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Foster YIM & Dorothy TONG

Many people yearn for an idyllic campus life and the opportunity to form lifelong friendships, or even find their life partner, before entering university. Mr Foster YIM, a Barrister-at-law at Liberty Chambers, and Ms Dorothy TONG, currently a slasher, graduated from Department of Translation and Bachelor of Social Science programme respectively at Lingnan University in the early 2000s, a spouse who met because of Lingnan, share their Lingnanaian stories and the passion driven by a spirit of perpetuating the Lingnan education motto “Education for Service”.

Vibrant Hostel Life: The Starting Point of Destiny
Foster was overjoyed to gain admission to the esteemed Translation program at Lingnan University, having a strong preference for language-related subjects during his JUPAS application. His time at Lingnan was notably shaped by Prof. Leo CHAN from the Department of Translation, who went beyond imparting academic knowledge to become a mentor to Foster. Dorothy, meanwhile, was delighted to find that the Faculty of Social Sciences was organized into three main streams: Sociology, Economics, and Politics. She was particularly impressed that Economics was taught by the then-President, Prof. Edward CHEN.
One of Foster's most cherished memories from his time on campus was, as he put it with a laugh, "Definitely the hostel culture! Because I met my wife in the hostel, and it gifted me with my wife." Dorothy echoed the sentiment about the close-knit community at Lingnan, noting that the relatively small campus size and student body fostered closer relationships between teachers and students. For both, hostel life was instrumental in creating a familial bond among classmates.
Foster enthusiastically recounted, "I would guess I devoted most of my time to a computer game called Age of Empires. Back then, high-speed internet was rare, so students would take advantage of the hostel's bandwidth to 'research' the game." Dorothy laughed, noting that her lifestyle was comparatively healthier, as she was on the volleyball team and just needed to get used to the night training sessions.

Appreciation for Lingnan’s Cultivation after Graduation
Foster was initially addicted to computer games during his first year, and his academic result was not outstanding. Later, he developed a strong desire to join the student exchange programme in the United States. After securing the opportunity, he became more diligent and realized that studying was not as difficult as he had imagined, leading to steady improvement. In 2002, after graduating from Lingnan University, he further pursued MA in Philosophy at University of Nottingham in UK. After returning to Hong Kong, he sought diverse opportunities, subsequently enrolling in MSc in Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, as well as a newly established Juris Doctor (JD) programme, a postgraduate law degree.
Discussing his motivation for becoming a barrister, he elaborated, "My fondness for debate and public speaking has always been a driving force for me. Delving into law studies only deepened my interest, prompting me to weigh the options between becoming a solicitor or barrister. Once I embarked on this career path, my affinity for court proceedings and tackling criminal cases affirmed my decision. I've found immense satisfaction in this role." Foster credits his education at Lingnan University with playing a pivotal role in his success as a barrister-at-law. He highlighted how his studies in translation honed his command of both the Chinese and English languages—a skill that has proven indispensable. In the early stages of his career, when translation tools were not as prevalent, his background in translation studies gave him a significant advantage, particularly in navigating Chinese court proceedings and preparing written submissions with ease.
As for Dorothy, "late bloomer" aptly describes her academic journey. "Perhaps due to the vibrant hostel life, and not being mature at the time, my initial academic performance was rather unremarkable. Coincidentally, I met my high school friends in the summer break in the first year, and I was surprised to know them already planning their career paths, which prompted me to reflect on the need to pick up the pace. Luckily, I improved a lot over the following two years and became a regular on the Dean's List." Dorothy was invited by an Economics professor to pursue MPhil degree, however, she did not plan for it and instead hoped to find a job to financially support herself and her family. Years later, when she decided to pursue a master degree, it coincided with Foster's completion of his MSc in Marketing. She sought advice from him and it led not only to her enrolling in the same programme, but also reconnecting with him for their relationship. Subsequently, Dorothy pursued Master of Laws in Chinese Business Law at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, hoping to gain a better understanding of her husband's career.
It might seem unfortunate at first that Dorothy chose not to advance her career in the legal field. However, with a laugh and a light-hearted anecdote, she revealed a different perspective. "I didn't want to enter the same profession as my husband," she explained. Initially, she was inclined to pursue a master's degree in Common Law. However, her husband suggested that her skills in Mandarin would be better suited for a Chinese Business Law program. He assured her that she could always turn to him for help with any complexities in Common Law, presenting it as a practical solution. But when Dorothy later sought his expertise, he confessed that his real motive was to avoid being burdened with her homework! This humorous exchange highlights the playful and supportive dynamic of their relationship, showcasing the delightful bond between this Lingnan couple. Isn't that sweet and wonderful?

