: Evidence from Local Tourist Attractions Prof. Yong LIU (University of Arizona) 7-Nov-2019
How to Conduct Interesting and Impactful Research Prof. Nancy SU (Lingnan University ) 4-Nov-2019
Usage Uncertainty and Pricing Schemes in the Ride-Hailing Industry: A Structural Approach Dr. Miao WEI (National University of Singapore) 28-Oct-2019
How do Unconventional Monetary Policy Surprises Affect U.S. Stock Returns and Volatility during the LSAP Periods? Using Intraday Firm-level Data Prof. Chun-Li TSAI (National Cheng Kung University) 28-Oct-2019
Voice as a Driver of Consumer Relationships with Smart Agents Ms. Yegyu HAN (Virginia Tech) 25-Oct-2019
The Impact of Real Earnings Management on Cybersecurity: Evidence from Data Breaches Dr. Wen CHEN (City University of Hong Kong) 21-Oct-2019
Government Borrowing and Corporate Acquisitions: International Evidence Dr. Azizjon ALIMOV (City University of Hong Kong) 15-Oct-2019
Conceptual Metaphor Nudge Reduces Hunger Perceptions and Portion Size Choice: Implications for Online Food Ordering Mr. Fei GAO (HEC Pairs) 14-Oct-2019
Hiding in the Crowd: Secrecy Compels Consumer Conformity Ms. Dongjin HE (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 11-Oct-2019
"Feast or Famine?" The Impact of Vice Amount on the Attractiveness of Vice-Virtue Bundles Mr. Mustafa Karataş (Koç University) 10-Oct-2019
The Ecomonic Impact of Distributing Financial Products on Third-party Online Platforms Dr. Claire Yurong HONG (Shanghai Jiaotong University) 8-Oct-2019
A Temporal Contingency Perspective on Alliance Governance Mechanisms Prof. Fabrice Lumineau (Purdue University) 4-Sept-2019
Basking in the Warm Glow: "Pay as You Wish" Pricing and Charitable Donations Prof. Raghunath RAO (University of Texas at Austin) 30-Aug-2019
Textual Disclosure Quality and GDP Growth: Evidence from Form 20-F Filings Dr. Hongping Tan (McGill University) 17-Jul-2019
Attractive from A Distance? Evidence from Acquisition of Multi-Location Targets Dr. Junjian GU (University of Tsukuba) 17-Jul-2019
Options Trading and Corporate Voluntary Disclosure Prof. Jeffrey NG (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 19-Jun-2019
Temperature and Productivity: Evidence from Plant-level Data Prof. Bohui Zhang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen) 14-Jun-2019
From the Classics to New Tunes: A Neoclassical View on Sharing Economy and Innovative Marketplaces Prof Ming Hu (University of Toronto) 13-Jun-2019
Social Media for Academics Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Newcastle University) 11-Jun-2019
Stock Liquidity and Corporate Social Responsibility Prof Xin Chang (Nanyang Technological University) 10-Jun-2019
Transaction-level Reporting by Contracting Parties:  Evidence from the Loan-contract Disclosure Mandate Prof Yongtae Kim (Santa Clara University) 20-May-2019
Do Audit Partners Compromise Audit Independence for Clients Affiliated with Business Groups? Evidence from the Likehood of Issuing Modified Audit Opinions in China Prof Simon Fung (Deakin University) 15-May-2019
Captured by Mutual Funds: Do Cross-Audits Undermine Auditor Independence? Dr Yangyang Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 29-April-2019
Is All that Glitters Gold? The Effects of Product Glossiness on Consumer Judegments Ms Flora Jiaqi Song (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 1-April-2019
Is there a Confidence Interval for that? A Critical Examination of Null Outcome Reporting in Accounting Research Prof William Cready (University of Texas at Dalls) 11-March-2019
Human Behavior Analysis and Business Prediction based on Sensing Big Data Dr Dian Zhang (Shenzhen University) 26-February-2019
Curse and Blessing? Understanding when Employee Experienced Crisis Hinder or Help Creativity Mr Inseong Jeong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 22-February-2019
