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Gao Rongna

 From a career in media to a return to academia and a subsequent dedication to writing, Zao’er exemplifies the philosophy that "Life is a continuous practice." 

Gao Rongna, better known by her pseudonym Zao'er, is a distinguished documentary writer who transitioned from a fulfilling career in media to literary creation. She has an impressive media background, having worked in various roles and multiple media platforms including, Yazhou Zhoukan (YZZK), "Yang Lan Official Channel," "China Reform News" Guangdong station, Inner Mongolia Television station, and others. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting and Television Directing. After working in the media industry for four years, Zao'er yearned for academic advancement. Aware of Lingnan University's esteemed Chinese Department, she decided to pursue a Master's degree in Chinese at the University.
During her postgraduate studies in Hong Kong, she thoroughly enjoyed the academic environment on campus, engaging in discussions on literary theories and practices with her professors and classmates. She sought to widen her perspectives and knowledge by delving into a broad range of literary works. This process honed her ability to think independently and conduct innovative research, immersing her in the world of literature.
Following the completion of her postgraduate master’s degree from Lingnan University, Zao’er worked at Yazhou Zhoukan (YZZK) in Hong Kong, which exposed her to diverse thoughts and perspectives that greatly enhanced her thinking ability. Concerning the language difference, as most media in Hong Kong use Cantonese rather than her native Mandarin, she made the decision to return to Mainland China after a year. With a burning passion for writing, she embarked on her professional transition, starting as a reporter and eventually becoming a documentary writer. Never did she give up her passion for literature and philosophy, Zao’er maintains a habit of reading and researching various works. In 2020, she discovered the management and life philosophy of Japanese entrepreneur Inamori Kazuo. His philosophy deeply resonated with her, leading her to become a contracted writer for his works' interpretation in China. This influence culminated in the publication of her popular book "50 Questions to Inamori Kazuo" in 2023. Her literary journey and the book's success led to media attention and an invitation to the "Living in Tibet, starting a ‘Walking’ and ‘Wisdom’ Literary Creation Journey Sharing Session" at Lingnan University during the Mid-Autumn Festival, where she shared her creative journey with students.
Currently, Zao’er resides in Tibet as a professional documentary writer. She said, "Since coming to Tibet, I have immersed myself in mindfulness and positive energy. It’s truly calming and I feel the charm of philosophy. Despite this, I also continue to cultivate literary creation, recording the wisdom of life filled with “great love and kindness” with words. " Her journey offers an inspiring glimpse into a unique life choice and value pursuit.

“50 Questions to Inamori Kazuo” has achieved remarkable success, becoming a bestseller

This book represents a significant milestone in her career transition, which introduces the life and thoughts of the famous Japanese entrepreneur and philosopher, Inamori Kazuo, in a question-and-answer format that is both profound and accessible.
Through her book, she aspires to share the transformative impact of 'Inamori Philosophy' on her life, encouraging readers to foster positivity, personal growth, and kindness. She hopes her thoughts can reach and positively influence more individuals.

The unity of Inner knowledge and action”. Convey positive energy and infect people around you

“Prioritizing spiritual well-being alongside material needs, as an enriched spiritual world can lead to inspirational work”, Zao’er shares valuable insights with the students who are interested in the Chinese department or the media industry. She encourages the unity of knowledge and action, emphasizing that creations should reflect the author's thoughts rather than conform to popular trends.
She also mentioned a well-known Chinese saying, “People who do good deeds will have good fortune in the future”. Currently, she is engaged in creating documentary books about individuals in Tibet and underscores the importance of delving into traditional Chinese culture. "We need to trace the roots, genuinely appreciate the allure, and then carry it forward into the future," she says. Through her works, she hopes more people can understand and appreciate the essence and wisdom of traditional Chinese culture.