Unleashing Their Potential and Integrating Passions into Careers
From undergraduate to postgraduate studies, the couple leveraged their respective strengths in their professional roles. A barrister-at-law maybe glamorous, Foster shared some setbacks he has experienced, "Sometimes, despite our utmost efforts to assist our clients, the outcomes may fall short of expectations, leading to strong reactions. On other occasions, even after securing a win, clients might request further services like fee adjustments. While these situations don't directly impact the outcomes or my professional competence, they do take an emotional toll, necessitating time for recovery and acceptance."
Dorothy's passion for event planning blossomed during her university years, finding joy in orchestrating events from the ground up and witnessing their culmination. After graduating, she pursued a career in event planning, working for media outlets and investment banks. Her role often required solo international travel, but thanks to her experience in independent living from her hostel days, she saw this not as a challenge but as an opportunity. However, mastering crisis management became a continuous learning curve for her. "With Instant Messaging not as developed, I relied on long-distance calls or emails, all while navigating unfamiliar territories without a colleague by my side. Adapting to any situation is crucial." Although this aspect of her job initially contributed to significant work stress, it ultimately pushed Dorothy to embrace challenges and venture beyond her comfort zone.
To address work stress, Dorothy developed personal interests such as yoga, Traditional Japanese Dance, and Gong Meditation. The healing process not only rejuvenated her, but also inspired her to consider leaving her full-time job. This led her to establish the brand "heartofgong”, with the aim of promoting the concept of emotional wellness. "I continued teaching after obtaining a yoga meditation instructor qualification. With a gong at home, I began contemplating how I could share this with the public." She noted that not everyone finds their own way for stress relief, and Gong Meditation can be a unique method, as one can simply lie down and experience the healing of the gongs. "My husband's job also involves a lot of stress, so I initially “test” the Gong Meditation on him at home, then I started inviting friends to try it out. Coincidentally, the studio rental fee had decreased due to COVID-19, so I decided to start the business." Dorothy is currently the School Supervisor at Lingnan Secondary School, where she regularly brings Gong Meditation to teachers, students, and parents, aiming to strengthen their emotional well-being.

Inheriting the Spirit of Passion and Giving Back to Lingnan
Foster currently holds various public positions outside of the legal field, such as serving as Board of Director of Hong Kong Education City Limited, Board Member of Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute, Council Member of Lingnan University and Lingnan Education Organization Director. His connection with Lingnan has only grown stronger after his graduation. Foster recalls a pivotal dinner with senior alumni from Lingnan, whose fervor deeply moved him and spurred his increased commitment to serving the Lingnan community. Despite his involvement in various organizations, Foster feels that Lingnan stands out for its unique culture and the closeness of its community. He recounts a memorable encounter with a Lingnan translation student interested in the legal field. Foster offered her a two-week internship, which ignited the student's passion for law. This student is now pursuing her aspirations with a training contract at a prestigious law firm. Reflecting on this, Foster sees a reflection of his own journey, inspired by Lingnan's ethos, fueling his desire to give back to the community.
Dorothy is currently serving as the School Supervisor of Lingnan Secondary School and School Manager of Lingnan Nursery and Kindergarten (Siu Sai Wan). She points out that the university motto "Education for Service" gradually manifests in her life as she grows, and she hopes to use her own power to influence others. She believes that serving in the education sector not only makes her life more fulfilling, but also allows her to expand her social network and meet Lingnanians from different fields and generations.

Advice for the Juniors: Success Requires Effort
Foster and Dorothy openly admit that success comes without shortcuts. Foster draws on the traditional Lingnan ethos often echoed by senior alumni, the "Lingnan Cow," symbolizing the need for diligent effort but with strategic consideration. This approach, he argues, is essential for unlocking one's full potential and setting out on the road to success. In the realm of law, where Foster has spent 13 years, he sees self-discipline as critical. He makes it a point to start his day in the office at 10 am, a practice he believes is key to maintaining and adjusting his professional mindset. He encourages newcomers to the field to immerse themselves in diverse cases and literature, to ponder their future and hone their expertise. "The world," he notes, "has no set rules. Finding your own path and making choices is entirely up to you."
Dorothy, referencing the Lingnan School Song, "Far the mountains ever guard us, on in strength we go," offers her insights to those following in her footsteps. While having goals and dreams at graduation is admirable, she counsels patience, emphasizing that while immediate success may not be assured, perseverance is sure to lead one to their goals. She also speaks to the current trend of becoming a slasher. She urges thoughtful consideration, stating, "Realistically, stepping out of your comfort zone and chasing dreams requires certain prerequisites. While exploring different professions in the short term can seem appealing, it risks the perception of being a 'Jack of all trades, master of none.' Thus, gaining a few years of experience to secure a stable income and build a network is advisable."