Least Squares Generative Adversarial Network and its Applications Dr Haoran Xie (The Education University of Hong Kong) 20-February-2019
Collect to Control: How Desire for Control Motivates Systematic Acquisition Behavior in Collecting Mr C. Clark Cao (University of Arizona) 19-February-2019
Recognition and Proactive Service: Examining the Self-transcending and Self-enhancing Mechanisms Prof Nan Wang (Lingnan University) 18-February-2019
Graph Analytics of Comorbidity Patterns and Treatment Costs Prof Eric W.K. See-To (Lingnan University) 18-February-2019
Employee-shareholder Conflicts and Earnings Opacity Prof. Inder K. Khurana (University of Missouri-Columbia) 18-February-2019
The Effect of SSAP 101 on Loss Provisioning by Property-Casualty Insurers Dr Tzu-Ting Lin (National Taiwan University) 21-January-2019
Calling a Friend: Whom and When? The Dynamic Effects of Friendship in Online Crowdfunding Mr Victor Yiwei Li (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 21-January -2019
Labor Specificity, Cost Stickiness, and Loan Contracting Prof Jeffrey Ng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 19-December-2018
Corporate Social Responsibility and Firm Value: International Evidence on the Role of Integrated Reporting Prof Albert Tsang (York Univesity) 26-November-2018
The Emergency of "Social Executives" and its Consequences for Financial Markets Dr Hailiang Chen (City University of Hong Kong) 23-November-2018
Do Banks Care about Litigation against Auditors of Borrower Firms? Evidence from Bank Load Pricing Prof Jong-Hag Choi (Seoul National University) 12-November-2018
How does a Firm Learn in a Changing World? The Case of Prosper Marketplace Mr Xinlong Li (University of Toronto) 9-November-2018
Scalpers: When "How Many" is the Question? Miss Chenxi Liao (University of Texas at Dallas) 8-November-2018
The Round Number Heuristic and Crowdfunding Performance Prof Tse-Chun Lin (The University of Hong Kong) 5-November-2018
Cost Reduction, Informational Efficiency, and Prices of Options Dr Sophie X. Ni (Hong Kong Baptist University) 29-Oct-2018
Business Strategy and Accounting Research Prof Rajiv D. Banker (Temple University) 22-Oct-2018
How to Develop High Impact Business Research with Unique China Features Prof Kevin Zhou (The University of Hong Kong) 5-Oct-2018
The Downside of Product Bundle Customization Ms Jennifer Seokhwa Hong (New York University) 4-Oct-2018
Ignored or Rejected Shoppers: Retail Exclusion Effects on Construal Levels and Consumer Responses to Compensation Dr Fang-Chi Lu (Korea University) 28-Sept-2018
Behind-the-Scenes Communications and Investment-Price Sensitivity Dr Xu Li (The University of Hong Kong) 27-Sept-2018
Communication is a Two-way Street: Analyzing Approaches Undertaken to Enhance Audit Research Knowledge Transfer to Policymakers Ms Yi Luo (Queen's University) 21-Sept-2018
Man Versus Machine: Resisting Automation in Identity-Based Consumer Behavior Ms Eugina Leung (Erasmus University) 20-Sept-2018
An Investigatioin of Relational Processing in Evaluative Conditioning Ms Xiaomeng Fan (Northwestern University) 18-Sept-2018
Corporate Social Responsibility, Overconfident CEOs and Empire Building: Agency and Stakeholder Theoretic Perspective Prof Ferdinand Gul (Deakin University) 18-Sept-2018
Display Advertising Pricing in Exchange Markets Ms Hana Choi (Duke University) 4-Sept-2018
Real Implications of Corporate Risk Management: Evidence from U.S. Oil Producers Prof Georges Dionne (HEC Montréal) 22-June-2018
Insights on Publishing and the Academic Review Process Prof Linda A. Myers (University of Tennessee) 25-May-2018
Structural Models in the Prescription Drug Market Prof Andrew T. Ching (University of Toronto) 15-May-2018
Analysts' Underreaction to Employee Business Outlooks Prof M.H. Franco Wong (University of Toronto) 14-May-2018
Job Search as a Self-Regulated Process Prof Daniel B. Turban (University of Missouri) 2 May 2018
Media Coverage and IPO Pricing Around the World Dr Yangyang Chen (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 24-Apr-2018
Common Institutional Ownership and Crash Risk Prof C.S. Agnes Cheng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 16-Apr-2018
When Myopic Managers Must Mark-to-Market Dr. Nan Yang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 10-Apr-2018
How to Protect Against the Unexpected? The Strategic Implications of Uncertainty on Risk Prevention, Mitigation and Transference Dr Wendy Hui (Macau Polytechnic Institute) 1-Mar-2018
Bounded, Sigmoid Utility Functions in Insurance Economics Prof Michael R. Powers (Tsinghua University) 22-Feb-2018
Cyber Risk and the Cost of Trading Dr. Jonathan Jona (The University of Melbourne) 14-Feb-2018
Identifying Industrial Clusters with a Novel Big-data Methodology: Are SIC Codes (not) Fit for Purpose in the Internet Age? Prof Savvas Papagiannidis (Newcastle University) 8-Feb-2018
The Bright Side of Having an Enemy Prof. Baojun Jiang (Washington University) 12-Jan-2018
International Entrepreneurship: Reflections on Research and Perspectives Prof. Lianxi Zhou (Brock Univeristy) 12-Dec-2017
Market Efficiency in Real Time: Evidence from Low Latency Activity around Earnings Announcements Dr. Bin Miao (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 20-Nov-2017
Using Deep Learning to Identify People with Depression and Emotional Distress on Social Media Dr. Michael Chau (University of Hong Kong) 31-Oct-2017
The Evolution of Online Reviews: A Dynamic Topic Model for Multiple Text Streams (via Skype) Mr. Ning Zhong (Emory University) 20-Oct-2017
Media Platform's Content Provision Strategy and Source of Profits Mr. Jinzhao Du (Duke University) 16-Oct-2017
When Uncertainty Diminishes versus Heightens Desire for Information Ms. Sharlene He (Northwestern University) 13-Oct-2017
It's Showtime! Conference Call Participation and Analysts' Career Outcomes Prof. Ling Cen (University of Toronto) 11-Oct-2017
Role of Trust in Product-Harm Crises: A Cross-Category and Cross-Country Perspective (via Skype) Mr. Koushyar Rajavi (University of North Carolina) 29-Sept-2017
How well Do Consumer-Brand Relationships Drive Customer Brand Loyalty? Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis of Brand Relationship Elasticities (via Skype) Mr. Mansur Khamitov (University of Western Ontario) 29-Sept-2017
A Comparative Statics Approach to Higher-Order Absolute Risk Aversion Prof Keith K.P. Wong (University of Hong Kong) 27 Sept 2017
Engaging in Real-Time: Understanding the Effects of "Real-Time" Marketing Messages on Consumer Engagement Ms Myoung-Jin Chae (Georgia Institute of Technology) 25-Sept-2017
Corporate In-house Human Capital Investment in Accounting and Financial Reporting Quality Dr. Yanju Liu (Singapore Management University) 29-May-2017
Managing Consumer Deliberations in a Decentralized Distribution Channel Prof Yanzhi Li (City University of Hong Kong) 21-Apr-2017
Banks' Role in Shaping Borrowers' Tax Policies: Evidence from Bank Mergers and Acquisitions Ms Ying Mao (City University of Hong Kong) 20-Apr-2017
When Dedicated Investors are Distracted: The Effect of Institutional Monitoring on Corporate Tax Avoidance Dr. Erik, Rui Wang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)) 07-Apr-2017
The Usefulness of Climate Change Risk Disclosure: Evidence from SEC FR-82 Dr. Chong Wang (University of Kentucky) 10-Mar-2017
Board Centrality and Asymmetric Cost Behavior Dr. Jaehyeon Kim (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 03-Mar-2017
Information Processing Cost and Breadth of Ownership Dr. Zhenbin Liu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)) 27-Feb-2017
The Implications of Causative Explanations in Earnings Press Releases for Financial Analysts Dr. Feng Tian (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 20-Feb-2017
Market Disruption and Managerial Responses: Evidence from Financial Reporting and Management Ms Jinglin Jiang (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey) 09-Feb-2017
In the Aftermath of Foreign Bribery: The Ripple Effects of Anti-Corruption Enforement on U.S. Multinational Firms Ms Weishi Jia (Emory University) 07-Feb-2017
Allocation of Intensive Care Unit Beds in Periods of High Demand Dr Huiyin Ouyang (Northwestern University) 20-Jan-2017
The Effect of Priming Learning vs. Performance Goals on a Complex Task: Findings and Implications Dr Xiao Chen (Tsinghua University) 11-May-2016
The Effect of Customer-initiated Positive Interactions on the Proactive Service Behavior and Fatigue of Service Providers Dr Nan Wang (National University of Singapore) 10-May-2016
Understanding Dynamic Effects of a Firm's Response to Online Reviews: A Panel Vector Autoregressive Model Dr Jongmin Kim (University of Texas At Dallas, USA) 22-Apr-2016
The Effect of Empty Space on Message Persuasion Ms Canice Kwan (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 20-Apr-2016
Mitigating Cognitive Biases through Mental Traveling: The Effects of Cultural Syndromes and Perspective Flexibility Mr Vincent Chi Wong (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 19-Apr-2016
Is Audit Behavior Contagious? Teamwork Experience and Audit Quality by Individual Auditors Dr Lixin Su, Nancy (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 7-Apr-2016
Market Discipline and Government Guarantees: Evidence from the Insurance Industry Ms Yiling Deng (Georgia State University) 7-Apr-2016
The Price Contagion Effets of Financial Reporting Fraud and Reputational Losses: Evidence from The Individual Audit Partner Level Ms Yanping Xu (Tsinghua University) 6-Apr-2016
Foreign Institutional Investors, Financial Reporting Opacity and Stock Price Crashes Around the World Dr Lei Pang (Hong Kong Baptist University) 6-Apr-2016
The Impact of Institutional Distance on the Joint Performance of Collaborating Firms Prof Yulin Fang (City University of Hong Kong) 23-Mar-2016
How Do Auditors Reflect Their Clients' Earnings Management in Pricing Decisions? International Evidence Ms Abrum Choi (Seoul National University) 17-Mar-2016
Personal Life Security, Nonmonetary Benefits and Executive Compensation: Evidence from Stand Your Ground Laws Mr. Xiaofeng Zhao (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 10-March-2016
Institutional Investors, Investment and Innovation: A Regression-Discontinuity Design Dr. Long Yi (Hong Kong Baptist University) 7-March-2016
Academic Seminar: How to improve research skills: theory buidling and framing, writing skills and online survey Prof Yan Ming (Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University) 16-Dec-2015
Academic Seminar: The U.S. Property-Casualty Reinsurance Networks: Microstructure, Contagion, and Performance Dr. Chen Hua (Temple University) 16-Dec-2015
Academic Seminar: Insider Trading and Innovation Ms Wei Lai (University of Hong Kong) 15-Dec-2015
Academic Seminar: Investor Learning and the Accruals Anomaly Dr Tan Yongxian (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) 15-Dec-2015
Foreign Cash: Taxes, Internal Capital Markets, and Agency Problems Mr Zhang Kuo (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 14-Dec-2015
Impact of Host Country Effects for Outsourced Banking Activities on Brand Equity and Customer Loyalty Dr. Jinghui Tao (Nanjing University) 30-Nov-2015
Anti-Corruption Reforms and Shareholder Valuations: Evidence from China Mr. Xiaofeng Zhao (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 20-Nov-2015
Effiicient Diversification under Generalized Almost Stochastic Dominance Dr. Christine Wang (National Univeristy of Singapore) 12-Nov-2015
The Descending Tax Payment Among U.S. Profitable Firms: Changing Firm Characteristics, Tax Rate, and Propensity to Pay Tax Dr. Lu Yuzhu (Lingnan University) 2-Nov-2015
The Global Reinsurance Market: Efficiency, Scale and Scope Mr. Ruo Jia, Alex (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) 22-Oct-2015
How Does the Use of Credit Default Swaps Affect Firm Risk and Value? Evidence from U.S. Life and Property/ Casualty Insurance Companies Dr. Min-Ming Wen (California State University, Los Angeles) 14-Oct-2015
Is High Cash Flow a Blessing or a Curse? Evidence from Bidder's Long-term Performance Prof Wilson Tong (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 06-Oct-2015
State Ownership and Earnings Management around Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from China Dr Steven X. Wei (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 27-May-2015
Date-driven Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control with Limited Price Changes Prof CHAO Xiuli (University of Michigan, USA) 13-May-2015 Wednesday
Mitigating Delays and Unfairness in Appointment Systems Dr. Jin Qi (City University of Hong Kong) 1-Apr-2015 Wednesday
Tracking and Sensing Technologies for Operations Management: Implementation of solutions and system Prof. Chun-Hung Cheng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 25-Mar-2015 Wednesday
A new approach to valuing risk-neutral moments from option prices Dr. LIU, Xiaoquan (University of Nottingham, Ningbo) 22-Jan-2015 Monday
Generalized Almost Stochastic Dominance Prof. Larry Tzeng (National Taiwan University) 1-Dec-2014 Monday
Modeling Call Center Arrivals: A Tale of Three Timescales Prof. Jeff Hong (City University of Hong Kong) 4-Nov-2014 Tuesday
Dynamic Pricing, Production, and Channel Coordination with Stochastic Learning Prof. Suresh Sethi (Univeristy of Texas at Dallas) 23- Sep-2014 Tuesday
The Governance of Risk Management Prof. Georges Dionne (HEC Montreal, Canada) 29-July-2014 Tuesday
Former rating analysis and the ratings of MBS and ABS: Evidence from Linkedln Mr. Kailong, Wang (Michigan State University) 17-June-2014 Tuesday
Do Social Ties between External Auditors and Audit Committee Members Affect Audit Quality? Dr. Oliver Rui (China Europe International Business School) 18 June-2014 Friday
On the Impact of Uncertain Cost Reduction when Selling to Strategic Customers Prof Shilu Tong (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 11-June-2014 Wednesday
Endorser's Body Posture as an Antecedent of (Luxury) Brand Personality Perception Dr. Klaus Heine (EMLYON Business School, Asian Campus, Shanghai) 29-May-2014 Thursday
Spillovers of Corporate Socially Responsible Activities in Supply Chains Dr. Hsiao-Hui Lee (The University of Hong Kong) 16-May-2014 Friday
The Comparison of Two Vertical Outsourcing Structures under Push and Pull Contracts Dr. Niu Baozhuang (Sun Yat-Sen University) 22-Apr-2014 Tuesday
Fairness in Selling to the Newsvendor Dr. Xiaole Wu (Fudan University) 18-Mar-2014 Tuesday
Loan Officer Incentives and the Limits of Hard Information Prof. Manju Puri (Duke University) 9-Dec-2013 Monday
The Performance of Supply Chains with Dynamic Option Contracts and Partial Distribution Information on Spot Price and Demand Dr. Qi Fu, Grace (University of Macau) 29-Nov-2013 Friday
The Effects of Vertical Dispersion: Experimental Evidence in a Budget Setting Dr. Lan Guo (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada) 6-Nov-2013 Wednesday
Spirit of Science and Socially Responsible Scholarship Prof Anne Tsui (Arizona State University) 24-Sep-2013 Tuesday
Market Power and its Determinants of the Chinese Airline Industry Dr. Hangjun Yang (Univeristy of International Business and Economics, Beijing) 20-Jun-2013 Thursday
Information Asymmetry with the Presence of Spot Market Dr. Xuan Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada) 18-Jun-2013
3D3C Augmented Reality: A New Place for Innovation Prof. Yesha Sivan (Tel Aviv Yaffo Academic College, Israel) 29-May-2013
The Effect of Host and Home Institutions on the Location Choice of Emerging Market Multnationals Dr. James Xiaoping Huang (Lancaster University, UK) 8-Nov-2012 Thurssday
The Effect of Export-promotion Programs on Chinese Family Firms Dr. Xiaoting Wang (Shaoxing University, China) 7-Nov-2012 Wednesday
Growth Uncertainty and the Persistence of Investment and Financial Policies Dr. Anson Au Yeung (City University of Hong Kong, China) 8-Oct-2012 Monday
Determinants of Information Technology Utilization and Expenditures with Japan: A Theoretical, Multivariate, and Spatial Analysis Dr. James Pick (University of Redlands, California, USA) 21-Sep-2012 Friday
Research Opportunities in Auditing Prof. Clive Steven (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) 26-Jun-2012 Tuesday
Online Identity Management and Tradable Reputation Dr. Hong Xu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 20-Jun-2012 Wednesday
Aggregate Planning of Fleet Deployment for Liner Shipping Dr. Hong Xu (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 1-Jun-2012 Friday
Estimating and Optimizing the Expected Customer Experiences on Slot Machines Prof. Rose Xiaoming Liu (University of Macau, Macau) 23-May-2012 Monday
Multi-modularity and Structural Properties of Stochastic Dynamic Programs Prof. Qing Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) 16-May-2012 Wednesday
Research Seminars on Survey Studies in Information Systems - Conducing Survey Research with Students Prof. Brenda Mak (San Francisco State University, USA) 14-May-2012 Monday
Determinants of the Term Structure of the Volatility Smile of the cap Market Mr Pascal Letourneau (HEC Montreal, Canada) 11-May-2012 Friday
Research Seminars on Survey Studies in Information Systems - An Interdisciplinary Perspective on Survey Research Prof. Brenda Mak (San Francisco State University, USA) 9-May-2012 Wednesday
A Bi-level Programming Model for Tax-based SO2 Emission Control Prof. Qing Xu (Qingdao University, China) 3-May-2012 Thursday
Procurement Action with Unspecified Quality Risk Prof. He Huang (Chongqing University, China) 2-May-2012 Wednesday
Efficiency of Subsidy Schemes to Reduce Waiting Time for Public Health Services Dr. Pengfei Guo (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 27-Apr-2012 Friday
Knowledge Appropriation: A Contribution toward a Sociological-grounded Approach to Organizational Control Prof. Ken Kamoche (Nottingham University, UK) 27-Apr-2012 Friday
Talent Management as Knowledge Management: Towards a New Theoretical Sophistication Prof. Ken Kamoche (Nottingham University, UK) 23-Apr-2012 Monday
Collecting Most Valued and Up-to-date on Consumers' Shopping Behaviour Using Intelligent Video Analysis Prof. Oliver Heil (University of Mainz, Germany) 17-Apr-2012 Tuesday
Luxury and Limited Editions Prof. Oliver Heil(University of Mainz, Germany) 3-Apr-2012 Tuesday
Approaches to Cross-national Working Prof. Peter B Smith (University of Sussex, UK) 3-Apr-2012 Tuesday
Leadership Challenges in a Multicultural World Prof. Peter B Smith (University of Sussex, UK) 30-Mar-2012 Friday
Does the Tail Wag the Dog? The Effect of Credit Default Swaps on Credit Risk Dr. Yongjun Tang (University of Hong Kong) 23-Mar-2012 Friday
Factors Facilitating or Inhabiting the Process of Innovation from Idea Generation to Idea Implementation Prof. Miriam Erez (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) 22-Mar-2012 Thursday
Operations Research with Maple: Methods and Models Prof. Mahmut Parlar (McMaster University, Canada) 22-Feb-2012 Wednesday
Performance Differentials between Returnee and Homegrown Entrepreneurs in China Dr. Haiyang Li (Rice University, USA) 20-Jun-2011 Monday
Optimal Keyword Bids in Search-Based Advertising with Stochastic Ad Positions Prof. Mahmut Parlar (McMaster University, Canada) 18-Feb-2011 Wednesday
How will the Internet change Marketing: Retrospective and Prospective Research Mr. Li Qingchang, MBA (Jimei University, Xiamen) 20-Jan-2011 Thursday
Participation in Networked Learning: A Heterotopian way Forward Prof. Vivien Hodgson (Management Learning and Leadership, Lancaster University Management School, UK) 18-Nov-2010 Thursday
Consumer Self-Control and Marketing Implications Dr Zheng Yuhuang (School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing) 27-Aug-2010 Friday
Decoding Luxury Prof Oliver Heil 9 Feb 2010 Tuesday
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leaders Prof Barry Posner 11 Nov 2009 Wednesday
Common Mistakes Made in Classroom Research Prof Peter Kennedy 25 Sep 2009 Friday
Would the Satisfied Customer be More Likely to Recommend? The Role of Consumption Situation, Self-Expression, and Need for Uniqueness Dr. Yu Chunling 11 Sep 2009 Friday
Mexico and India: Comparing the Development of their Technology Sectors Dr. James Pick 6 May 2009 Wednesday
Web-based and Mobile-based Geographic Information Systems in Organizations Dr. James Pick 29 April 2009 Wednesday
Geographic Information Systems: A Tool for Business Decisions Dr. James Pick 22 April 2009 Wednesday
Rivals by Association: How Embeddedness in a Network of Competitive Ties Impacts Performancem Prof. Emery YAO 16 Mar 2009 Monday
Credit Lending Doctrine- Its Importance Mr. Albert IP 5 Feb 2009 Thursday
Unraveling Pioneer Leadtime: The First Follower Perspective Prof. KIM Namwoon 12 Jan 2009 Monday
Ethical Dilemmas in Auditing: Dishonesty or Unintentional Bias? Prof. Waymond Rodgers 10 Dec 2008 Wednesday
Beyond Description: Explaining the World's Work Cultures Prof. Evert Van Vliert 27 Oct 2008 Monday
Organizational Network Analysis Methods Dr. Terrill L. Frantz 10 Oct 2008 Friday
A Scale for Appraising Consumers' Reasons for Not Behaving Ethically Prof. Alain d' Astous 13 Jun 2008 Friday
National Differences in Incentive Compensation Practices: The United States vs the Netherlands Prof. Kenneth A. Merchant (University of Southern California) 17-Apr-08 Thursday
山東省的人文、經濟與金融 李德荃教授 (山東經濟學院,財政金融學系) 2008年4月16日 星期三
Analysis on the Credit Rationing Behaviors of Universities Liability Financing in China 王千紅教授 (上海東華大學旭日工商管理學院) 2008年1月30日 星期三
電子商務條件下閉環供應鏈物流網絡的設計 姚衛新教授 (上海東華大學旭日工商管理學院) 2008年1月30日 星期三
中國新會計準則和國際會計準則:趨同與創新 唐予華教授 (廈門大學) 2007年9月27 星期四
中國內地會計職業的發展趨勢 唐予華教授 (廈門大學) 2007年9月24日 星期一
How to Get Your Academic Works Published in North American and European Scholarly Reviewed Business Journals Prof. Erdener KAYNAK (Lingnan University) 5 Mar 2007 Monday
Maximizing Your Research / Publication Productivity and Scholarly Impact in the Field: Suggestions for Economics and Business Administration Faculty and Graduate Students Prof. Erdener KAYNAK (Lingnan University) 14 Feb 2007 Wednesday
Building Learning Capability for Innovation and Competitiveness Prof. Elena ANTONACOPOULOU (University of Liverpool Management School) 25 Aug 2006 Monday
Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multi Sensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience Dr. Annamma JOY (Lingnan University) 8 May 2006    Monday
Services: How Are They Viewed Throughout the World Prof. Lawrence F. CUNNINGHAM (University of Colorado at Denver) 28 Mar 2006    Tuesday
Directors' Protection from Removal and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from State Anti-takeover Statutes Prof. Kung H. CHEN (University of Nebraska - Lincoln) 15 Mar 2006    Wednesday
Being Similar yet Feeling Different: Toward Asymmetric Reactions to Common Dialect Group Identity in Vertical Dyads in Chinese Organizations Dr. Yaping GONG (The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology) 15 Feb 2006 Wednesday
Developing Singapore as an Educational Hub in Asia: Opportunities and Challenes Prof. Ah-Keng KAU (Lingnan University) 7 Dec 2005 Wednesday
Values and Lifestyles Research in Singapore: Methodology & Findings Prof. Ah-Keng KAU (Lingnan University) 30 Nov 2005 Wednesday
Economic Integration and Mergers and Acquisitions in Greater China Prof. Roger TANG (Lingnan University) 10 May 2005    Tuesday
上市公司盈餘的預期管理與盈餘管理 林丹丹教授 (廣東外語外貿大學,國際工商管理學院) 2005年4月13日 星期三
內地物流的發展現狀及特點 張余華教授 (廣東外語外貿大學,國際工商管理學院) 2005年4月11 星期一
東北老工業基地振興前景 李凱教授 (東北大學,工商管理學院) 2004年10月5日 星期二
Emerging Cross-cultural Issues in Organization Behavior Prof. Steven L. MCSHANE (University of Western Australia) 10-Jun-04 Thursday
Information Technology Innovations:General Diffusion Patterns and Its Relationships to Innovation Characteristics Prof. James T. C. TENG (University of T exas at Arlington) 21-May-04 Friday
Personalized Content Recommendation:Results from Two Experiments Prof. Ting-peng LIANG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 12-May-04 Wednesday
Globalisation of Service Industries: An Evaluation and Extension of Yip's Framework of Global Strategy Mr. Paul WHITLA (Lingnan University) 24-Jan-03 Friday
上海紡織工業的發展 (Development of Shanghai Textile Industry) 李廷博士(東華大學,旭日工商管理學院) 2002年11月28日 星期四
尋租理論 (Rent-seeking Theory) 賀衛博士(東華大學,旭日工商管理學院) 2002年11月28日 星期四
The Elephant and the Dragon: Can India Catch up with China? Prof. John HENLEY (University of Edinburgh) 15-Nov-02 Friday
Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts and the Market Quality of S&P 500 Index Futures Prof. Quentin C. CHU (University of Memphis) 11-Nov-02 Monday
Consumer Price Indicies (CPI) - Concepts, Methodology and Common Misconceptions Ms. Anmy CHEUNG (Census and Statistics Dept, HKSAR) Ms. Marion CHAN (Census and Statistics Dept, HKSAR) 8 Nov 2002 Friday
Meta-data Based Data Mining to Discover Dynamic Data Semantics - AHybird Approach Dr. Irene KWAN (Lingnan University) 7-Nov-02 Thursday
The Impact of Firm Characteristics on Book-tax Conforming and Book-tax Difference Audit Adjustments Prof. K.H. CHAN (Lingnan University) 28-Oct-02 Monday
Current Trends and Cases of Transfer Pricing Prof. Roger TANG (Western Michigan University) 3-Jun-02 Monday
Gift Giving in Hong Kong and The Continuum of Social Ties Dr. Joy ANNAMMA (Lingnan University) 23-May-02 Thursday
An Examination of Task Social Presence and Its Interaction Effects with Physical Proximity and Recipient Availability in Media Selection Dr. Frank Bo-kai WONG (Lingnan University) 22 May 2002  Wednesday
Auditing as a Profession in Hong Kong Mr. Allan Y.L. YEUNG (Arthur Andersan & Co.) 4-Dec-01 Monday
Modern Accountants' Role in 'Knowledge-based Economy' that Serves China The Honourable Eric K.C. LI JP FHKSA CPA (Legislative Council, HKSAR) 29-Nov-01 Thursday
Constructing Generative Learning Environments for Effective Computer-based Learning in III - Structured Domains Dr. Albert  Cheong-kei LEUNG (Lingnan University) 19-Nov-01 Monday
Alternative US Monetary Policy Stances and Pacific-Rim Stock Markets after the Asian Financial Turmoil Dr. Daniel Wai-wah  CHEUNG (Lingnan University) 20-Oct-01 Saturday
Data Mining for Decision Making in Direct Marketing: A Bayesian Network Approach with Evolutionary Programming Dr. Geng CUI (Lingnan University) Dr. Man-leungWONG (Lingnan University) 27-Sep-01 Thursday